Wireless G vs Wireless N Routers: Difference and Comparison

Routers are devices that form networks of computers or connect computers with the global internet.

It is a device used to connect devices and connect them to the internet for easy access to the information and data from the internet to be shared across computers or other devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and so on.

Key Takeaways

  1. Wireless-N routers offer faster data transfer speeds and greater range than Wireless-G routers.
  2. Wireless-N routers utilize MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) technologies, which improves signal strength and reliability.
  3. Wireless-N routers are backwards compatible with Wireless-G devices, ensuring a seamless upgrade transition.

Wireless G vs Wireless N Routers

Wireless-G routers have a maximum data transfer rate of 54 Mbps and a range of up to 75 feet indoors and 150 feet outdoors. Wireless-N routers have a maximum data transfer rate of up to 900 Mbps and use the 802.11n wireless standard. They have a longer range and are more secure than Wireless-G routers.

Wireless G vs Wireless N Routers

Wireless G Or Wireless 802.11 G routers are devices that connect computers Or any other electronic devices to the internet or connect the devices.

These routers have an average speed of data transfer of 54 megabytes per second and a sufficiently large network coverage range.

Wireless N or Wireless 802.11 N routers are similar devices that connect computers or any other electronic devices to the internet or connect the devices.

These routers have an average speed of data transfer of 300 megabytes per second and a large range of network coverage.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonWireless G RoutersWireless N Routers
Abbreviation OfWireless G routers are the abbreviation of 802.11 G routers.Wireless N routers are the abbreviation of 802.11 N routers.
Data TransferWireless G routers have lower data transfer rates.Wireless N routers have higher data transfer rates.
Frequency RangeWireless G routers can work with only 2.4 GHz.Wireless N routers can work with both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
RangeWireless G routers have less range of network.Wireless N routers have a higher range of networks.
Channel WidthWireless G routers have a channel width of 20 MHzWireless N routers have a channel width of 40 MHz
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What are Wireless G Routers?

Wireless G or 802.11 G routers are a type of router as specified by the standards of IEEE or the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

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Wireless G routers were launched before wireless n routers and have been in the market for a long time. These routers help devices connect to the internet as well as to each other.

Wireless G routers are the basic type of routers for simple actions.

They have an average data transfer rate of 54 Mb per second, which means data can be downloaded or shared through the internet at the speed of 54 Mb per second, which means about 54 Mb of data is downloaded in one second.

These routers can connect to the network with a frequency of 2.4 GHz.

However, due to 2.4 GHz being a common frequency of networks, wireless g routers do face interference problems with devices using the same frequency bandwidth.

Usually, these routers are provided with one antenna.

These routers, however, can function in small workspaces only as they have less range of network. It can work in small office spaces or homes.

The channel width, however, for these routers is 20 MHz. Thus these routers are sufficient in function for working from home or small offices.

wireless g routers scaled

What are Wireless N Routers?

Wireless N or 802.11 N routers are a type of router as specified by the standards of IEEE or the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Wireless N routers were launched after wireless g routers and hence are an update from the previous one. These also have the same basic functionality as the wireless g routers.

Wireless N routers are routers that can be used for heavier work purposes with multiple device connectivity. They have an average data transfer rate of 300 Mb per second.

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The high speed of these routers is attributed to the Multiple Input and Multiple Output technology, or MIMO technology, which has a large number of transistors and receivers that handle data packages.

Also, wireless n routers have dual-band functioning. This means they can work with both the frequency rate of 2.4 Hz as well as 5 Hz. This enables them to avoid the problem of interference.

This they can switch from using any of the two bands of frequency as per the needs of the device and It’s the user.

With a channel bandwidth of 40 MHz, this router also has a large range of networks.

This is possible because wireless n routers employ beamforming technology, due to which its network can travel long ranges without being hindered. These are ideal for large workspaces.

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Main Differences Between Wireless G and Wireless N Routers

  1. Wireless G routers face interference problems, while wireless n routers do not face any such difficulty.
  2. Wireless G routers do not employ the MIMO or multiple input and multiple output technology, but wireless n routers do.
  3. Wireless G routers do not also have beamforming technology, while wireless n routers have.
  4. Wireless G routers have only one or two antennas, while wireless n routers have more antennas.
  5. Wireless G routers have a lower data transfer speed, while wireless n routers have a higher data transfer speed.
  6. Wireless G routers have a broader range of networks in comparison to wireless n routers.
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  1. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-29003-4_2
  2. http://www.tecknowbasic.com/i.ps
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.