What is Art? | Definition, Working, Pros vs Cons

Art is a wide range of human creations articulating the creator’s thoughts, design, and skill. Most artworks are visually arousing and thought-provoking. One way or another creator communicates with his audience through the artwork. Artwork may include form, texture, colour, line, value, etc. There are different types of artwork present in the world, most common of them are contemporary and modern forms of art; different types of artwork can be defined by their creation time and artist. Let’s learn how artwork works and what the advantages and disadvantages are associated with them.

Key Takeaways

  1. Art expresses human creativity and imagination through various mediums such as painting, sculpture, music, literature, dance, etc.
  2. Art has no set definition and can be interpreted differently by different people based on their experiences and perspectives.
  3. Art can evoke emotions, communicate ideas, and offer insights into the human condition, and it has been an integral part of human civilization since ancient times.
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How does it work?

The primary purpose of art is to connect with human emotion and shake up consciousness. To achieve this purpose, most artists use their creativity and express their feeling in their artwork. All artworks have an aesthetic appeal to them, and most people use them for decorative purposes. Paintings and decorative statues are the best examples of these types of artwork. These types of artworks improve the gorgeousness of the place and make it more charming for the habitant.

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On the other hand, fine arts explore a deeper understanding of life and represent human conditions or social issues. It can express different elements of life like death, conflict, birth, etc. Most fine arts look complicated, but all these artworks have hidden meanings. Many times it requires a trained eye to explore its meaning.

The value of any artwork varies on its creator’s reputation and period. Generally, an artwork of a reputed creator sells at a high price. Similarly, artwork with a historical time frame is also valued, and collectors are willing to pay a high price. A flourishing market is available around the work where artworks sell at different prices.

Advantages of Art

Art is a medium for creative people to express their thought, ideas, and skill to the world. They can spread their surreal experiences to others through this medium. In a sense, artworks also capture people’s mindsets and time frames.

Art also improves creative thinking and encourages problem-solving abilities. It also reduces stress and keeps the mind engaged with creative thinking. Many people also consider artworks assets and collect them for market value. For this reason, many people spend millions of dollars purchasing expensive and rare artworks.

Disadvantages of Art

Even though art has many benefits, it is not always beneficial for the artist. Creating a unique piece of art is not an easy thing. For this reason, many artists do not get success most of the time.

Many talented artists do not get appropriate praise from the audience, and their work does not carry much value in the market. Sometimes the work also puts lots of mental pressure on the artist, and they can depart from reality. Another problem with art is its fragility; even a small accident can destroy the artwork anytime.

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  1. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9781137268938_4
  2. https://psycnet.apa.org/journals/aca/6/1/2.html?uid=2011-28761-001

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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