AMOLED vs SLCD Super LCD Display: Difference and Comparison

Mobiles have become an essential part of our lives. Frequent use of mobiles has led to problems in eyesight.

For that, a quality display is necessary so that our eyes do not get affected. And with the advancements in technology, displays like AMOLED and super LCD have evolved. 

Key Takeaways

  1. AMOLED displays consume less power when displaying darker images, making them more energy-efficient than SLCD displays in certain scenarios.
  2. SLCD displays are less prone to burn-in and image retention issues than AMOLED screens, ensuring better long-term visual quality.
  3. AMOLED displays offer deeper blacks and more vibrant colors than SLCD screens, resulting in a higher perceived contrast ratio.

AMOLED vs SLCD Super LCD Display 

AMOLED displays use organic compounds that emit light when an electric current is passed through them, while SLCD displays use liquid crystals to control light flow.AMOLED displays have higher contrast ratios than SLCD displays. This means that they can display better image quality.

AMOLED vs SLCD Super LCD Display

The full form of AMOLED is ‘active-matrix organic light-emitting diodes. AMOLED is used on big screens. It contains the TFT thin-film transistors.

On big screens, it is tough to pass on the power, so with the help of thin-film transistors, it gets easy to pass on power to maintain a quick refresh rate from side to side. 

SLCD Super LCD is a display technology utilized by various makers for phone displays. Super LCD screen induces back radiance for the pixels.

To find the solution of the problem with thin-film transistor LCD to support large considering angle and greater color super LCD was originated. It induces little flame and obliges the user to feel near to the display itself.  

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison   AMOLED Display  SLCD Super LCD Display  
Meaning    It induces light using separate LEDs.   
SLCD Super LCD induces the back radiance at the back of the display.   
Life of Displays  AMOLED displays worn out more quickly.   
Super LCD has longer life as it produces light from the back of the display.   
Power Exhaustion  AMOLED display utilizes less energy.   
More energy is utilized in super LCDs.      
Display Quality  AMOLED displays are slim in size.   
Super LCDs are not as slim as AMOLED display as it induces back radiance.   
Colour Contrast  AMOLED displays show high color contrast as their light is induced from pixels and can show black anytime just by turning off LEDs.  

Super LCD when acting for back radiance it shows gray color because some of the backlight bleeds through the display.         

What is AMOLED Display? 

AMOLED displays have many advantages and disadvantages to discuss. It offers a high color contrast as lights are produced from the pixels themselves.

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Little power consumption is required in the case of AMOLED display, specifically when dark scenes are displayed.  

AMOLED displays are much slim and lighter with no back radiance. AMOLED displays show the difference between the bright and the dingy colors.

It has bigger visualizing views which means there is no blockage of definite light. 

Besides the benefits of AMOLED display, there are some cons also. It is very expensive to make an AMOLED display which obstructs the production of AMOLED displays to laptops only.

AMOLED displays have a shorter life span as some natural compounds like OLED colors lose their blaze abilities so quickly than some man-made compounds in LCD screens. 

Efforts are being made to find ways to bring more long-lasting OLED displays to achieve other shades also.

Another negative aspect of AMOLED display is that it gets in use a lot, and because of that, its execution got decreased, which resulted in the burn-out of displays. 

Because of its high color accuracy and brightness, it can be said that the AMOLED display arena is moving faster from mobile phones to laptop and PC displays. 

amoled display

What is SLCD Super LCD Display? 

SLCD Super LCD is the enhancement of LCD screens. Super LCD is energy efficient and is much better than AMOLED display in the areas where there are a larger number of white pixels on a screen.

Super LCD technology is developed from the IPS LCD technology. Super LCD induces radiance from the back behind the display.

These displays are flashing as these displays can induce more light than other displays. It serves as an attractive feature. 

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Super LCDs do not show much good color contrast as some back radiance bleeds through the display. Super LCDs are less slim than AMOLED displays.

These displays exhaust more power as backlights are always on, which cannot be turned off. Super LCDs have longer life as these displays do not separate LEDs embedded on them. 

HTC is the main producer of super LCDs. In Super, LCDs glaze is reduced so that everything on screen can be easily visible when you are outside or in daylight.

Devices that use super LCD are HTC windows phone X, HTC desire 900, HTC desire U. 

In ordinary LCDs, there used to be a gap between the external glass and representing portion, and with super LCDs, this problem has been evacuated now. 

slcd super lcd display 1

Main Differences Between AMOLED Display and SLCD Super LCD Display 

  1. AMOLED displays induce light by having separate LEDs embedded on display, whereas super LCDs induce back radiance at the end of the display. 
  2. AMOLED displays burn out early because being in use most reduces their performance, whereas super LCDs have a longer life than AMOLED displays. 
  3. AMOLED display requires less power exhaustion as lights can be turned off in case of dingy scenes, whereas more power exhaustion is required in case of super LCDs because blaze at the end of the display cannot be turned off. 
  4. AMOLED displays are slim and lighter, whereas super LCDs are quite thick as compared to AMOLED displays because thick displays are necessary to protect the eyes from direct light. 
  5. AMOLED displays show high color contrast, whereas super LCDs do not show that high contrast of colors. 
Difference Between X and Y 2023 07 05T093840.909

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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11 thoughts on “AMOLED vs SLCD Super LCD Display: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The longevity, color contrast, and energy consumption aspects are crucial for my work. The advancements in these display technologies are truly remarkable.

    • Indeed, Karlie Stevens. The ever-evolving display technologies have a profound impact on various applications. There’s a lot to consider here.

    • The dynamic between AMOLED and Super LCD displays is intriguing. The detailed comparison provides a comprehensive understanding of their differences.

  2. The advances in technology for displays are fascinating. The practical differences presented here are very helpful for decision making.

  3. I almost prefer Super LCD Displays, longer life and less power exhaustion are crucial for me. However, AMOLED’s color contrast is tempting.

  4. Arguing the merits of AMOLED vs Super LCD displays is like debating the merits of apples and oranges. A choice between the two depends on user preferences and priorities.

    • Absolutely, Jason98. It’s like comparing two distinct art forms. Both have their unique appeal and it ultimately comes down to individual need.

  5. Intriguing comparison between the technologies. It’s good to know the advantages and disadvantages of AMOLED and SLCD Super LCD Displays. Great article!

  6. The technological aspects of AMOLED and Super LCD are interesting. It’s great to understand the inner workings and differences between these technologies.

    • The detailed description of both AMOLED and Super LCD displays is impressive. The advantages and disadvantages are highlighted well.


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