VGA vs HDMI: Difference and Comparison

The connector, even the name, tells its meaning. The object that connects. These connectors were used to connect the computer and televisions to the network, which helps display.

The connectors VGA and HDMI are both connectors that have different properties and features. The Vga and Hdmi are almost the same, but many differences are seen between them.

While they both are wired and today in the market, many wireless technologies also prevail.

Key Takeaways

  1. VGA is an analog video connection standard, while HDMI is a digital video and audio connection standard.
  2. HDMI supports high-definition video and audio, whereas VGA supports only lower-resolution video.
  3. HDMI connections require a single cable for video and audio, while VGA connections need separate cables for video and audio.


VGA is an analog video connector developed in the late 1980s and became widely used as a standard connector for computer monitors. HDMI is a digital video and audio connector that was introduced in 2003. It has become the standard connector for most modern high-definition devices.


The VGA came in 1987 and was introduced by IBM. It gave a resolution of 480px and had a speed of 60Hz. It helps in transferring the analog signals. It is the cable that is connected to the CPU and the monitor.

The VGA is now called an old technology; a better alternative called Digital Visual Interface (DVI) has also been used.

The HDMI, at present, is produced by seven companies and first came into the market 18 years ago in December 2002. They are used to transmit digital signals, supporting video and audio signals.

The HDMI has still not lost its charm. Thus, HDMI is still used in DVD players, Set-up boxes and many more.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonVGA HDMI
Full formVGA stands for Video Graphic Array.HDMI stands for the High Definition Multimedia Interface.
DefinitionThe VGA is the connector used in the computer for the video output.The HDMI was the connector used in computers and Television to transmit audio and video signals.
Transmitting SignalThe VGA was used to transmit analog signals.The HDMI is used to transmit digital signals.
Signal strengthThe VGA was able to take only video signals.The HDMI can multiple signals thus didn’t require any cables for every different function.
Audio SignalsThe VGA required a different connector for the audio signals.The HDMI didn’t need an audio cable.
ResolutionThe VGA provided lower resolution as compared to the HDMI.The HDMI provided the video in high resolution as compared to the VGA.
GamingThe VGA didn’t provide the high best gaming features as compared to the HDMI.The HDMI because of better resolution and speed showed better performance in games.
FoundersThe VGA was founded by IBM.The HDMI was founded by seven companies.
Launched in Year The VGA was launched in the market in 1987.The HDMI launched in December 2002.

What is VGA?

The VGA is the Video Graphics Array. It is a connector that is used to connect the video signals. It was founded by IBM in 1987. The VGA became universal at that time. It used to be found on every computer.

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The VGA was an independent product. Yet, it required a different cable for the audio signals. Later on, they were also introduced in the high-definition TV.

The VGA was used to transmit the analog signals, and these signals came with a drawback.

The signals need a wired connection to reach the destination and the signals enhancers were also introduced between the cable to increase or maintain the frequency of the carrier signals. 

The VGA comes with 15 pins and provides a speed of 60 Hz. The cable was able to bear only the video signals and needed a separate cable for the audio signals. This would increase the wiring cost.

Therefore, later a new connector known as the DVI came into the market, which took its place. These days the VGA is rarely seen in the market.


What is HDMI?

The HDMI is the High Definition Multimedia Interface that came on the market in December 2002. They were founded by the seven companies together. The seven companies include Phillps, Panasonic, Hitachi, RCA, and many more.

The HDMI still exsits in the amrket. They still hold their charm and are used for many purposes, like they are used in DVS players, Set-up boxes and many more.

The HDMI provides high resolution and can carry digital signals. They are wired connectors with three types of pins. They are actually of four different categories of HDMI based on the pins. Type A, B, C, and D are the different categories.

Type C is also known as the charger for smartphones. 

HDMI also had an alternative called Display Port. The reason for an alternative is that the Display Port can carry both audio and video signals digitally. They are mostly used in Home Theatres.

hdmi cable

Main Differences Between VGA and HDMI

  1. The VGA doesn’t provide a higher resolution as compared to the HDMI.
  2. The VGA needed a different cable for the audio signals, while HDMI didn’t need it.
  3. The VGA carries the analog signal, and the HDMI needs the digital signal.
  4. The HDMI can carry multiple signals, and the VGA can carry only video signals.
  5. The VGA is a 15-pin connector, while the HDMI is a different category based on the pins. 
  6. The HDMI showed excellent performance in the games, while the speed and resolution were lacking in the VGA. Therefore, VGA was not found compatible with gaming purposes.
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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8 thoughts on “VGA vs HDMI: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The discussion of VGA’s limitations compared to HDMI is very insightful. It’s clear why HDMI has become the standard connector for modern devices.

  2. This is a very informative and well-written article. It provides valuable information about VGA and HDMI. The post is very useful to anyone in the computer and television industries.

  3. I found the historical background on VGA and HDMI quite interesting. It’s amazing how far technology has come in such a short time.

  4. The article is very detailed and covers a wide range of topics. It’s great to see such thorough research presented in an accessible format.

  5. This article is truly a testament to the impact of technological advancements over the years. It’s gratifying to understand the evolution of these connectors.

  6. I’m surprised to find out that VGA is still used in the market. I think I’ll opt for HDMI the next time I upgrade my devices. Thanks for the information!


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