SSH vs SSL: Difference and Comparison

It’s reasonable that people be confused about the differences between SSH and SSL.

SSH and SSL are completely distinct technologies, even though they both secure data from one destination to the next and have two of the same characteristics in their identities themselves.

The internet has provided many opportunities, as well as skylights. Nowadays, the internet allows you to accomplish almost everything.

Hackers and snoopers can unlawfully obtain confidential information and knowledge about your personal program and files because there are many open entryways.

As a result, people are now demanding internet security. SSH and SSL are used. And this article will help you understand the differences between both.

Key Takeaways

  1. SSH is a network protocol used for secure remote access and communication. At the same time, SSL is a security protocol to establish a secure connection between a client and a server over the internet.
  2. SSH provides secure access to a remote server and encrypts all communication between the client and server, while SSL encrypts data sent between the client and server but does not provide remote access.
  3. SSH is used for system administration and remote access, while SSL secures online transactions and web communication.


SSH is a cryptographic protocol used for secure communication over the internet. It is especially used for secure remote access and control of computers. SSL is a cryptographic protocol. It is used for secure data transfer and encryption between servers and clients in web applications.


Secure shell (SSH) is an encryption technology that safeguards infrastructure and internet-based services across an unprotected network.

SSH is frequently used to secure remote online accounts from one machine to another. It accomplishes this by strengthening the safety and stability of the end nodes. It’s a far more secure alternative to insecure protocols like FTP.

SSH is a godsend when telecommuting becomes the standard today. Phishing attacks, IP origin forwarding, data modification, data snooping during transmission, Internet protocol spoofing, and so on are all protected by the help of SSH.

A secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a communications technology that provides an encrypted connection in an untrusted network. SSL is based on Public Key Cryptography and requires a license.

SSL is used in a variety of connected processes, including online surfing, chat, and emails, as well as other technologies like FTP. SSL is a security protocol that uses encryption algorithms to secure the transfer of data parties.

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Most or all of the time, this communication takes place between a user’s browser and the webpage host.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSSHSSL
DefinitionIt uses a username/password authentication mechanism and is a cryptographic channelling technology.It has no user id and password authorization system, instead, it verifies certificates.
Port It uses Port 22SSL operates using Port 443
Working PrincipleIt functions on the basis of network tunnelling and channelling.Because it relies on certificates with USNs, SSL technology is asynchronous in nature.
UsageIt’s suitable and efficient for sending orders over the network in a secure manner.It’s excellent for privately sending sensitive data, such as credit card and banking information.
Encryption FrameworkSSH encrypts data sent over the web between two computers.It essentially encrypts the whole system of communication seen between the browser and the server.

What is SSH?

Secure Shell, or SSH, is a communication option that enables one system to extreme care to some other machine across an unprotected connection, such as the online web, by agreeing on how to interact.

SSH is a layered protocol or the OSI model’s 7th tier. SSH is extremely helpful because it eliminates the need for a physical connection to another system; instead, you can log in to it over the online domains. This allows us to manage servers from afar.

SSH initially arose in the mid-1990s as a substitute for Telnet, an application-level interface that also sent information without protection. Data flows across the web in text format if it is not encrypted.

Everyone with a packet analyzer between you and the abstraction could observe whatever you were performing and then all the data you have been transmitting.

SSH allows us to connect to some other machine privately across the internet, run instructions on a remote host, and move data from one computer to another through the channels.

SSH provides two major features identical to SSL: cryptography and identification.

  1. Cryptography: While traditional login protocols such as Telnet, HTTP, and FTP do not ensure its safety, SSH offers a stable alternative by encrypting data.

Identification and Authentication: It is one of the most important elements to have in any login process. By utilizing robust protection through proof of identity, SSH minimizes the possibility of ghost logins and subdomain insecurity caused by hackers.

What is SSL?

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer. Although most individuals still regard SSL as the earlier version of the far more contemporary Transport Layer Security (TLS) technology, SSL is officially the earlier version of TLS.

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Nevertheless, you may consider SSL and TLS to be about the same technology for all pragmatic purposes, so we’ll speak to that as SSL.

Before TLS was introduced in 1999, another crypto technology, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), was by far the most frequently used cryptographic technology for establishing a secure section over broadband internet.

Even though the SSL standard has been deprecated and TLS has been adopted in its stead, most people are referring to this sort of system as “SSL.”

SSL establishes a safe link between two PCs or devices connected to the internet directly.

This is a frequent example when SSL has been used to encrypt information between a web server and the website. This changes the URL of a website from HTTP to HTTPS, with the ‘S’ indicating for secure.’

An SSL certificate consists of a set of documents that must be installed on your host. However, this happens to be known as a “certificate” because it serves as proof of identification.

Whenever you request an Encrypted connection for your website, the certification authority checks your identification (depending on the kind of Certificate authority) and, therefore, only issues the certificate once you actually finish the screening procedure.


Main Differences Between SSH and SSL

  1. SSH operates on port 22, whereas SSL operates on port 443.
  2. SSH is used for moderate internet security uses, whereas SSL is involved with sensitive transactions as well as banking and tracking procedures.
  3. Username and credential storage and authorization are mandatory in SSH, whereas it is not necessary for SSL as the whole network is encrypted.
  4. SSH uses network tunnelling, whereas SSL is based on certification and verification encryption procedures.
  5. SSH uses a three-stage server and client identification procedure, whereas SSL encrypts data sent between the browser and the server.
Difference Between SSH and SSL

Last Updated : 16 August, 2023

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9 thoughts on “SSH vs SSL: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The overview of SSH and SSL and their roles in secure remote access and web communication is extremely informative and well-presented.

  2. I found the comparison between SSH and SSL very insightful, particularly in understanding the differences in their working principles and efficiency.

  3. The comparison table provides a clear outline of the distinctions between SSH and SSL in terms of security protocols and encryption mechanisms.

  4. The detailed explanation of SSH and SSL as cryptographic protocols for secure communication and data transfer is enlightening.

  5. The importance of SSH and SSL in securing communication and encrypting data over the internet is well articulated in this article.

  6. The article effectively highlights the key takeaways of SSH and SSL, emphasizing their respective uses and importance in internet security.

  7. The clarification of the differences between SSH and SSL in terms of their working principles and usage is very informative.


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