Self-Pollination vs Cross-Pollination: Difference and Comparison

Pollination is the process in which pollen transfers from another to stigma from the same plant or flower to the same plant or different plant.

Pollination occurs in two forms, which are self and cross-pollination. This is the reproduction process in plants. This is done by transferring pollen grains through a pollinating agent or not.

Key Takeaways

  1. Self-pollination occurs within the same flower or plant, while cross-pollination occurs between two flowers or plants.
  2. Self-pollination can limit genetic diversity, while cross-pollination promotes genetic diversity.
  3. Cross-pollination can occur naturally or with the help of external factors such as wind, water, or animals.

Self-Pollination vs Cross-Pollination

Self-pollination is the reproduction process in plants that occurs when the pollen is transferred to the stigma of the same plant. In these plants, there is no variance in genes. Cross pollination is the reproduction process that occurs when the pollen of one plant transfers to the stigma of another plant. In these plants, there are genetic variations.

Self Pollination vs Cross Pollination

Self-pollination is the sexual mode of reproduction in plants. Pollen grains are move from the anther to the stigma of the same plant.

The fertilization process also happens due to the transfer of pollen grains. Gene uniformity is seen in self-pollination. There is no variation or difference in the plants or individuals.

Cross-pollination is the process in which the movement of pollen grains is from stigma to stigma of another plant. This process is mostly in the plants.

Almost three-fourths of flowering plants do cross-pollination. This pollination needs an agent to carry pollen grains from one plant to another plant.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSelf-PollinationCross-Pollination
ProcessSame flowerDifferent flower
Proportion One-fourthThree-fourth
Pollinating AgentNot requiredRequired
Increasing factorGene uniformityGenetic variation
Gene pollDecreasesMaintained
Amount of pollenLimitedLarge

What is Self-Pollination?

Self-pollination is one type of pollination. It is considered the sexual mode of reproduction in flowering plants. The pollens move from one plant to the stigma of the same plant.

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Self-pollination is divided into two subcategories. Those categories are autogamy and geitonogamy. Autogamy is the process in which pollen moves from the stigma of the same flower.

Geitonogamy is the process in which the pollen grains move from the anther of the same flower. The pollinating agent is not required in this pollination as the whole process takes place in the same individual.

The process can be seen in legumes. Peanut is an example of a legume. Genetic variations are not visible in self-pollination.

Uniformity of genes is a characteristic of self-pollination. They do not need more energy for production. They can grow anywhere. They do not need insects as a carrier of pollen grains.

They can grow anywhere, like Artic. This process is only visible in nearly one-fourth of plants. This process limits the variety of progeny.

This pollination is not dependent on anything, due to which it is easier to do the process on its own.

The pollen grains are carried inside the same plant, due to which there is no wastage of pollen grains. The changes are not possible in the species.

self pollination

What is Cross-Pollination?

This process is also one type of sexual reproduction in flowering plants. This process is widely observed in various species. This process requires pollination agents like birds or insects.

The agents are needed to carry the pollen grains from one plant to another plant. This happens between two different people.

The process is dependent on these agents; otherwise, the process is not possible. Uniformity is absent in this type of pollination.

Changes in the species are observed as the whole process occurs between two different individuals. Pollen grains move from the stamen of one plant to the stigma of another planet.

This process is also known as allogamy. The plants have no chance to undergo self-pollination. New genotypes are produced in this process. Cross-pollination brings genetic diversity.

This also prevents depression of inbreeding. Inbreeding depression is the decrease in the population of a particular species. The role of the gene is maintained by the process of cross-pollination.

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The process has an advantage as the plants do not do with the same flower, and every time they receive pollen grains from different plants, it saves them from becoming extinct.

The species get saved as their genes are different. This pollination is done by three-fourths of the flowering species.

cross pollination

Main Differences Between Self-Pollination and Cross-Pollination

  1. Self-pollination occurs between the same flower or the same individual, but Cross-pollination occurs between different plants.
  2. Self-pollination happens in one-fourth of the flower species, but Cross-pollination happens in three-fourth of the flowering species.
  3. Self-pollination can occur without any agent, but Cross-pollination will require an agent.
  4. Genetic uniformity increases in self-pollination, but genetic variation increases in cross-pollination.
  5. Gene pool gets reduced in this self-pollination, but Gene poll is very well maintained in the cross-pollination.
  6. Limited pollen is produced during self-pollination, but a large amount of pollen is produced in cross-pollination.
Difference Between Self Pollination and Cross Pollination

Last Updated : 30 August, 2023

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8 thoughts on “Self-Pollination vs Cross-Pollination: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The content of this article is excellent and provides a comprehensive understanding of the pollination processes. It is a valuable resource for anyone interested in botanical reproduction.

  2. The detailed descriptions of autogamy and geitonogamy in self-pollination, as well as the role of pollination agents in cross-pollination, make this article an enlightening read. It is highly beneficial for enhancing knowledge in plant biology.

  3. This article provides great insights on the crucial process of pollination. It is very informative and well-structured. I really appreciate how self-pollination and cross-pollination are compared in detail.

  4. This is a wonderful and interesting article. It provides a lot of knowledge about pollination and botanical reproduction methods. Thank you for sharing this valuable content.

  5. Very informative and well-documented article. The references provided at the end give credibility to the content, making it a reliable source of knowledge about pollination.

  6. The scientific details about self-pollination and cross-pollination are excellently explained in this article. The information provided is very valuable for understanding the reproductive processes of flowering plants.

  7. I find it fascinating how the article explains the genetic implications of self-pollination and cross-pollination. The level of detail in describing their effects on gene uniformity and genetic variation is truly impressive.

  8. The comparison table between self-pollination and cross-pollination is incredibly helpful. It provides a clear and concise summary of the key differences between the two reproductive methods.


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