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In today’s world, various food supplements promise essential nutrition and a healthy diet. These are available by different names for different age groups of people.

Pediasure and Ensure are the two joint nutrition supplements that Abbott Nutrition manufactures. These products promise to help children to gain weight, increase weight, etc. and help the elderly and frail people to recover from illness by providing sufficient nutrition.

Key Takeaways

  1. Pediasure is a nutritional supplement designed specifically for children aged 2-13, aiming to support growth and development with a balanced blend of essential nutrients.
  2. Ensure is a line of nutritional supplements intended for adults, providing balanced nutrition to support overall health and well-being, including options for specialized needs such as weight management or muscle health.
  3. The primary difference between Pediasure and Ensure is their target audience; Pediasure is formulated for children’s nutritional needs, while Ensure is designed for adults with various health goals.

Pediasure vs Ensure

The difference between Pediasure and Ensure is that Pediasure is a nutrition supplement predominantly meant for children’s use. In contrast, Ensure is a nutrition supplement meant for the benefit of elderly people. They help an individual, whether a child or an elder, get proper nutrition in their diet.

Pediasure vs Ensure

While choosing any of these nutrition supplements, one should be aware of the essential difference between the two.


Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonPediasureEnsure
DefinitionPediasure is a nutrient supplement developed for children to provide the proper nutrients.Ensure is a nutrient supplement drink that is developed especially for the use of adults.
Age limitIt is prescribed to children of age from 1 to 7 years.It is prescribed for frail and elderly people according to their nutrient needs.
Nutritional contentPediasure consists of Vitamin B12, zinc, magnesium, and copper and is low in calories.Ensure mainly consists of vitamins and minerals as per the needs of adults.
AdvantagesSome of the benefits of Pediasure are listed below:
· It can boost calorie intake in children.
· It comes in varied flavours.
· It can help a child to gain weight.
Some of the disadvantages of Ensure are listed below:
· It is helpful to provide the necessary vitamins and minerals.
· It is a liquid diet that is beneficial for elderly people.
LimitationsLimitations of Pediasure are:
· It contains artificial flavourings.
· It is processed food which is not much healthy.
Limitations of Ensure are:
· This doesn’t replace a balanced diet.
· It is not helpful for the consumption of children.


What is Pediasure?

Pediasure is a nutrient supplement that is developed predominantly for the use of children aged 1 to 7 years. Generally, nutrient supplements are required for kids who are fussy about eating a properly balanced diet.

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Pediasure is a liquid drink with essential carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, and other nutrients. It is helpful for kids who do not consume these nutrients directly.

Some of the characteristics of Pediasure are as follows:

  1. It is a nutrient supplement that comes in various flavours and is liked by children.
  2. It is easy to digest for children in their growing years.
  3. It ensures the required supply of nutrients to the children, even of minor age.

What is Ensure?

Ensure is a nutrient supplement that works just for adults. Usually, adults who are emaciated, frail, or suffer from certain illnesses use this dietary supplement.

One should be aware of the fact that it is not prescribed for the intake of children because, in them, it can cause problems like constipation, diarrhoea, etc.

Some of the characteristics of Ensure are as follows:

  1. It provides adequate vitamins and minerals in emaciated and frail adults.
  2. It is available as a liquid meal that is easy to chew and digest.
ensure 2

Main Differences Between Pediasure and Ensure

  1. Pediasure is a nutrient supplement used for children, whereas Ensure is helpful for frail and emaciated adults.
  2. Pediasure comes with different varieties of flavours that are good to taste, whereas Ensure is unavailable in various types and doesn’t taste that good.
  3. The price range of Pediasure is higher than that of Ensure.
  4. Pediasure has a likeable shake-like consistency, whereas Ensure doesn’t look or taste like a shake.
  5. Pediasure is used for kids to provide the appropriate nutrients and suffice their growth needs, whereas Ensure is used for adults who suffer from certain kinds of illness.
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.