AICC vs SCORM: Difference and Comparison

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An online training course is an aviation industry computer-based training committee, or AICC. In the case of AICC conformant courses, communication takes place via LMS and HTTP communications.

However, a shareable content object reference model (SCORM) is a web-based training procedure. In the case of SCORM-compliant courses, communication is done via LMS using API adapter calling methods.

Key Takeaways

  1. AICC, an older standard, focuses on communication between e-learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMS). At the same time, SCORM is a more comprehensive set of technical standards and guidelines for e-learning.
  2. SCORM enables content reusability, interoperability, and easier tracking of learners’ progress, making it a popular choice among e-learning developers.
  3. AICC has been officially discontinued since 2014, and SCORM has become the industry standard for creating and deploying e-learning content.


AICC and SCORM differ because the Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee (AICC) is an online training course. The AICC’s online training platform’s standards and exam suite are a little hazier. A shareable content object reference model is a web-based training procedure known as SCORM. The SCORM services’ specifications and test suite are more precise.

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The AICC’s online training platform’s standards and test suite are ineffective. As a result, it’s less valuable. AICC is an international association of technology professionals with advanced skills and training.

It concentrates on computer and research-based technology evaluation, delivery, and development. In 1993, AICC was born. This was the first of the two to be created. When it comes to AICC, there are many more measures to take.

SCORM’s service requirements and test suite are beneficial. As a result, it’s more practical. Content Aggregation and a run-time environment are two paradigms that are commonly used in SCORM.

This platform offers pervasive e-learning capabilities that are also reusable, interoperable, and accessible. After AICC, SCORM was established a few years later.

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SCORM was established in 2003. SCORM, for example, can be deployed using such simple methods.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAICCSCORM
CommunicationHTTP messagesAPI adapter
AmbiguityMore ambiguousLess ambiguous
StepsMore steps to deployFewer steps to deploy
PracticalityLess practicalMore practical
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What is AICC?

In the year 1993, AICC was created. This was the first of the two that were formed. In AICC’s case, there are many more procedures to implement.

In the case of AICC conformant courses, communication is done through an LMS that sends HTTP messages.

The AICC’s online training platform’s requirements and exam suite are impractical. As a result, it is less useful. AICC is an international association of highly qualified and trained individuals in the technology field.

AICC is an online training course for the aviation industry computer-based training Committee. The AICC’s online training platform’s requirements and exam suite are vaguer.

It focuses on evaluating, distributing, and developing computer and research-based technologies.

What is SCORM?

The services offered by SCORM have fewer unclear specifications and test suites. The standards and test suite for SCORM’s services are pretty practical.

As a result, it is more practical. SCORM is a web-based training procedure for shareable content object reference model.

Content Aggregation and the run-time environment are common SCORM paradigms. This platform offers complete e-learning capabilities that are also reusable, interoperable, and accessible.

AICC was developed a few years after SCORM was developed. SCORM began operations in 2003.

In the case of SCORM, it is possible to implement it using such simple steps. In the case of SCORM-compliant courses, communication is done via LMS using calling techniques such as API adapters.

Main Differences Between AICC and SCORM

  1. AICC is an online training course that is referred to as an aviation industry computer-based training committee. On the other hand, SCORM is a web-based training process called a shareable content object reference model.
  2. The specifications and test suite of the online training platform of AICC are more ambiguous. On the other hand, the specifications and test suite of the services offered by SCORM are less ambiguous.
  3. The specifications and test suite of the online training platform of AICC lack practicality. Hence, this is less practical. On the other hand, the specifications and test suite of the services offered by SCORM are full of practicality. Hence, this is more practical.
  4. AICC is an association of professionals who are highly skilled and trained in technology internationally. It focuses on the evaluation, delivery, and development of computer and research-based technologies. On the other hand, SCORM involves models such as Content Aggregation and run time environment. This platform focuses on providing e-learning capabilities that are highly comprehensive and can be reusable, interoperable, and accessible as well.
  5. The development of AICC occurred in 1993. This was first among the two, which was formed first. On the other hand, The development of SCORM occurred a few years after AICC was developed. In 2003, SCORM started operating.
  6. In AICC, it involves comparatively more steps to be deployed. On the other hand, in the case of SCORM, with the use of such easy steps, it can be deployed.
  7. The communication in the case of conformant courses of AICC is done through LMS by sending messages in HTTP. On the other hand, the communication in the case of conformant courses of SCORM is done via LMS through the calling methods like API adapter.

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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.