Stevia vs Truvia: Difference and Comparison

Both Stevia and Truvia are popular sweeteners. Both are promoted as sugar replacements that are healthier than most natural sweeteners on the market, such as neotame, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium.

There are a lot of similarities between the two. Truvia, in fact, is a stevia-based product. Stevia-derived products, like these artificial sweeteners, have no effect on blood glucose levels.

Weight reduction may also be aided by stevia products.

Key Takeaways

  1. Stevia is a natural sweetener extracted from the stevia plant leaves, while Truvia is a sweetener made from stevia extract, erythritol, and natural flavors.
  2. Stevia is calorie-free and has a glycemic index of zero, while Truvia contains a small number of calories and has a glycemic index of three.
  3. Stevia is considered safe for people with diabetes, while Truvia is a low-calorie option for people looking to reduce their sugar intake.

Stevia vs Truvia

The difference between Stevia and Truvia is that Tevia is a sweetener made from the leaves of the stevia plant. Truvia is a natural sweetener consisting of at least two ingredients, one of which is stevia. Also, while stevia is the main ingredient in Truvia, it also contains the chemical erythritol.

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Stevia is a genus of South American plants. Sweet leaves and sugar leaves are common names for this plant, suggesting that it is delicious.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized Rebaudioside A (sold as Rebiana), highly refined stevia, as a food ingredient.

Less refined versions and stevia leaves aren’t FDA-approved for use in meals, but they’re available in powder and liquid form as a health food supplement.

The FDA’s conclusion is based on a small number of studies that show raw or crudely processed stevia products can impair heart and reproductive health, as well as possibly harm the liver.

Truvia is a commercial product developed by Coca-Cola and Cargill, a food and chemical company.

Truvia is created from stevia that has been refined. It’s a tabletop sweetener that may be added to coffee, as well as a sweetener for cooked or baked goods.

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Because of its origins in the stevia plant, Truvia is advertised as a natural product, though it has been refined away from its roots. Erythritol and natural flavours are among the other ingredients.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSteviaTruvia
DefinitionStevia is a sweet-tasting perennial plant with sweet-tasting leaves.
Truvia is a stevia-based sweetener. Coca-Cola and Cargill have developed a tabletop sweetener and food component.
IngredientNatural ShrubNatural Flavors, Erythritol (sugar alcohol), and Stevia Leaf Extract
Use It’s well recognized for being a natural sweetener source. The leaves are also employed in the production of medications.
Truvia is used to sweeten a low-calorie Sprite called Sprite Green, as well as various Odwalla juice beverages.
Health HazardsResearchers have looked at the effects of the compounds in stevia on blood pressure and blood sugar levels. The findings of the study were contradictory.
People who have had health problems such as gastric discomfort, diarrhea, cramping, gas, and other symptoms have filed class-action lawsuits against the producers of Truvia.
FlavorThe leaves are sweet.

Per packet, Truvia is a bit sweeter (each packet contains more)

What is Stevia?

Stevia is a natural sugar replacement derived from the Stevia rebaudiana plant’s leaves. This low-growing shrub is native to South America and Asia, where it is naturally produced and farmed.

Stevia’s chemical components are steviol glycosides, which include stevioside and rebaudioside.

When compared to sugar, these chemical compounds have up to 150 times the sweet flavour. They are also non-fermentable and stable throughout a wide range of temperatures.

Stevioside does not raise blood glucose levels after consumption, making it a suitable ingredient for sugar-free or diet-alternative food products.

Tooth decay and gum disease are not caused by stevia. Because stevia cannot be broken down by the body, it is a non-nutritive sweetener that has no caloric value.

Stevia has no glycemic index and does not cause blood sugar levels to rise. In addition, it does not require insulin to be metabolized by the body.


What is Truvia?

Truvia is a sugar substitute made from stevia leaves. It is sold as both a truvia tabletop sweetener and a culinary ingredient.

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The Coca-Cola Company and Cargill collaborated to make it. Truvia is made up of natural flavours, stevia, rebiana, erythritol, and erythritol.

Erythritol is a sugar alcohol that is derived from fruits such as melons, pears, and grapes, as well as mushrooms and fermented goods, and is utilized as a bulking agent (cheese, soy sauce, and wine).

This natural sweetener, which was first launched in 2008, has quickly become the second most popular sugar alternative in the United States.

Truvia is said to be similar to Stevia in terms of health advantages. It aids in blood sugar management, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

It stimulates taste receptors without causing the body to break them down. It is low in calories, almost 0 calories per serving, which is perfect for those who want to lose weight while still enjoying sweets and drinks.


Main Differences Between Stevia and Truvia

  1. Stevia is a sweet-tasting perennial plant with sweet-tasting leaves, whereas Truvia is a stevia-based sweetener.
  2. Stevia is a natural shrub, whereas Truvia has natural flavours, erythritol (sugar alcohol), and stevia leaf extract.
  3. Stevia is well recognized for being a natural sweetener source. The leaves are also employed in the production of medications, whereas Truvia is used to sweeten a low-calorie Sprite called Sprite Green, as well as various Odwalla juice beverages.
  4. Researchers have studied the effects of stevia compounds on blood pressure and blood sugar levels. The findings of the study were inconclusive. People who have had health concerns such as gastric discomfort, diarrhoea, cramping, gas, and other symptoms have filed class-action lawsuits against the producers of Truvia.
  5. The leaves are sweet of Stevia, whereas per packet, Truvia is a bit sweeter (each packet contains more).
Difference Between Stevia and Truvia

Last Updated : 15 August, 2023

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23 thoughts on “Stevia vs Truvia: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The detailed descriptions of Stevia and Truvia, along with their compositions, health benefits, and potential drawbacks, provide readers with a wealth of information to consider when incorporating sweeteners into their dietary habits. This article is a valuable resource.

    • Absolutely, the comprehensive insights offered in this article facilitate a deeper understanding of Stevia and Truvia, allowing individuals to make informed decisions about the sweeteners they consume.

    • I completely agree. This article’s detailed examination of the differences between Stevia and Truvia serves as an informative guide for individuals interested in adopting healthier dietary practices.

  2. The article effectively delves into the distinctions between Stevia and Truvia, offering a comprehensive overview of their characteristics, uses, and potential effects. It serves as a valuable reference for individuals looking to explore sugar alternatives.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The depth of information provided in this article enhances readers’ understanding of Stevia and Truvia, empowering them to make informed decisions about sweeteners.

  3. This article provides a comprehensive comparison of Stevia and Truvia, including their health benefits and potential drawbacks. It’s important to consider these factors when choosing a sweetener for a healthier lifestyle.

    • I completely agree. The detailed information presented here is very useful when deciding which sweetener to use in daily life, especially for those looking to reduce their sugar intake.

  4. The article effectively breaks down the differences between Stevia and Truvia, shedding light on their ingredients, health hazards, and flavors. It is a valuable resource for individuals seeking to make informed choices regarding their sugar consumption.

    • Absolutely, this comprehensive comparison equips readers with the knowledge needed to make educated decisions about the sweeteners they use. It’s reassuring to have access to such detailed information.

  5. The informative content of this article effectively outlines the differences between Stevia and Truvia, providing a detailed examination of their characteristics, health benefits, and potential uses. It serves as an invaluable resource for individuals seeking to make well-informed choices about sweeteners.

    • Absolutely, the comprehensive nature of this article’s content enhances readers’ understanding of Stevia and Truvia, offering valuable insights into the considerations relevant to using these sweeteners.

  6. The article’s comprehensive analysis of Stevia and Truvia provides readers with a detailed understanding of these sweeteners, their origins, and potential health implications. It serves as an excellent resource for individuals looking to evaluate their dietary sugar intake.

    • I completely agree. The depth of information presented in this article contributes to an enhanced understanding of Stevia and Truvia, empowering individuals to make well-informed choices about the sweeteners they consume.

  7. The detailed comparison of Stevia and Truvia presented in this article offers valuable insights into their distinct features and potential implications. It equips individuals with the knowledge necessary to make informed choices about the sweeteners they consume.

    • Absolutely, the in-depth analysis in this article enables readers to gain a comprehensive understanding of Stevia and Truvia, fostering informed decision-making with regard to sugar substitutes.

  8. The comparison table provided in this article is an excellent tool for analyzing the differences between Stevia and Truvia across various parameters. It offers a clear understanding of the distinctions between these two sweeteners.

    • Absolutely, the comprehensive nature of the comparison table makes it easier for individuals to grasp the nuances between Stevia and Truvia, contributing to an enhanced understanding of these sweeteners.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The article’s structured approach to presenting the information facilitates a thorough comparison of Stevia and Truvia, enabling readers to make well-informed choices.

  9. The informative nature of this article facilitates a detailed comparison of Stevia and Truvia, enabling readers to gain insights into their distinctions and uses. It serves as a valuable guide for individuals interested in exploring sugar alternatives.

    • Absolutely, the comprehensive overview presented in this article enables individuals to foster a deeper understanding of Stevia and Truvia, supporting their ability to make informed decisions about sugar substitutes.

    • I agree. The detailed examination of Stevia and Truvia in this article provides readers with a thorough understanding of these sweeteners, offering valuable insights for those seeking to make informed choices about their dietary habits.

  10. The thorough examination of Stevia and Truvia presented in this article equips individuals with valuable knowledge about these sweeteners, enabling them to make informed decisions about their usage. It serves as a comprehensive resource for evaluating sugar alternatives.

    • Absolutely, the wealth of information provided in this article enhances readers’ understanding of Stevia and Truvia, offering valuable insights into sugar substitutes and their implications on dietary choices.


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