Academic Writing vs Business Writing: Difference and Comparison

There are differences between academic writing and business writing. To start, the former maintains a more formal tone than the latter. The use of the third person and passive voice is seen in this.

On the other hand, active voice is more common in the latter kind of writing. It is not only very precise but also very direct.

Key Takeaways

  1. Academic writing conveys research and ideas objectively and formally, while business writing communicates information clearly and concisely to achieve a specific goal.
  2. Academic writing involves complex terminology and longer sentences, while business writing is characterized by shorter sentences and a more conversational tone.
  3. Academic writing follows a specific format, such as APA or MLA, while business writing may not have a specific format but uses a standard business letter format.

Academic Writing vs Business Writing

The difference between Academic writing and Business writing is that the former is restricted to pupils, educators, lecturers, and investigators, whereas Business writing attracts a wide range of professionals. Managers, colleagues, clients, prospective consumers, and possible employers receive business paperwork. Academic writing demands a wide range of resource sources and rigorous compliance with style and organization guidelines. There is more leeway in how information is delivered in business papers.

Academic Writing vs Business Writing

Academic writing is a communication style used by academics and researchers to be effective in their intellectual constraints and areas of competence.

It is focused on the issue that is being discussed or enquired about. One must deduce a wider point or, at the very least, convey some larger opinions on a smaller problem before beginning academic writing.

It’s similar to establishing our thesis or subject on what to write and then writing our opinion, position, or thoughts on that particular research.

Because business writing can take many forms, such as suggested regulations, marketing, news releases, application letters, emails, and memos, business writers consider their intended audience, comprehension, and communication patterns when making stylistic judgments.

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While criteria vary depending on the writer’s argumentation approach, business writers and readers like effective, efficient, and direct writing.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAcademic WritingBusiness Writing
ReadersAcademic writing is restricted to provide students, teachers, lecturers, or scholars.Business writing has a big number of readers from a wide range of professions, like, Supervisors, colleagues, etc.
Communication of informationAcademic writing requires thorough sources of supply and rigid compliance with style and formatting guidelines.In business papers, there is more freedom in how information is communicated.
PerspectiveIn general, academic writing only uses a third-person’s perspective.Business writing can use any point of view, the maximum time it employs is the second person’s point of view.
Factual informationAcademic writing, mainly research-based and textbooks, is largely concerned with facts.Business writing is more inclined toward factual material. It frequently focuses on providing opinions in the form of suggestions.
SentencesAcademic writing can have both lengthy and precise sentences.Business writing demands preciseness.
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What is Academic Writing?

Academic writing is interaction academicians, and practitioners use to express their technical limits and expertise. It differs from previous works in that it employs a formal tone and a third-person viewpoint rather than the author’s viewpoint.

It has a distinct concentration on the subject being discussed or enquired about. Academic writing, like specialized languages used in other areas such as law or medicine, is intended to communicate understood meaning regarding complicated concepts to a group of intellectual specialists.

Academic writing has a fundamentally different foundation than fiction or journalism. It must be relevant to the topic of discussion and effectively transmit its material to the readers serially and systematically.

The general tone of a work of literature refers to its attitude. Throughout the writer’s essay, it is extremely important to convey the thoughts of others honestly and in an acceptable narrative tone.

Disagreements should be handled appropriately and submissively, without biased rhetoric. 

 Citation of sources within the main text of the writer’s work and providing a list of references as footnotes or endnotes are important aspects of academic writing.

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To avoid accusations of duplication, it is vital always to attribute the origin of any thoughts, scientific findings, statistics, or translated or quoted material that the writer has utilised in his or her article.

academic writing

What is Business Writing?

A wide variety of effective communication is covered by business writing. Application letters, emails, policy proposals, commercials, press releases, and memos are just a few instances of the latter.

Because business writing can take numerous forms, business writers should think about their aim, audience, and patterns of interaction.

Business readers and writers want functional, efficient, and unambiguous writing. While standards vary depending on the writer’s confrontational attitude, corporate writers and readers prefer writing that is impactful, efficient, and intuitive.

If the writer is working on a business writing project for a class, he should consider how business writers gather and generate information.

 Statistics, examination of prior patterns, examples, analogy, comparison, risk or consequence assessment, or quotation of authoritative figures or sources are all sorts of evidence that a business communicator or writer may utilize.

The writer’s comprehension of and interaction with their audience will help them choose the facts that are most relevant to the scenario.

Clarity is the primary necessity and main focus of business writing or production. Precise language must be used to make the letter easier to read.

The tone should be professional and respectful but not excessively formal. Ideas should be developed using cases and delicate components as needed.

It should not be an insane amount of words, comparable to descriptive terms and modifiers, and adages are overkill.

business writing

Main Differences Between Academic Writing and Business Writing

  1. Academic writing is limited to providing for students, instructors, lecturers, or scholars. Business writing has a large audience from a variety of professions. Business papers are provided to managers, employees, consumers, future clients, and future employers.
  2. Typically, academic writing exclusively utilizes the third person, but business writing can use any point of view, albeit it most uses the second person.
  3. Academic writing, especially research-based writing and textbooks, is primarily concerned with facts; business writing, on the other side, is concerned with facts and knowledge. It focuses on offering thoughts in the form of suggestions.
  4. Whilst academic writing can contain extensive and precise language, commercial writing needs accuracy.
  5. Academic writing necessitates extensive supply sources and strict adherence to language and format rules. There is more leeway in how the material is delivered in corporate papers.
Difference Between Academic Writing and Business Writing
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.