Zigbee vs Bluetooth: Difference and Comparison

As technological advances take place, wireless technology becomes more popular among netizens. Without direct or wired connectivity, the transfer of files and data from one device to another requires the development of technology. Hence technology like Bluetooth and Zigbee developed. 

However, these are not competing technologies. In this article, we will discuss both the technologies, their aim, the set of devices and applications they use, their design structure, and finally, how they differ from each other.

Key Takeaways

  1. Zigbee is a low-power, low-data-rate wireless communication standard used for industrial applications.
  2. Bluetooth is a wireless communication standard for short-range communication between smartphones, laptops, and headphones.
  3. Zigbee provides a mesh network architecture, while Bluetooth operates in a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint architecture.

Zigbee vs Bluetooth

Bluetooth is a cordless automation used to connect to other computers and smartphones for data sharing. It requires low-power radio waves. Zigbee is another cordless machinery that assists in connecting personal area networks by using minimal energy and low-power radio waves.

Zigbee vs Bluetooth

Zigbee puts importance on automation. It uses low power consumption and lower data rates on smaller packet devices. The frequency range of Zigbee is around 2.4GHz. Zigbee has 16 RF channels in total.

The modulation techniques used are BPSK, QPSK, and GFSK. It comprises 6500+ cell nodes. The bandwidth used by it is low, but it’s higher than Bluetooth. The IEEE version followed by Zigbee is 802.15.4.

Bluetooth puts more importance on connectivity near mobile devices. However, it uses higher power consumption and higher data rates on big packet devices. The frequency range of Bluetooth devices varies from 2.4GHz to 2.483GHz.

There are 79 RF channels in the case of Bluetooth. GFSK is the modulation technique used by Bluetooth. It comprises around 8 cell nodes in total. The bandwidth used by Bluetooth is comparatively low. The IEEE version followed by Bluetooth is 802.15.1.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonZigbeeBluetooth
EmphasisEmphasizes automation.Emphasizes connectivity nearby of mobile devices.
Power consumptionLow power consumption, data rates on smaller packet devices.Higher power consumption, data rates on big packet devices.
FrequencyAround 2.4GHz.2.4GHz to 2.483GHz.
RF channels16 RF channels79 RF channels
Modulation techniqueBPSK, QPSK, GFSKGFSK
CoverageCovers up to a distance of 100 meters.The signal covers up to a distance of 10 meters.
IEEE development802.15.4802.15.1
Cell nodes6500+ cell nodes.8 cell nodes.
BandwidthThe bandwidth used by Zigbee is undoubtedly low, but it’s higher than that of Bluetooth.The bandwidth used by Bluetooth is low.

What is Zigbee?

Zigbee is protocol having high-level communication. It is used in the creation of PANs or personal area networks, with the help of small or low-power digital devices such as radios, basically for automation.

It is also used to collect data from medical devices and in case of low bandwidth and power needs. Zigbee is specially designed for such smaller-scale projects which do not need a wired connection but rather a wireless one.

Thus, it can be operated only in the personal area or nearby. That’s why it is characterized by low data rate and power, wireless and hoc networks. Compared to other wireless technologies, Zigbee is much simpler and less expensive.

It is cheaper than Bluetooth and Wi-Fi as well. The applications include traffic management systems, wireless light switches, home energy monitors, and other types of industrial and consumer equipment requiring low-rate and short-range data transfer in a wireless manner.


What is Bluetooth?

Bluetooth is used for the exchange of data between two fixed points. One can be a mobile, and another can be a laptop. The exchange takes place over short distances by the use of UHF radio waves by building PANs or also known as personal area networks.

This wireless technology has a short-range operation and can act as a great alternative to data cables like RS-232.

Special Interest Group has 35,000 member companies that manage Bluetooth. The member companies are spread out in areas of computing, telecommunication, consumer electronics, and many more.

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However, managing it also overlooks the development of speciation and protects the trademark as well. Till 2009, the shipment of integrated circuit chips units was 920 million annually. This is approximate and not accurate data.

bluetooth 1

Main Differences Between Zigbee and Bluetooth

  1. Zigbee emphasizes automation, whereas Bluetooth emphasizes connectivity nearby of mobile devices.
  2. Zigbee uses low power consumption and data rates on smaller packet devices. However, Bluetooth uses higher power consumption and data rates on big packet devices.
  3. The frequency range of Zigbee is around 2.4GHz. On the other hand, the frequency range of Bluetooth varies from 2.4GHz to 2.483GHz.
  4. The number of RF channels possessed by Zigbee is 16. Whereas the number of RF channels Bluetooth comprises is 79. ,
  5. The modulation technique used by Bluetooth is GFSK, whereas Zigbee uses BPSK, QPSK, and GFSK modulation techniques.
  6. Zigbee comprises 6500+ cell nodes. However, Bluetooth is comprised of around 8 cell nodes.
  7. The bandwidth used by Zigbee is undoubtedly low, but it’s higher than that of Bluetooth. On the other hand, the bandwidth used by Bluetooth is low.
  8. The IEEE, followed by Zigbee, is 802.15.4. However, the IEEE followed by Bluetooth is 802.15.1.
  9. The range of the ZigBee covers up to a distance of 100 meters. On the other hand, the Bluetooth signal range covers up to 10 meters.
Difference Between Zigbee and Bluetooth
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050912006825
  2. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/4460126/

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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24 thoughts on “Zigbee vs Bluetooth: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The detailed comparison between Zigbee and Bluetooth, focusing on their emphasis, power consumption, and operational frequencies, offers an insightful understanding of the unique characteristics of each wireless communication standard.

    • Indeed, the technological distinctions between Zigbee and Bluetooth, underscored by their emphasis, frequency range, and coverage, demonstrate the specialized roles and applications these wireless standards serve in today’s interconnected systems.

  2. The detailed exploration of Zigbee and Bluetooth, along with their applications and technical specifications, offers valuable insights into the distinct attributes of these wireless communication standards and their role in modern network infrastructures.

  3. The difference in power consumption and data rates on smaller and larger device packets for Zigbee and Bluetooth is certainly an important distinction that makes these technologies unique. It’s interesting to see how they have each found their own applications based on their capabilities.

    • Indeed, the specific emphasis on automation by Zigbee and connectivity by Bluetooth shapes their design and purpose. Do you think there are any particular industries or applications where one might be more suitable than the other?

    • These details about Zigbee and Bluetooth’s usage of low or high power consumption and data rates are quite enlightening. It would be interesting to explore further how these technological differences have implications in various fields.

  4. The detailed descriptions of Zigbee and Bluetooth, highlighting their distinct emphasis on automation and connectivity, contribute to a comprehensive portrayal of these wireless standards and their applicability in personal area networks and industrial systems.

    • Indeed, understanding the unique characteristics of Zigbee and Bluetooth, from their frequency range to the number of RF channels, is essential in discerning their suitability for specific applications and network requirements.

  5. The detailed explanation of Zigbee and Bluetooth, along with their emphasis on automation or connectivity, provides a clear understanding of the distinct roles each technology plays in the realm of wireless communication and personal area networks.

    • Absolutely, the contrasting features of Zigbee and Bluetooth, from power consumption to modulation techniques, present a comprehensive overview of their capabilities and applications in different network contexts.

  6. The detailed descriptions of Zigbee and Bluetooth, along with their technical specifications, are very thorough and provide a comprehensive understanding of these wireless standards.

    • Absolutely. I appreciate the in-depth exploration of Zigbee and Bluetooth, including their emphasis, power consumption, and frequency range. This article serves as an excellent reference for understanding these technologies.

    • The applications and use cases of Zigbee and Bluetooth, especially in industries like traffic management systems, home energy monitors, and consumer equipment, are fascinating. It’s evident that each technology has its own niche.

  7. Exploring the key differences between Zigbee and Bluetooth, especially their emphasis, power consumption, and frequency range, provides valuable insights into the distinct characteristics of these wireless communication technologies.

    • The in-depth analysis of Zigbee and Bluetooth’s operation, frequency ranges, modulation techniques, and coverage areas sheds light on the technical nuances that define their functionality and practical implementation in various domains.

    • Absolutely, understanding the specifics of Zigbee and Bluetooth, such as their RF channels, modulation techniques, and coverage, is fundamental to comprehending their role in wireless communication systems.

  8. The comparison table that lays out all the parameters for Zigbee and Bluetooth is very informative. It really highlights the differences in emphasis, power consumption, and range that these two wireless technologies offer.

    • Understanding these differences can be especially valuable when designing and implementing wireless communication systems for various applications. The specific characteristics of Zigbee and Bluetooth can inform practical decision-making.

    • The detailed comparison certainly provides great insight into the technical differences between Zigbee and Bluetooth. As technology progresses, it’s important to understand and appreciate these distinctions to make informed choices.

  9. The discussions about the IEEE versions, modulation techniques, and bandwidth usage for Zigbee and Bluetooth provide a comprehensive view of the technical aspects of these wireless communication standards.

    • Agreed. The article’s detailed comparison of Zigbee and Bluetooth technical specifications is immensely informative and enables a clear understanding of how these technologies differ in design and capabilities.

    • The practical applications and design structures of Zigbee and Bluetooth, along with their distinct emphasis on automation and connectivity, are pivotal in understanding their role in different industries and networks.

  10. The comprehensive exploration of Zigbee and Bluetooth, emphasizing their varied power consumption, frequency ranges, and modulation techniques, provides a nuanced understanding of how these technologies are tailored to different wireless communication needs.

    • Absolutely, the article’s in-depth analysis of Zigbee and Bluetooth’s technical aspects deepens our understanding of these technologies and their respective roles in enabling wireless communication and personal area networks.


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