2G vs 5G: Difference and Comparison

Both 2 G and 5 G are cellular networks used by people. 2 G was first introduced in the year 1993. The most recent cellular network is 5 G, which was introduced in the year 2018.

The alphabet ‘G’ denotes the word Generation. Each of the networks of wireless broadband can be defined as a set of telephone network standards that helps in describing the technical implementation of the wireless network broadband system.

There is no doubt in accepting the fact that in the last decade, the importance and need of the cellular network and the use of mobiles has increased phenomenally.

Key Takeaways

  1. 2G is a second-generation wireless network technology, while 5G is a fifth-generation wireless network technology.
  2. 2G offers basic voice and text services, while 5G offers high-speed internet and advanced services like virtual reality and autonomous vehicles.
  3. 2G uses circuit-switched networks, while 5G uses packet-switched networks.

2 G vs 5 G

2G is an older wireless network technology that was mostly used for voice calls and basic text messaging. It has limited data transfer speed, capacity, and higher latency. 5G is the latest wireless network, which has significantly faster data transfer speeds, higher capacity, and lower latency.

2 G vs 5 G

2 G is the short form of the term, Second Generation of Cellular Network. The networks for the same were launched by the GSM standard, which is situated in Finland Radiolinja, in the year 1991.

After this network was launched automatically, the previously existing network was given the name 1G or First Generation of Cellular Network.

5 G, or as its full form suggests, the Fifth Generation of the cellular network technology standard, began developing in the year 2019 and spreading worldwide.

Though 4G is still the most widely used network at present, still 5 G is the strongest one available. It is predicted that, in 2025, approximately 1.7 million people will be subscribed to the 5 G network.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison2 G5 G
Year of Introduction19932018
Internet Service usedNarrowbandWireless World Wide Web
Application one getsVoice calling and short messaging.High-resolution video streaming, remote control of vehicles.
Technology UsedGSMMIMO and mm Waves.
Bandwidth range25 MHz30 GHz to 300 GHz

What is 2 G?

2 G cellular network has a plethora of advantages over its predecessors. It evidently uses the radio frequency spectrum more efficiently, and that also enables more users in each of the bands.

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2 G helped the users get data services for their mobiles and enabled them to send SMS texts.

With the help of 2 G, the networks are qualified to provide various services like textual messages, Multimedia messages, and picture messages.

The most common and well-known 2 G device and service was TDMA, or as it stands for time-division multiple access.

The data-providing speed is kbps. It used a bandwidth that had a range between 30 kHz to 200 kHz.

It used digital signals instead of analogs, and hence this development improved the performance. During the phase when 2 G was used, cellular devices or mobiles were used for both voices as well as data.

2 G helped in achieving a very crucial stepping stone in the world of technology, i.e., allowing multiple users on a single platform with the help of multiplexing.

The 2 G network, known as the second-generation cellular network, was based on GSM. After 2 G came to 3 G, or the third generation.


What is 5 G?

5 G started spreading through the globe in 2019, and it was the successor of 4 G. The devices that use the Generation network are said to have internet as well as telephone connection with the help of radio waves.

It has the maximum bandwidth as compared to any of the cellular networks that ever existed. Due to this increased size, the download speed has increased phenomenally.

It is a digital cellular network for which the area on which it is transmitted is divided into small geographical areas to enhance performance.

The peak speed of 5 G is 10 Gbps, whereas in the case of 4 G, it was just 1 Gbps. The average speed of 5 G, as recorded, is 400 Mbps. The access system which is used by the network is called OFDM and BDMA.

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5 G was first introduced in the year 2018. The best advantage of this network is that it has high speed and a very low rate of latency. The technology which is used for the latter is MIMO and mm Waves.

The switch type which is used for this network is called Packet Switching. The internet service which is used by the network is Wireless World Wide Web.


Main Differences Between 2 G and 5 G

  1. The year of introduction of 2 G was in the year 1993. In contrast, 5 G was introduced in the year 2018.
  2. The Internet Service used by 2 G is called Narrowband, whereas the internet service used by 5 G is called Wireless World Wide Web.
  3. The applications one gets to while using 2 G are Voice calling and short messaging. Whereas the applications one gets while using 5 G are High-resolution video streaming, remote control of vehicles, etc.
  4. The technology which is used by 2 G is GSM, whereas the technology used by 5 G is called MIMO and mm Waves.
  5. The bandwidth of 2 G is 25 MHz, whereas the bandwidth range of 5 G is 30 GHz to 300 GHz.
Difference Between 2 G and 5 G
  1. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7024797/
  2. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/evolution-technologies-standards-deployment-networks/17444

Last Updated : 25 August, 2023

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8 thoughts on “2G vs 5G: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The introduction of 5G in 2018 stands as a testament to the relentless pace of technological innovation. This advancement is certainly something to be celebrated.

  2. The increase from 2G to 5G represents a really significant improvement in the technology and capabilities of the wireless network.

  3. The article gives a comprehensive overview of how cellular networks have evolved from 2G to 5G. It’s fascinating to see the progression and the impact it has on our modern lives.

  4. The chart listing the main differences between 2G and 5G is particularly interesting. However, this chart would benefit from the addition of further details, such as latency, capacity, and reliability.

  5. The historical review and the details about the development of the networks are very enlightening. It’s a fantastic summary of the different generations and the technological advances.

  6. The detailed descriptions of 2G and 5G’s technologies are incredibly insightful. This content helps to highlight the impressive strides in wireless network technology.

  7. The authors have done an excellent job of breaking down complex technological concepts into easily digestible information. It’s a fantastic educational resource for understanding the advancements in wireless network technology.


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