Samsung HDTV Series 6 vs Series 7: Difference and Comparison

With the technical advancement, a wide range of televisions are available in the market. Samsung HDTV series 6 and series 7 are both good options for buyers.

Key Takeaways

  1. Samsung HDTV Series 6 and Series 7 are both high-definition televisions, with Series 7 being a newer model than Series 6.
  2. Series 7 has a higher resolution and better image quality than Series 6, with a higher refresh rate and improved color accuracy.
  3. Series 7 also has additional features, such as voice control and built-in support for streaming services, not available in Series 6.

Samsung HDTV Series 6 vs Series 7

Samsung HDTV series 6 is a type of television which provides high-quality streaming. Applications which are connected to the web can also be accessed through this television. Samsung HDTV series 7 provides 3D technology. This television gives a cinematic experience to the people. It provides a USB port. LED-lit is also offered by this television.

Samsung HDTV Series 6 vs Series 7

Samsung HDTV series 6 is an enormous range of television which is available in four different sizes ranging from 40-inch to 60-inch. It offers motion plus technology at 120 Hz. The resolution of series 6 is 3840 x 2160 pixels.

The series 7 of Samsung televisions is an advanced range that can easily handle HD PIP. With 178 horizontal and vertical viewing angles, this television series is ultra slim as well.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSamsung HDTV Series 6Samsung HDTV Series 7
Motion Plus TechnologyIt offers this technology in 120HzSeries 7 offers motion plus in 240Hz
Horizontal viewing angle176 degrees178 degrees
Vertical viewing angle176 degrees178 degrees
LED-litSeries 6 of Samsung are not LED-litSeries 7 offer the LED-lit
PIP This series can handle only analog PIPThis series TVs can handle HD PIP

What is Samsung HDTV Series 6?

Samsung HDTV series 6 is a budget-friendly smart TV range launched by Samsung in the market. For immersive viewing and a better user experience, companies try to enhance the look and other aspects of the television.

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Series 6 could be a good choice for those who prefer to watch television in the darkroom, and this is due to the excellent black uniformity. It has a limited advanced features, but still, you can prefer this series for mixed usage.

The main features of Samsung HDTV series 6 include:

  • The smart hub panel provided by Samsung enables the user to enjoy the interface and approach more than 900 applications.
  • Users can share their Samsung smartphone with the television without connecting to the internet.
samsung hdtv series 6

What is Samsung HDTV Series 7?

Series 7 of Samsung was launched in the year 2018 with advanced features and technologies, including High dynamic range (HDR). This television makes sure that you will get a cinematic experience by sitting at your home.

The processing power of series 7 is quite good, and it also offers Subwoofer as standard. The subwoofer enables the series 7 television to make a better and more pleasing sound for the users.

The features of series 7 include:

  • The screen type of series 7 are LED type.
  • The standard resolution is 4K, and in pixels, it is 3840×2160
  • It has an HDMI and USB port as well.
samsung hdtv series 7

Main Differences Between Samsung HDTV Series 6 and Series 7

  1. Samsung categorizes the television in range into two groups, respectively, series 6 and series 7. Series 6 is the older version as compared to series 7. Samsung makes some add-ons and features enhancement in series 7. However, both series are considered as a good choice for users. The 3D technology of series 7 enhances the multimedia experience offered by series 6 to the users. Series 6 would not have 3D technology, but series 7 is designed in such a way that it can produce 3D images for 2D content as well.
  2. While watching television, sound plays a significant role. Series 7 of Samsung Smart TV have subwoofers that provide an overall good quality sound, eventually giving users a cinematic experience. On the other hand, the subwoofers are not available in series 6.
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Last Updated : 25 June, 2023

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23 thoughts on “Samsung HDTV Series 6 vs Series 7: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Thank you for highlighting the differences between these two television models. I believe that the Series 7 suits my needs better, considering my preferences for better image quality and 3D technology.

    • I believe you are correct. I also prefer the enhanced features of Series 7 and the superior image quality it offers.

    • The comparative analysis has provided a clear understanding of the differences between the two models. I appreciate the detailed information shared.

  2. The technological evolution from Series 6 to Series 7 is striking, especially the advancements in resolution, motion plus technology, and additional features such as voice control and streaming support on the Series 7.

    • Absolutely, the improvements in Series 7 have raised the bar for high-definition televisions. The analytical comparison helps in recognizing the key distinctions.

  3. The detailed comparison table has made it easier to understand the specific features and technological differences between Series 6 and Series 7. It’s quite beneficial for making an informed decision.

    • The description of Samsung HDTV Series 7 has intrigued me. The cinematic experience and enhanced sound quality are appealing aspects to consider.

    • I agree, the comparison table provides a comprehensive overview of technical specifications which can guide the buyers effectively.

  4. The description of features and technological specifications in Series 6 and Series 7 serves as a resourceful guide for potential buyers in making informed decisions.

    • The detailed insights provided about the differences and specific enhancements in Series 7 are indeed enlightening. It’s valuable information for selecting the right TV model.

    • The clarity and depth of comparison between Series 6 and Series 7 are commendable. It facilitates the evaluation of features based on individual preferences.

  5. The detailed accounts of Series 6 and Series 7 provide an insightful analysis of the technological enhancements and distinct features that cater to varying user requirements.

    • The coherent and comprehensive comparisons between the two series provide a valuable perspective for potential buyers to evaluate the features aligned with their preferences.

  6. The optimizations and technological upgrades in Series 7, especially the introduction of 3D technology and enhanced sound quality, are prominent features that captivate the interest of potential buyers.

    • Indeed, the comprehensive comparison assists in recognizing the advancements and unique features that make Series 7 an attractive option for high-definition televisions.

  7. The information provided offers a valuable insight into the technological advancements in Samsung HDTV series. It’s beneficial to understand the unique features of Series 6 and Series 7 televisions.

  8. The detailed analysis of features and technological advancements in Series 6 and Series 7 unveils the unique offerings of each range, enabling informed decision-making for buyers.

    • The delineation of technological features and characteristic differences in Series 6 and Series 7 facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the television ranges.

    • The presentation of comparative insights into Series 6 and Series 7 is beneficial for understanding the distinctive features and advancing technologies.

  9. The immersive and user-oriented features of Series 6 and the advanced cinematic experience offered by Series 7 are presented with detailed clarity. It provides a comprehensive outlook for potential buyers.

    • The differentiation between Series 6 and Series 7 based on user experience, sound quality, and enhanced technology is clearly delineated. It aids in identifying the suitable model.

  10. The comparative assessment of technological features, sound quality, resolution, and additional upgrades in Series 7 highlights the advancements in high-definition television technology.

    • The detailed comparison between Series 6 and Series 7 offers an enlightening perspective for potential buyers to discern the ideal television model based on individual preferences and specifications.


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