ADSL vs SDSL: Difference and Comparison

ADSL and SDSL are types of connections. They differ in downloading and uploading speed and belong to broadband internet connections. They have different bandwidths. ADSL gives a connection to the telephone also, but SDSL has no such advantage. ASDL is used in every house by millions.

Key Takeaways

  1. ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) offers faster download speeds but slower upload speeds, while SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line) offers equal upload and download speeds.
  2. ADSL is suitable for home users who consume more data than they upload. At the same time, SDSL is more appropriate for businesses and organizations that must upload large files and maintain stable connections.
  3. ADSL uses different frequencies for downloads and uploads, while SDSL uses the same frequency for both, resulting in more consistent and reliable data transmission.


ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) offers different upload and download speeds and is suitable for home and small businesses. SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line) offers the same download speeds and is designed for larger organizations requiring faster task upload speeds.


ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, which is a type of broadband internet connection. ADSL does not use full bandwidth. It also gives a telephone connection. ADSL is always preferred in today’s world as high-speed internet is used all across the world. It is an asymmetric connection.

SDSL stands for Symmetric Subscriber Digital Subscriber Line. It uses the whole bandwidth, due to which it does not offer any telephone connection. It has a high uploading speed. It is not used now in modern devices and technology. It is one type of symmetric connection.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonADSLSDSL
Download /Upload SpeedEqualNot equal
Type of ConnectionAsymmetricSymmetric
Telephone ConnectionYesNo
Type of TechnologyStandardizedNon-Standardized
Usage probabilityHighLow
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What is ADSL?

It is a common type of DSL connection. It gives a higher speed of downloading and a sufficient speed of uploading. It points out practical use. It is used in modern technology due to its higher speed of downloading.

It does not use the whole bandwidth. It provides a telephone connection. It uses a modem with special benefits. It has a microfilter in the telephone connection.

It also gives the benefit that the telephone and connection can be used at a particular time. It is known as asymmetric because it has a higher downloading speed than the uploading speed. PC always is connected to the internet connection when using ADSL.

It provides the benefit that many people can use the connection at the same time. It has less attenuation. It is very useful at home. This is not good at uploading data, but it is very useful at home for any search on the internet.

ADSL is used when uploading speed is not required or less speed. This lowers its prices for its connections. It is very useful as a person needs a download speed because a person majors searches and downloads information. This is used widely as a default option.


What is SDSL?

SDSL is not a standardized technology. It uses the whole bandwidth. It does not provide a telephone connection. It is a type of broadband internet connection. It has a high speed for uploading data.

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It has a high bandwidth for uploading. It is expensive as the uploading data speed is high. It is mainly used in the server application. This is needed for business applications because they need a high speed of uploading.

It is a type of symmetric connection because they have an equal speed for uploading and downloading data. SDSL is very helpful in running data-intensive services. They need high-speed uploading of data.

People working with the SDSL help them work effectively and efficiently. It has two directions of the connection. This also has VoIP for much better audio and video conferencing.

Many organizations that work on cloud operations need an SDSL connection. It uses way traditional copper broadband. The maximum speed it offers is three Mbps for both uploading and downloading.

It provided the same speed in uploading and downloading, due to which the economic industry very much used it.

This was a huge technology at that time. Technology keeps growing, which makes using SDSL less compared to other connections with so many benefits.


Main Differences Between ADSL and SDSL

  1. ADSL has equal upload and download speed, but SDSL does not have equal upload and download speed.
  2. ADSL is an asymmetric connection, but SDSL is a type of symmetric connection.
  3. ADSL provides a telephone connection, but SDSL does not provide a telephone connection.
  4. ADSL acts as a standardized technology, but SDSL does not.
  5. ADSL is used as the latest technology, but SDSL is no longer in use.
  6. ADSL is cheaper than SDSL.
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.