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Personnel management and human resource management are two different sectors in the IT field. Both have different properties and professional functionalities.

These two management wings do the challenging process of maintaining a relationship with the entity. Human resource management involves the unity between the employee and the organization.

Key Takeaways

  1. Personnel management emphasizes administrative tasks, like payroll and employee records, while human resource management focuses on strategic planning and employee development.
  2. Personnel management takes a reactive approach to employee issues, while human resource management proactively addresses workforce challenges.
  3. Human resource management seeks to align individual goals with organizational objectives, whereas personnel management focuses on managing employee relations.

Personnel Management vs Human Resource Management

Personnel management is the term that describes the relationship of an entity inside an organization, and it has a routine function that it follows. Human resource management is the process of hiring employees and managing freshers, and it follows a set of strategic functions.

Personnel Management vs Human Resource Management

Personnel management is a process of work that deals with the recruitment, hiring, staffing, development, and compensation of employees.

Their main objective is to maintain a strong relationship between the organization and employees. Their primary functions are operational functions and managerial functions.

In recent years, human beings have been replaced by machines. Personnel management has two types, namely operative functions and managerial functions.

Human resource management is an organized sector. Factors like utilization, development, and coordination are considered in human resource management.

These are the factors to give the best enterprise in human resource management. Human resource management refers to the systematic function.

Compensation, performance, and appraisal are the requirements for human resource management.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonPersonnel managementHuman resource management
DefinitionPersonnel management defines the relationship between the entity.Human resource management defines the achievement of an organizational entity.
Approach MethodPersonnel management is approached by the traditional method.Human resource management is approached by the modern method.
Treatment of employees.Employees are treated like machines.Employees are treated as assets.
Function typePersonnel management has a routine functionHuman resource management has a strategic function.
PaymentPayment is made based on job evaluationPayment is made based on performance evaluation.

What is Personnel Management?

Personnel management is satisfied by the perfect workforce. In the management field, personnel management plays a vital role.

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Personnel management concerns the relationship of the entity within the organization. The planning, organizing, integration, and people maintenance come under personnel management.

Individual and societal goals also come under personnel management. The human resource organization is the primary part of personnel management.

The employment function, development, and compensation have come under personnel management. These are the principal functions performed by personnel management.

General management is extended to personnel management. The contribution towards the goal and constant workforce are considered under personnel management.

Personnel management’s primary work is to advise the managers on their matters and stress-free work solutions.

Personnel management works to reduce the wastage of time on unwanted things by making schedules and plans. They create work methods and problem solutions for a better experience for employees.

The personnel policies will help the workers get rid of the personnel matters in the office.
The work that is based on human orientation to give the solutions is personnel management.

They help to give the potential in workers and induce inner ability. They also motivate the workers with various programs.

personnel management

What is Human Resource Management?

The process of recruiting employees and hiring freshers is called human resource management(HRM). They are also called human resources(HR) in the organization.

The human resource team is always responsible for overseeing workers’ policies and the entity’s relationship. In 1900, the term human resource is used first.

In simple terms, it defines the people who work for the organization instead of working on the organization.

The management of employees means human resource management. In human resource management, they consider their employees as assets.

They are the human capital of the organization. The goal of human resource management is to make their employees work more effectively and make them invest their income.

Modern human resources are defined as human capital management(HCM). Mid-size companies widely accept the term HCM in many HR events or programs.

The primary goal of Human resources is to manage the workers to achieve things within the workplace. Human resources are the ones who are involved in recruiting freshers to the organizations.

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They must consider the skills and necessity of the organization and the company’s goals. The Human resource also manages the job market of the organization.

They decide to make the employment of the workers. They must be aware of the changes in the job market and recruiting process.

The process of recruiting employees and hiring freshers is called human resource management(HRM). They are also called human resources(HR) in the organization.

The human resource team is always responsible for overseeing workers’ policies and the entity’s relationship. In 1900, the term human resource was used first.

In simple terms, it defines the people who work for the organization instead of working for the organization.

The management of employees means human resource management. In human resource management, they consider their employees as assets. They are the human capital of the organization.

The goal of human resource management is to make their employees work more effectively and make them invest their income.

Modern human resources are defined as human capital management(HCM). Mid-size companies widely accept the term HCM in many HR events or programs.

The primary goal of Human resources is to manage the workers to achieve things within the workplace. Human resources are the ones who are involved in recruiting freshers to the organizations.

They must consider the skills and necessity of the organization and the company’s goals. The Human resource also manages the job market of the organization.

They decide to make the employment of the workers. They must be aware of the changes in the job market and recruiting process.

human resource management

Main Differences Between Personnel management and Human resource management

  1. Personnel management defines the relationship between the entity, and human resource management defines the achievement of an organizational entity.
  2. The traditional method of approach is personnel management, and the modern method of approach is human resource management.
  3. In personnel management, employees are treated like machines, and in human resources management, employees are treated as assets.
  4. The routine function is followed in personnel management, and the strategic function is followed in human resource management.
  5. Payment is made based on job evaluation in personnel management, and in human resource management, payments are made based on performance evaluation.
Difference Between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management
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By Chara Yadav

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.