PU Foam vs Rebonded Foam: Difference and Comparison

Quiche vs Souffle 2023 07 09T221740.255

Over the years, many mattresses are prepared using different types of foam such as PU foam and Rebonded foam, which have been made as a key support layer.

But the main problem is that not everyone knows the difference between the two. Let us discuss in detail the main differences between the two types.

Key Takeaways

  1. PU foam (Polyurethane foam) is made by reacting polyols and diisocyanates, while the rebonded foam is made from recycled foam scraps.
  2. PU foam is more expensive than rebonded foam.
  3. PU foam has a higher density and better insulation properties than rebonded foam.

PU Foam vs Rebonded Foam

Polyurethane (PU) is a type of foam made from polyurethane and is known for its durability, resilience, and high quality. It is widely used in furniture, automotive parts, and other applications. Rebonded foam is made from recycled foam scraps. It is also known as bonded foam or chip foam.

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PU foam has a simple foaming forming process and polyurethane resin has excellent adhesion properties. The term polyurethane is also known as PU, urethane or reflex foam.

It consists of a variety of foams synthesized using polyols and isocyanates. It is an open-cell foam, of medium to low quality, with a shorter lifespan than other foams, but with a wide variety of uses.

Rebounded foam is made by forming new attachments or bonds between different types of foam.

This particular material is made from recycled foam scraps. Therefore, it is a green solution as it can reduce land pollution.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison  PU FoamRebonded Foam
 DefinitionIt is a linear polymer that is porous and cellular structuredThis foam has an open structured cell and is known for its solid and firm base 
 Density 3 to 50 lbs 6 – 8 pounds/cubic foot
 UsesUsed for making fibre ropes, fishing lines, mattresses etc.Used in vehicle seating, house furniture, gym mats etc.
 ManufacturingThese are manufactured with the help of mixing of two different liquid streams, sometimes more than twoIt is made from recycled shredded scrap foam 
 Other featuresIt is recyclable so eco-friendly and it is insoluble in waterSupportive, resilient, lightweight, high durability
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What is a PU Foam ?

PU foam is essentially used in the manufacture of different products like blankets, furniture, car seats, thermal insulation and packaging materials. Polyurethane foam can also be referred to as foam rubber.

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It is a wide range of foams which are made of latex, neoprene and silicone. The two types of this foam are flexible and rigid polyurethane foam and these are very crucial for PU foam.

This foam is composed of several components which are very important for its formation such as polyols, di-isocyanates, blowing agents, surfactants, stimulants etc.

The production process is divided into polymer system manufacturing and foam production process.

The steps involved in the manufacturing of this foam are assembling and assembling components by means of a mixing head batching system. Polyols, chemical blowing agents etc are considered as main reactive components.

Polyurethane foam is easily compressed due to its highly porous structure . The degree of compression mainly depends on the structure of the cell no matter if it is open or closed cells.

Most of the properties of polyurethane foam revolve around its compression such as density, load-bearing properties and durability.

What is Rebonded Foam ?

The rebonded mattress is a bed jamb that works together to give you a lot of softness and support. The rebonded mattress holds pieces and pieces of different types of foam glued together and placed together in a bed.

You can also refer to it as a spring mattress without any coils. This is because the foam pieces are bonded to each other and both support and simulate the action of the spring coil.

Rebonded foam is a new material used in many bedding such as springs, memory foam and more. It adds support and provides a high level of bounce that helps you sleep comfortably.

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You can relax while supporting your spine and major stress points. When sleeping or lying on a rebounded foam mattress, do not bend your back and shoulders until they cause pain or discomfort.

In addition, your whole body gets the feeling of lying on a structure that is soft and aggressive.

Rebounded foam is made from scraps of other types of foam such as memory foam, HR foam, PU foam and is subject to heat and pressure. Therefore, no new raw materials are added to make this type of foam.

Main Difference Between PU Foam and Rebonded Foam

  1. The lifespan of PU Foam is 2 to 5 years whereas Rebonded foam has a longer lifespan of about 12 years.
  2. PU Foam is available in either white or beige color on the other hand, Rebonded foam is available in multi color range.
  3. The applications of PU Foam are in making furniture, packing and shipping, beds of dogs etc. The applications of Rebonded foam are in vehicle seating, carpet padding, gymnasium equipment’s etc.
  4. PU foam is manufactured with the help of liquid streams whereas Rebonded foam is made from recycled scrap foam.
  5. The former is known for its soft texture and firm support and the latter is known for being versatile and light weight.
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0141391004003647
  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0021955X7801400504

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.