Cisco NX-OS vs Cisco IOS: Difference and Comparison

Cisco has been a pioneer in the industry of networking software since the company was first set in motion.

It has developed and deployed several systems that combine cutting-edge technology with comprehensive hardware system support.

Cisco NX-OS and Cisco IOS are two such systems out of the others that are widely acclaimed and used by many.

Key Takeaways

  1. Cisco NX-OS is a network operating system designed for data center environments, offering high availability and scalability.
  2. Cisco IOS is a versatile operating system for routers and switches, supporting various network protocols and features.
  3. Both operating systems provide the foundation for Cisco networking devices and have unique advantages depending on the network environment.

Cisco NX-OS vs Cisco IOS

The difference between Cisco NX-OS and Cisco IOS is that all the processes of Cisco NX-OS work in memory spaces that are independent of each other, whereas Cisco IOS processes share a single memory space. This means that a malfunction in any process would not be much of a deal to Cisco NX-OS, but it would wreak havoc for other router processes in the case of Cisco IOS.

Cisco NX OS vs Cisco IOS

Cisco NX-OS is an operating system specifically designed for Nexus-series Ethernet switches and MDS-series Fibre Channel storage area network switches.

It is an upgraded version of the Cisco SAN-OS operating system that was originally developed only for MDS switches. The system is built on the Linux kernel and has multiple high-availability features.

Cisco IOS is another cisco operating system that was developed way before Cisco NX-OS. It can be considered a family of software that can be used on most Cisco Systems routers and current Cisco network switches.

Its code base includes a cooperative multitasking kernel; however, it has several architectural limitations when compared to Cisco NX-OS.  

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCisco NX-OSCisco IOS
DesignCisco NX-OS has several improvements in architecture over Cisco IOS.Cisco IOS has several architectural limitations as compared to Cisco NX-OS.  
Memory spaceIts processes work in protected and independent memory spaces.  Cisco IOS processes are shared over a single or pooled memory space.
FunctionsCisco NX-OS supports symmetric multiprocessing.Cisco IOS does not support symmetric multiprocessing.
DevelopmentCisco NX-OS is developed using the Python language code.Cisco IOS is developed using the C language code.
IP Address AssignmentThe subnet mask must be entered in slash notation.The subnet mask must be entered in dotted decimal notation.
VersionsCisco NX-OS is an upgraded version of Cisco SAN-OS.Cisco IOS is an older version of newer upgrades, including Cisco IOS-XE and Cisco IOS-XR.
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What is Cisco NX-OS?

Cisco NX-OS is a network operating system that offers excellent scalability and application availability. It evolved from the industry-proven system, Cisco SAN-OS, that was made for MDS switches.

Cisco NX-OS was upgraded to run on Nexus Ethernet switches as well. It was built with several IPv4 and IPv6 routing and multicast features.

It provided comprehensive serviceability and security along with a unified data centre. The developers of the system used Python language code to build it.

Some key features of Cisco NX-OS include a virtual device context, virtual port channels, and continuous system operation. The system enables Layer 2 extension between distributed data centres over any Layer 3 transport network.

It provides a persistent storage service that is lightweight and efficient to maintain a runtime information state. This allows software components to checkpoint their internal state and allows a non-disruptive restart.

Cisco NX-OS even has a grace period that allows users to test, configure and operate a feature without having a license. This proves to be helpful when a user wants to test a feature before buying the operating system.

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The system also has various platform support, including Nexus 7000, Nexus 5000, Nexus 2000, Nexus 1000V, Nexus 4000, Cisco MDS 9000, and Cisco Unifies Computing System.

What is Cisco IOS?

Cisco IOS is an internetwork operating system that runs on several Cisco routers and switches. The system’s main aim is to facilitate data communication between two or more network nodes.

It offers many features and services that enable users to improve their network traffic performance and security. It was built using the C language code.

Some of the most notable features of Cisco IOS include authentication, encryption, policy enforcement, firewall capabilities, quality of service, intelligent routing, deep pocket inspection and even proxy capabilities.

The system can also support call processing and unified data communication services. It enables preemptive multitasking, which grants CPU time to high-priority processes before it does to low-priority processes.

However, it has several limitations, such as not supporting symmetric multiprocessing. Moreover, it can only run with shared memory space.

New versions of the system were launched to rectify these limitations. These new systems include Cisco IOS-XE and Cisco IOS-XR. Cisco IOS-XE runs on top of the Linux kernel.

It shares code that is very similar to that of Cisco IOS-XR. However, the latter is based in QNX, like a Unix real-time system. This enables it to support software-defined networking as well as embed the systems market.

Main Differences Between Cisco NX-OS and Cisco IOS

  1. Cisco NX-OS has several improvements in architecture over Cisco IOS, whereas Cisco IOS has many limitations in operations.
  2. Cisco NX-OS processes use independent memory spaces to run, whereas Cisco IOS processes are shared over a single memory space.
  3. Cisco NX-OS supports symmetric multiprocessing, whereas Cisco IOS does not.
  4. Cisco NX-OS was built using the Python language code, whereas Cisco IOS was built using C language code.
  5. Cisco NX-OS can enter the subnet in slash notation, whereas Cisco IOS does so using dotted decimal notation.
  6. Cisco NX-OS is an upgrade to Cisco SAN-OS, whereas Cisco IOS is an older version of Cisco IOS-XE and Cisco IOS-XR.
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.