Skyla vs Mirena: Difference and Comparison

The world is made of people, animals, plants, organisms, and other living and nonliving things, and to preserve the integrity of planet Earth, it is important that we take note of all the resources we are consuming day by day and minimize the utilization in order to bring sustainable development. 

To do so, the most crucial aspect of our lives that should be taken care of is the population. To control the population, among other methods, one is very popular, i.e., the birth control mechanism.

Among all the birth control methods, Skyla and Mirena are the most popular ones.  

Key Takeaways

  1. Skyla and Mirena are two types of intrauterine devices (IUDs) used for birth control.
  2. Skyla has a lower hormone dose and can stay in the uterus for up to three years, while Mirena has a higher hormone dose and can stay in the uterus for up to five years.
  3. Skyla is smaller in size compared to Mirena.

Skyla vs Mirena 

The difference between Skyla and Mirena is that even after being almost identical methods of birth control, the former happens to be a tool that can stop the pregnancy from taking place for nearly 3 years, while in the latter’s case, the pregnancy can be prevented for up to 5 years only. There are other differences in the way these two leave an impact on the body and why one should be preferred above the other one. 

Skyla vs Mirena

Skyla is primarily a device with the shape of the letter T and is placed inside the uterus of the woman. It is ideal for those who wish to control the pregnancy for almost three years because, after the time span of 3 years, this device requires replacement and removal.

It can cause many impacts on the body, but most of them are not negative. Apart from this, it is a very effective device used to control the conceiving of a child by the uterus.

Mirena, on the other hand, is also a similar device to Skyla, just with a different time period of efficiency. This one is the most suitable for people receiving it for about 5 years. It easily works for that time.

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But his one is majorly different from Skyla, as unlike that, it can also be used in the period of menstruation. During that period, it lessens blood loss and aids the woman in her tough days. 

Comparison Table  

Parameters of Comparison Skyla  Mirena 
Meaning  It is a form of intrauterine device popularly known as IUD that assists in birth control.  It is a form of intrauterine device popularly known as IUD that assists in birth control and menstruation.  
Release of levonorgestrel This device release almost 13-14 mcg of levonorgestrel. This device release almost 20 mcg of levonorgestrel. 
Prescribed for Women looking for birth control methods and mechanisms.  Women looking for birth control methods and relief in periods. 
Time period Works for about 3 years only. It lasts longer and works for almost 5 years. 
Price  Comparatively cheaper Comparatively expensive 
Success rate 99.1% 99.3% 
Compatible for Women with no child Women with at least one child 

What is Skyla? 

The Skyla is nothing but a form of intrauterine device popularly known as an IUD that assists in birth control. This contraception is manufactured by the Bayer company and was launched in the year 2012 primarily.  

This medicine because a huge competitor for other similar devices available in the market, and the FDA approved this in the United States in the year 2013.

The major reason behind the development of this device was to make a compatible medicine available for those women who never had any children because the other similar devices were compatible with women with at least one child only.  

It looks like the T letter of the English language and is fitted in the uterus to secrete the levonorgestrel hormone. It releases 13 to 14 mcg of this hormone daily. It is cheaper than other alternatives and carries a success rate of around 99.1%. 


What is Mirena? 

The term Mirena refers to a category of IUD devices and is manufactured by the Bayer company. It was the first of its kind to be used for birth control and was launched in the year 1990.

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This medicine captures the largest share of the market among all other medicines of similar nature. It is ideal to be used for around 5 years, and after that, it needs replacement or removal.

It is also placed in the uterus to release levonorgestrel hormone and releases around 20 mcg.  

It holds a success rate of around 99.3% and is widely preferred over other counterparts of this device. This device, however, is suitable for those ladies who have at least one child already.

But the most impressive feature is that it is not just limited to birth control but can also be utilized during heavy blood loss periods. 


Main Differences Between Skyla and Mirena 

  1. It is a form of intrauterine device popularly known as an IUD that assists in birth control. While Mirena, on the other side, is a form of intrauterine device popularly known as an IUD that assists in birth control and heavy menstruation. 
  2. The success rate of Skyla happens to be 99.1 %, while for Mirena, it is 99.3%. 
  3. In terms of price and affordability, Skyla renders comparatively cheaper and easy to afford than the Mirena. 
  4. While Skyla is ideal for the use of up to 3 years, in the case of Mirena, this time period happens to be about 5 years. 
  5. Skyla is a device that releases almost 13-14 mcg of levonorgestrel. While on the other hand, Mirena releases almost 20 mcg of this hormone, making it more strong and long-lasting. 
  6. Skyla happens to be the ideal form of medicine for women looking for birth control tools only because, unlike Skyla, Mirena is used in those women also who experience heavy blood loss during menstruation and derive relief from Mirena.  

Last Updated : 25 July, 2023

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10 thoughts on “Skyla vs Mirena: Difference and Comparison”

  1. This article gives an excellent analysis of the key takeaways, meaning, and success rates of Skyla and Mirena, helping to clarify the options available for women.

  2. The high success rates of these birth control methods are impressive; the detailed comparison will help women to make informed decisions.

  3. Thank you for providing a detailed history of Skyla and Mirena, along with important information about their hormone release, success rates, and compatibility.

  4. I’m impressed by the extensive details and comparison provided on the parameters of comparison between Skyla and Mirena. A well-informed article.

  5. The review of Skyla and Mirena is very thorough and informative, providing a clear understanding of what sets these two birth control methods apart.

  6. The thorough analysis of Skyla and Mirena’s effectiveness, time periods, and release of levonorgestrel is highly informative and beneficial for women seeking birth control options.

  7. Your comments on the differences between Skyla and Mirena are highly helpful, and I appreciate the detailed comparison of the two IUDs.

  8. The comparison table is a great visual aid for understanding the differences between Skyla and Mirena, and the detailed information about their features is well-presented.

  9. The distinction between Skyla and Mirena is clear, and the information about the different hormone doses and the duration of effectiveness is particularly useful.

  10. The comprehensive explanation of the benefits and uses of both Skyla and Mirena is insightful and will help women in choosing the option best suited to their needs.


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