Dungeness vs Snow Crab: Difference and Comparison

Crabs are part of marine arthropods. They have four legs and walk in a sideways direction.

Crabs are very famous as seat food. However, it can be quite complicated to obtain white crab meat.

China is the largest exporter of crabs, and crabs are commonly consumed in countries like Russia, the US, China, Indonesia, Canada, etc.

Key Takeaways

  1. Dungeness crabs are larger and meatier than snow crabs.
  2. Dungeness crabs are caught on the west coast of North America, while snow crabs are caught in the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic.
  3. Dungeness crabs have a sweeter flavor, while snow crabs have a milder flavor.

Dungeness vs Snow Crab

The difference between Dungeness and snow crabs is that Dungeness crabs have thinner and smaller legs compared to snow crabs. Snow crabs have long legs. Dungeness crabs provide lesser meat, whereas the long legs of snow crabs provide more quantity of meat in a single crab.

Dungeness vs Snow Crab

Dungeness crabs are also known as Dungeness as they are named after their native habitat. Dungeness crabs have wide body with a hard shell.

They are oval and are commercially very important in California. They are edible and are one of the most consumed crabs in the world.

Snow crabs are majorly found in North Atlantic and North Pacific regions. They are also known as queen crabs.

They prefer to live in the cold, a condition that is under the deep sea. They are found in snowy-cold ocean conditions.

However, they get their name from the snowy white color of their meat.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDungenessSnow Crab
SizeThe legs of Dungeness crabs are shorter than those of snow crabs.The legs of snow crabs are longer than those of Dungeness crabs.
Named afterThey are named after the habitat they are found in.They are named after the color of their meat.
Found in They are mostly found in the California region.They are found in North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans.
TasteIt has a sweeter taste than snow crabs.They are less sweet compared to Dungeness.
Edible partTheir body under the shell is edible.Their legs are mostly preferred to be consumed.

What is Dungeness?

Dungeness is a part of special crab species. They are named after the habitat they are found in, that is, Dungeness Bay in England.

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They are also found near Santa Barbara and California. They live mostly in sandy habitats.

These crabs are consumed all around the world. It is famous for its sweet meat.

They weigh about 2 pounds. Almost 1.5 pounds of it can be used as pure crab meat.

They have ten feet on average. Among these 10, they use 2 for defense and to eat food.

Four of their feet are used to walk. They have two big black eyes that sit on their heads.

The meat of Dungeness is very safe to eat. Its meat is hard to separate from the shell, so it is used in sauce and dip as a whole.

This crab has a very sweetmeat. Boiling the crab for about 20 minutes can help to bring a better and sweeter flavor to this crab.

However, it is highly advised not to consume the crab raw as it could lead to dangerous consequences. The crab has many health benefits.

It is a rich source of protein and B12. It also helps to increase immunity entirely.


What is Snow Crab?

Snow crabs are the origin of the Northern Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean. It is well-known commercially.

A Snow crab gets its name from its snowy-white-colored meat. It is also found in cold, snowy places.

Snow crabs are found in deep cold water conditions.

They are very closely related to King crabs. A large part of snow crabs is their legs.

They have short and round bodies. Male snow crabs tend to be double the size of female snow crabs.

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Snow crab meat is sweet and tender. It is delicate and textured.

The consumption of snow crab is a good choice as it is a responsibility harvested under special guidelines. Their color change from red to white when brought in the presence of fire.

The long legs of snow crabs give a high quantity of meat; hence an entire King crab is equal to snow crab legs.

Their meat is easily found all around the world. It is rich in vitamins like B-3, B-5, B-6, and vitamin C. It also contains copper and phosphorus.

They have a high amount of cholesterol. It has about sixty mg of cholesterol per serving.

Snow crabs are a great choice of food after an active day as they help to restore your body.

snow crab

Main Differences Between Dungeness and Snow Crab

  1. Dungeness has smaller legs compared to Snow crabs. Hence, the legs of snow crabs provide more meat than Dungeness.
  2. Dungeness crab can be easily found in California. Snow crabs are found in North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans.
  3. The body part of the Dungeness crab is referred to eat, whereas the legs of snow crabs are preferred to eat.
  4. Dungeness crab is sweeter in taste compared to snow crabs. Hence, many people prefer Dungeness over snow crabs.
  5. Dungeness crabs are found in grass beds and ocean floors. Snow crabs are found on sandy, muddy ground or upper slopes.
Difference Between Dungeness and Snow Crab
  1. https://academic.oup.com/jcb/article-abstract/8/2/164/2327685
  2. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/276/5317/1431.abstract

Last Updated : 25 July, 2023

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25 thoughts on “Dungeness vs Snow Crab: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The analysis of Dungeness and Snow crabs, including their distinct sizes, tastes, and edible parts, is highly informative. The content provides a clear understanding of the different aspects of these crabs.

    • I share the same views. The detailed comparison between Dungeness and Snow crabs helps shed light on the significant differences between these two popular marine arthropods.

  2. The comparison between the Dungeness and Snow crab was insightful. It’s interesting to note that Dungeness crabs have a sweeter flavor compared to the milder taste of Snow crabs. The nutritional benefits were also an important point.

    • I completely agree. The detailed comparison provided great clarity on the differences between Dungeness and Snow crabs, especially in terms of their taste and nutritional value.

    • Absolutely! The nutritional details were particularly enlightening. The fact that Snow crabs are rich in vitamins B-3, B-5, and B-6 as well as vitamin C is noteworthy for crab enthusiasts.

  3. The content delves deep into the unique details about Dungeness and Snow crabs, such as their size, taste, and edible parts. It’s fascinating to learn about the distinguishing features of each type of crab.

    • Absolutely! The detailed information about the crabs’ size, taste, and edible parts provides a holistic understanding of the unique characteristics of Dungeness and Snow crabs.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The exhaustive explanation of the differences between Dungeness and Snow crabs sheds light on various interesting aspects of these marine arthropods.

  4. This article provided a comprehensive understanding of Dungeness and Snow crabs. The information on their habitat and the unique characteristics of their meat was indeed very educational.

    • I couldn’t agree more. Learning about the key differences between Dungeness and Snow crabs was quite enriching. The detailed comparison table was particularly helpful in highlighting their distinctions.

    • I share the same sentiment. The insight into their distinct tastes and edible parts provides valuable knowledge for those interested in the world of crabs.

  5. The detailed comparison table and the explanation of the unique characteristics of Dungeness and Snow crabs provide valuable insights into these marine arthropods. It’s a great resource for understanding the key differences between the two types of crabs.

    • Absolutely! The in-depth analysis of the crabs’ distinct features, including their taste and habitat, offers an excellent source of knowledge for those keen on learning about marine arthropods.

  6. The article’s detailed comparison of Dungeness and Snow crabs enriches our knowledge about these fascinating marine arthropods. It’s intriguing to know about their unique traits and specific habitats.

    • I share the same sentiment. The thorough analysis of the crabs’ characteristics and habitats offers valuable insights for those interested in learning more about Dungeness and Snow crabs.

    • Absolutely! The detailed explanation about the distinguishing features of the crabs and their respective habitats provides an insightful overview of Dungeness and Snow crabs.

  7. Interesting article! The details provided about Dungeness and Snow Crabs were really helpful in understanding the difference between the two. It’s fascinating to know where these crabs are found and how they’re named.

    • Agreed! I’m particularly intrigued by the snow crab’s habitat and the fact that their color changes from red to white when exposed to fire. It’s remarkable.

  8. The detailed comparison between Dungeness and Snow crabs, along with their unique traits and nutritional benefits, makes for an insightful read. It’s intriguing to know about the specific habitats of these crabs.

    • I’m in complete agreement. The in-depth analysis of the crabs’ distinct features and habitats provides valuable knowledge for those interested in understanding marine arthropods.

  9. The detailed information about the unique characteristics of Dungeness and Snow crabs, including their habitat, taste, and nutritional benefits, is certainly enriching. It offers a comprehensive understanding of these marine arthropods.

    • I completely agree. The article presents a thorough comparison between Dungeness and Snow crabs, offering readers valuable insights into their unique traits and characteristics.

    • Absolutely! The comprehensive details about the distinguishing features of Dungeness and Snow crabs are both informative and fascinating. It’s an excellent source of knowledge for crab enthusiasts.

  10. The detailed content about Dungeness and Snow crabs offers a rich source of information, especially the insights into their unique tastes and habitats. It’s an enlightening read for those curious about marine arthropods.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The comprehensive details about the characteristics and habitats of Dungeness and Snow crabs provide readers with an excellent understanding of these marine arthropods.


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