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The human species has evolved for hundreds of decades at a stretch, and the final version is much more advanced than the older ones.

Historians, as well as biologists, have recorded these changes to identify specific traits.

As far as humans and neanderthals are concerned, they existed more than a century apart, and the environment primarily affected how they perceived the world.

Key Takeaways

  1. Neanderthals had a stockier build, more prominent brow ridges, and a larger nasal cavity than modern humans.
  2. Humans and Neanderthals interbred, with traces of Neanderthal DNA still found in non-African populations today.
  3. Neanderthals went extinct around 40,000 years ago, possibly due to competition with humans or climate change impacts.

Human vs Neanderthal

Human Beings are considered more advanced creatures with the use of technology and have evolved with time. They construct houses of cement, and wood and eat cooked food. Neanderthals were distinct species who lived in an ice age. They were hunters and gatherers. They collect food for a day only.

Human vs Neanderthal

Humans are the most advanced species of living beings presently inhabiting the seven continents. They live in concrete houses and eat cooked food.

They have all the facilities required for leading a peaceful life. Misuse of natural resources is on the rise due to the high population of humans.

Neanderthal is the penultimate species of living beings known to inhabit a corner of the earth for a few thousand years. They were too simplistic and focused only on easy ways of living. They were largely dependent on flora and fauna.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonHumanNeanderthal
DefinitionA human can be defined as the latest inhabitant on earth.A neanderthal can be defined as a primitive human living during the ice age.
EvolutionThey might lead to the next big revolution in the technological era. The evolution of neanderthals took place from apes.
Scientific NameHomoSapiens is the scientific name of the present human species.Humans have assigned the name HomoNeanderthalensis to the neanderthals.
Innate Physical FeaturesOn the outer surface, humans are more erect.The bodily features of neanderthals included a bigger skull.
Innate Biological FeaturesBiological mechanisms are affected due to ailments.Neanderthals had no means to know about ailments.

What are Humans?

Humans, also known as HomoSapiens, are the present version of human beings living on earth. They are advanced in terms of technology and means of livelihood.

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The scope of territorial acquisitions has also increased. The earth and the other planets have been explored to a considerable extent due to the expanding dimensions of the human mind.

Though tribals still prefer to hunt and gather, most of the population is driven by agricultural activities.

The basic body structure of humans is much more adaptive – the spleen is erect, and the skull size has reduced. There are marked differences between females and males on emotional and physiological fronts.

The evolution is also linked to the predominant exchange of ideas between matriarchal and patriarchal forms of family. The group dynamics continue to operate in this special too, but the variations make the societies much more homogenous.

The present version of this advanced species is expected to live as long as the earth exists. Robotic revolutions and the prevalence of artificial intelligence are considered the only threat.

Animals are also at risk due to humans’ increasing dominance and consumption rates. On the other hand, environmental exploitation might gradually lead to the downfall of the human population.


What are Neanderthals?

Neanderthals, also known as HomoNeanderthalensis, are an extinct species most closely related to humans. It is also believed that they were our forefathers who lived in a particular habitation around Europe.

Their society was a primitive one, made up of hunter-gatherers, and there were no means to live a systematic life. They did not know the art of agriculture and collected only as much as they could consume in a day.

As far as observable biological characteristics are concerned, this species was much hairier and did not focus much on grooming. Clothing and housing were not paid heed to.

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They mostly wore the skins of animals and apparel made up of dried leaves. Since the time of existence is related to the ice age, the people of those times relied on furry coats of dead animals to protect their bodies from the weather.

The extinction of neanderthals can be attributed to the environmental changes that made livelihood impossible. Some sources even suggest that wild predators led to extinction since the Neanderthals encroached on their territories through leaps and bounds.

The connection between this extinct species and presently cohabiting human beings is quite foggy. Still, the extinction of one species led to the dominance of another.


Main Differences Between Human And Neanderthal

  1. Humans can be defined as the latest inhabitants of the earth, while Neanderthal is extinct species of less advanced humans.
  2. The evolution of humans is technology-based, while Neanderthals were similar to apes.
  3. The scientific name of humans is regarded as HomoSapiens. Neanderthals are HomoNeanderthalensis.
  4. Some innate physiological features of humans, like the skull volume, are less than that of Neanderthals. The latter kept long hair.
  5. The main difference in the innate biological features can be attributed to the DNA, as humans have more complex features than Neanderthals. The latter was not so immune.
Difference Between Human and Neanderthal
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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.