Alfresco vs Share: Difference and Comparison

There are several content management firms in the market today. Out of those enterprises, alfresco is soon becoming one of the most preferred enterprises for content management.

A share is an in-built application of Alfresco. Users consider Alfresco and share to mean the same.

However, there are some significant differences between these terminologies. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Alfresco is an open-source content management system, while Share is a collaboration platform built on top of Alfresco.
  2. Alfresco offers more robust content management features than Share, including version control and records management.
  3. Share offers more social collaboration features than Alfresco, including blogs, wikis, and discussion forums.

Alfresco vs Share

Alfresco is used by larger organizations with complex content management needs that want to customize their system. Alfresco Share is ideal for a smaller team with a simple collaboration platform. Alfresco has a more complex user interface, while Alfresco Share has a simpler one.

Alfresco vs Share

Alfresco refers to an Enterprise Content Management system that serves the primary function of an open source software. An important feature of Alfresco is the provision of repositories and archives for data storage.

Furthermore, Alfresco allows organisations to place their content in various locations. This, in turn, ensures the smooth accessibility of crucial information.

However, it also optimizes security regarding confidential company data.

Share functions as a browser-based platform. A significant merit of Share is that it increases the effectiveness of an organisation by providing accessible and convenient methods of capturing and sharing information among virtual teams.

It includes various features such as tags, status, content activity, and activity feeds. 

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAlfresco Share
DefinitionAlfresco is the Enterprise Content Management system.Share is a part of the Enterprise Content Management system.
TypeAlfresco is a macro-level entity because it deals with all fields of content creation. Share is a browser-based platform.
Coverage Share is a micro-level entity as it deals only with the virtual teams that are responsible for the production of content.The main focus of the share platform is communication, connection, and collaboration.
FocusThe main focus of Alfresco is the overall effectiveness of the content. The main advantage of Alfresco is that it is a cost-effective software that requires minimum investment.
Advantage An advantage of the shared platform is that it allows for a reduced bandwidth requirement.An advantage of the shared platform is that it reduces bandwidth requirement.
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What is Alfresco?

Alfresco refers to an Enterprise Content Management system with a practical application in UNIX computer systems and Microsoft Windows.

There are two categories of Alfresco: Alfresco Enterprise Edition and Alfresco Community Edition. The primary function of Alfresco is to serve as open-source software. 

While the Alfresco Community Edition provides software services at no cost to users, Alfresco Enterprise Edition is commercially obtained software.

Alfresco ensures that an organisation can handle its information load of unstructured information contents. Furthermore, Alfresco provides users with various locations for placing their content. 

One of the main objectives of Alfresco is to ensure that company information is easily accessible. However, it also optimizes security regarding secretive data.

Therefore, Alfresco covers a company’s documents, records, contents, and details crucial to a firm or enterprise. It also provides the feature of a repository and archives for storing the data.

There are two main advantages of Alfresco. Firstly, it is cost-effective software that requires minimum investment.

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Secondly, Alfresco has a lower cost of ownership. Furthermore, Alfresco is an efficient and effective open-source software.

Thus, Alfresco is becoming an increasingly popular software nowadays. 

What is Share?

Share refers to a particular application that is a part of the Enterprise Content Management system.

Like the other components, such as content platform, data management, and document management, the share is also built as a part of the enterprise. By definition, share functions as a browser-based platform.

Share performs several functions.

Firstly, share is responsible for an organisation’s social content management and collaboration. It includes a wide variety of features.

These include tags, status, content activity, and activity feeds. Furthermore, share offers collaborative tools and provisions such as a document library, calendar, search, and a wiki section. 

Share also provides for virtual teams to carry out projects and content creation. Percentage increases the efficiency of an organisation by giving simplified methods of capturing and sharing information among virtual teams.

This, in turn, enables an increase and improvement in production. 

Since virtual teams are found globally, they share functions as a global communication medium. It allows people from all walks of life to collaborate or work together as partners.

Other advantages of using the shared platform are that it allows for a reduced bandwidth requirement and a large volume of team emails. 

Main Differences Between Alfresco and Share

  1. While Alfresco is the Enterprise Content Management system, the share is a part of the Enterprise Content Management system.
  2. Alfresco is a huge-scale enterprise because it deals with all content creation fields. On the other hand, share is a small-scale platform as it deals only with the virtual teams responsible for content production.
  3. The main focus of Alfresco is the overall performance of the content. In contrast, the main focus of the share platform is communication, connection, and collaboration. 
  4. The main merit of Alfresco is that it has a low cost of ownership and requires minimum investment. In contrast, a fundamental merit of the share platform is that it reduces the large bulk of team emails.
  5. While Alfresco is an open source software, the share is a browser-based platform
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.