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Altima and Maxima are two car models from Nissan. Nissan is one of the very popular go-to car brands that launched both sedans in the year 2021.

Both cars are appreciated for their performance, build, design and creativity. Nissan Altima and Nissan Maxima can be good options for those who are looking to buy one. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Altima is a midsize sedan, while Maxima is a full-size sedan.
  2. Maxima has a more powerful engine and offers more luxury features than Altima.
  3. Altima is more affordable than Maxima and is known for its fuel efficiency.

Altima vs Maxima

The difference between Altima and the maxima is that Nissan launched Altima with a primary focus on efficiency. On the other hand, Nissan launched the Maxima with a primary focus on performance. In terms of pricing, the Nissan Maxima is priced a bit high when compared to Nissan Altima. Both cars come in different colours. 

Altima vs

Altima was re-launched by Nissan in the year 2021. The car was launched with a focus on efficiency. It comes with a four-cylinder engine. Put together, and it can deliver thirty-eight kilometres per litre.

The car comes in different colours, such as the scarlet ember tint coat, deep blue pearl, glacier white, and so on.

Maxima was re-launched by Nissan in the year 2021. The main goal of Nissan was to deliver maximum performance in Maxima. It comes with a three-point five-litre DOHC V6 engine.

Overall, it can give thirty kilometres per litre. Just like Altima, Maxima too comes in different colours such as Pearl white, deep blue pearl, and carnelian red.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAltimaMaxima
DetailsNissan Altima is best regarded for its efficiency.Nissan Maxima is best regarded for its performance.
EngineIt comes with a 4-cylinder standard engine.It comes with a 3.5-litre DOHC V6 engine.
Fuel economyAltima provides better fuel economy with a 4-cylinder engine.Maxima fails to provide a fuel economy better than Altima.
ColorsScarlet Ember tint coat, deep blue pearl, glacier white.Pearl white, deep blue pearl, and Carnelian red.
Re-launch yearNissan Altima was re-launched in the year 2021.The Nissan Maxima was re-launched in 2021.

What is Altima?

The word Altima has gained popularity since the ’90s, and it owes the same to Nissan’s most loved car model. Altima is one of the most successful models released by the company Nissan.

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This model, Altima, was first introduced in 1992 and was an instant hit among the public. Nissan decided not to stop with this series of cars and continued it with the recent Nissan Altima 2021.

Nissan Altima 2021 is a regular family sedan that can carry up to five passengers with ease. The looks of the car are quite impressive too.

Nissan Altima’s size also resembles a usual sedan. The body of the 2021 Altima model is pretty similar to the previous model and has not changed much.

The price for a 2021 Altima starts from $24,450. To talk about some other specifications, the engine of the Altima 2021 is a 2.5 litre and DOHC 16 valve.

This model also has four cylinders present inside the car. The size of the wheels is 16*7 inches with a steel finish.

To put it in simple terms, Nissan Altima 2021 is the apt model for you if fuel economy is your primary interest. Altima has a 4-cylinder engine that provides the car with less requirement for fuel and more control behind the wheels.

nissan altima scaled

What is Maxima?

The word Maxima has gained popularity since the ’80s, and it owes everything to the famous Nissan car model. Maxima is one of the most successful models released by the company Nissan.

The model Maxima was introduced in the year 1980, and it gathered immense interest among the public. Nissan decided not to stop with this series of cars and continued it with the recent Nissan Maxima 2021. 

Nissan’s Maxima 2021 model follows the same pattern as the sedan. It can carry up to five passengers inside the car and is more spacious than other Nissan car models.

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There are two variants of this model, the Basic and SV models. The higher-end model is provided with a lot more luxurious accommodation.

The price of this Nissan Maxima 2021 model starts from $37,090. To talk about some other specifications, the engine of the Maxima 2021 model is a 3.5-litre engine with DOHC 24 valve.

The horsepower of this V6 engine of Maxima is 300HP, according to Nissan.

To put it in simple terms, Nissan Maxima 2021 is a model that is designed for performance. The v6 engine in the car provides the user with maximum performance.

The handling and suspension of the model are tuned to perfection. Maxima does provide maximum performance for a sedan.


Main Differences Between Altima and Maxima

  1. Nissan Maxima is best regarded for its performance, whereas the Nissan Altima is best regarded for its efficiency. 
  2. The Nissan Altima comes with a four-cylinder standard engine. On the other hand, Nissan Maxima comes with a 3.5-litre DOHC V6 engine. 
  3. Both the Nissan Maxima and the Altima were relaunched in the year 2021.
  4. The 2021 Altima is powered by steel along with bolt-on covers wheels (16’’ x 7.0’’). On the other hand, the Maxima is powered by aluminium alloy wheels (18’’ x 8.0’’).
  5. In terms of pricing, the 2021 Nissan Altima is considered a bit cheaper compared to the 2021 Nissan Maxima. 
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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.