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Who will not like to know something about the unknown? Who wouldn’t love to have their views answered? Who doesn’t love to solve the mystery?

Who wouldn’t love to gain knowledge? I believe nobody would like such things. We are called curious or inquisitive when we want to know something or gain knowledge about something. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Curious refers to a person’s interest in learning new information or experiencing new things, while inquisitive implies a more persistent or probing desire for knowledge or understanding.
  2. Curiosity can be a more general and passive trait, whereas inquisitiveness suggests a proactive and focused approach to seeking information.
  3. Both curious and inquisitive individuals share a desire for knowledge and understanding, but they may differ in the intensity and persistence of their pursuit.

Curious vs Inquisitive

The difference between curious and inquisitive is that curious means that someone has an active wish to learn or gain knowledge about something. It is a fairly neutral term. On the other hand, inquisitive means that someone is habitually curious and tenaciously asks numerous questions to collect information and gain knowledge. 

Curious vs Inquisitive

Curious is a word that can be used to describe when a human being is anxious, impatient, or eager to know about something or anything in this world or the human being wants to find out answers to various situations, questions, riddles, mysteries, and many more things going on in this world.

The word inquisitive can be understood as a word or term which is a synonym of the word curious.

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This word is used to elaborate on the interest and excitement of human beings when he or she wants to explore, investigate, learn and gain knowledge of various things or topics in this world. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCuriousInquisitive
Questions Being curious does not involve asking questions. Being inquisitive involves asking questions. 
Discovery The word curious was invented in the 14th century. The word inquisitive was invented in the late 14th century.
Derivation The word curious is derived from a french and a Latin word. The word curious is derived from a Latin word. 
Example He is so curious for knowing about the parallel universe. I liked children, loved their innocence and their inquisitiveness.
Connotation The word curious is majorly used for positive connotations.The word inquisitive can either be used with positive or negative connotations.

What is Curious? 

The word curious is derived from the old French word curios meaning odd, strange, or interested, or the Latin curious meaning careful, diligent, and eager.

The word also describes the excitement, anxiousness, or impatience of a human being when he or she wants to explore, investigate, learn and gain knowledge of various things or topics in this world.

The word is also related to expecting and demanding a high standard of perfection. The word curious can also be understood by an example of a student who is ready to learn and gain knowledge.

The term curious can also be understood as the nature, characteristic, trait, or feature of a human being asking or excited to enjoy something.

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Having curiosity aroused in yourself means being curious. A child having his or her interest in various animated kids movies is an example of being curious.

Curious is majorly related to all factors of the development of human beings, in which they obtain the procedure of learning and wish to obtain skills and knowledge. 


What is Inquisitive? 

The word inquisitive can also be understood by an example of a toddler asking a lot of questions from his parents or other elders, this trait or feature of asking numerous questions from his elders elaborates how inquisitive the toddler must be to learn about new things and gain knowledge about his or her surroundings.

The term inquisitive can also be understood as a characteristic, nature, trait, or feature of a human being asking various questions about various things or being excited to enjoy something.

Having inquisitiveness aroused in anyone or even in yourself is one of the finest examples of being inquisitive. An athlete having his or her interest in various games is an example of being inquisitive.

Majorly concerned with an inquiry about something is also a trait of being inquisitive.

An inquiry is a proportion of answering various questions, which is related to being inquisitive. Inquisitive is also connected to prying in an annoying manner. Inquisitive is also considered to be an intellectual curiosity. 

Main Differences Between Curious and Inquisitive 

  1. Being curious is majorly related to a high standard of excellence, while being Inquisitive is related to gaining knowledge. 
  2. Curious is related to the term interested, while Inquisitive is related to asking questions. 
  3. Curious is related to knowledge and creativity, while Inquisitive is related to prying. 
  4. Curiosity is associated with getting information about the unknown, while inquisitiveness is intellectual eagerness. 
  5. The word curiosity is majorly used for eagerness, while the word inquisitive is used for enquiring.
Difference Between Curious and Inquisitive



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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.