Vicodin vs Lortab: Difference and Comparison

Painkillers have become pretty common. With so many medicines available in the market, people can easily prevent or cure headaches, body aches, pain from injuries, etc.

Two of these medicines are Vicodin and Lortab, both of which are opioids and are only consumed if prescribed.

Key Takeaways

  1. Vicodin and Lortab contain hydrocodone and acetaminophen but differ in dosage strengths.
  2. Vicodin has a higher acetaminophen content, making it more potent for pain relief.
  3. Lortab is liquid, allowing easier administration for those with difficulty swallowing pills.

Vicodin vs Lortab

Vicodin is a drug available in only tablet form. It also has a higher acetaminophen content, making it more potent for pain relief. Lortab is a drug available in liquid form. It is used for the relief of severe pain. Lortab is a combination of narcotic hydrocodone and non-narcotic acetaminophen.

Vicodin vs Lortab

Vicodin medicines are used for the relief of moderate to severe pain. Vicodin is a combination of narcotic hydrocodone and non-narcotic acetaminophen, and they collectively work inside the body for relief.

Vicodin is only available on prescription and in the form of tablets only.

Lortab medicines are used for the relief of severe pain. Lortab is a combination of narcotic hydrocodone and non-narcotic acetaminophen.

Lortab is only available on medical prescriptions and in the form of liquid syrup only. The dosage depends on many factors, including condition, age, etc.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonVicodinLortab
Other namesAlso known as Hydrocodone/ParacetamolAlso known as Hydrocodone/APAP.
FormAvailable in tablets only.Available in liquid syrup only.
Bioavailability More than 80%.Approximately around 80%.
Preferred byPeople who carry their medicines.People who have trouble inhaling tablets.
Recommended Dosage1 to 2 tablets every four to six hours.11.25 milliliters every 4 to 6 hours.

What is Vicodin?

Vicodin is also known as Hydrocodone/Paracetamol.

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Originally, Vicodin is a brand that produces this medicine, but the medicine stands out by its name as many brands are producing the same medicine in mass quantity.

Vicodin is a painkiller used to treat moderate to severe pain. It is a combination of two ingredients, including hydrocodone and acetaminophen.

Hydrocodone is an opioid which means that it has addictive properties. On the other hand, acetaminophen is a non-opioid substance. Vicodin is available in tablets only.

Vicodin medicines come in different strengths, including the standard Vicodin 5mg, Vicodin ES with additional strength, and Vicodin HP with high potency.

All variations of Vicodin include a constant amount of 300 milligrams of acetaminophen and 5 milligrams, 7.5 milligrams, and 10 milligrams of hydrocodone, respectively.

Vicodin is only allowed to be consumed on medical prescription, and the dosage depends on the severity of the pain.

Some common side effects of Vicodin consumption include dizziness, anxiety, nausea, drowsiness, headache, etc.

Since Vicodin is available in tablet form only, it is mostly preferred by people who carry their medicines as tablets are easier to carry than liquid medicines.

Vicodin is not recommended for people who already have a drug, smoking, or alcohol addiction.


What is Lortab?

Lortab is also known as Hydrocodone/APAP. Just like Vicodin, Lortab is also the brand name, but it is used as the name of the medicine to differentiate between the same medicines of different brands.

Lortab is a painkiller used to treat severe pain. Lortab is also a combination of the same two ingredients, including opioid hydrocodone and non-opioid acetaminophen.

Lortab medicine is only available in liquid form. Every tablespoon of Lortab contains about 10 milligrams of hydrocodone and 300 milligrams of acetaminophen.

One dosage of this medicine is about 11.25 milliliters. Lortab also contains some amount of alcohol. Lortab is produced in large quantities for most hospitals.

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Since not all patients can consume the medicine in tablet form, hospitals prefer Lortab over Vicodin as it is easier to consume and can also be transferred through pipes.

Since the medicine is liquified, a calibration device is necessary to measure its prescribed amount precisely. Some common side effects of Lortab include nausea, headache, lower respiratory rates, and constipation.

If not consumed in the prescribed amount, the medicine can be very addictive for a few people causing further physical and psychological problems.

The right amount of dosage depends on many factors, such as age, medical history, etc.


Main Differences Between Vicodin and Lortab

  1. Vicodin is available in the form of tablets, whereas Lortab is available in the form of liquid syrup only.
  2. The bioavailability of Vicodin is more than 80%, whereas Lortab’s is approximately 80%.
  3. Vicodin’s dosage for a regular adult is about 1 to 2 tablets every 4 to 6 hours. On the other hand, Lortab’s dosage is about 11.25 milliliters every 4 to 6 hours.
  4. Most people prefer Vicodin over Lortab as tablets are easier to carry than liquid medicines.
  5. Hospitals don’t prefer Vicodin over Lortab because liquids are easier to consume for patients as some of them might be unable to inhale tablets.
Difference Between Vicodin and Lortab

Last Updated : 21 July, 2023

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