Ecobee vs Honeywell: Difference and Comparison

The difference between Ecobee and Honeywell is that Ecobee is a home automation company that is based in Canada and one of the top producers of commercial and residential thermostats, while on the other hand, Honeywell is a multinational leader in the provision of smart construction solutions, aerospace, safety and productivity solutions, and industrial systems.

Ecobee was founded in 2007. It is a Canadian home automation company that produces smart cameras, designs sensors for doors and windows, and makes thermostats. The thermostats have their own occupancy sensors that adjust room temperatures depending on the room’s occupancy level. Ecobee is the leading producer of commercial and residential thermostats in the world.

Honeywell was originally founded in 1906, combining Honeywell Inc. and Aliiedsignal. It requires a little bit of manual programming in order to adjust room temperatures since it does not have occupancy sensors. It produces a wide range of products that include; home and building controls, aerospace, and industrial control systems.

Unlike other thermostat producers, Honeywell has made its name based on the lower prices put on its products. It is user-friendly on the other hand.

Key Takeaways

  1. Ecobee smart thermostats have built-in occupancy and temperature sensors for enhanced energy efficiency; Honeywell thermostats require separate sensors.
  2. Ecobee thermostats are compatible with various smart home platforms such as Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa; Honeywell thermostats have limited compatibility.
  3. Ecobee offers a more user-friendly interface and mobile app than Honeywell.
Ecobee vs Honeywell

Ecobee vs Honeywell

Ecobee thermostats feature sensors that operate automatically without human involvement. In Ecobee, room sensors detect temperature, inhabitation, and humidity. Honeywell thermostats detect only room temperature. In the Honeywell room, sensors need to be purchased separately to amend temperature.

Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonEcobeeHoneywell
ProductsThermostats, smart cameras, sensors for doors and windowsHome and building controls, aerospace products
C-wireNot all need a c-wireMost of them need a c-wire
Sound systemComes with a microphone and speakerHave no microphone and speaker
Occupancy sensorIn-madeNo occupancy sensors

What is Ecobee?

It is a commercial and residential automation company based in Canada. It is one of the leading commercial and residential thermostat producers in the world, and it was released in 2007.

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Unlike other thermostat producers, Ecobee thermostats come with in-made occupancy sensors that are used for adjusting room temperatures based on occupancy levels.

There is no manual programming for the thermostats; the sensors are intelligent and operate themselves with or without someone keeping a close eye on them. They also come with a microphone and speaker that functions like an Amazon Echo.

Other than thermostats, Ecobee has a reasonable range of products; well-designed smart cameras and sensors for doors and windows, and they don’t need a C-wire to function well.

Having been introduced in the market a decade ago, Ecobee has made tremendous upgrades to its products so as to meet user expectations. They are designed with 21st-century technology. It has made profits both in the commercial and residential thermostat business.

Ecobee thermostats are intelligent enough to work on their own without close supervision due to in-made sensors. The door and window sensors from Ecobee sense motion, therefore, they open and close themselves simultaneously after every action.

It also produces quality lenses that are used in smart cameras for better capturing of pictures and recording of audio. In a short duration, Ecobee has been able to win the trust of millions of users hence increasing production and profits.


What is Honeywell?

It is a Canadian automation company that was launched in 1906. It started as a combination between Honeywell Inc. and Allied Signal. It is also a multinational and global leader in the production of smart building solutions for the aerospace and manufacturing industries.

It produces a wide range of products that come with home and constructing controls, aerospace, and safety and productivity solutions.

In-home and building controls, Honeywell has played a major role in the production of manual residential thermostats that do not have an occupancy sensor for them to work on their own. This means that the thermostats cannot adjust room temperatures based on occupancy levels.

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Since the Honeywell thermostats are not automatic, this has increased their safety when being handled by humans. This is because, unless they are programmed to undertake their task, they cannot misbehave and command themselves to perform other functions.

Though one has to keep a close eye on them, the readings on these thermostats are accurate. They are affordable since they have not undergone greater technological advancements.

honeywell 1

Main Differences Between Ecobee and Honeywell

  1. Ecobee was originally introduced into the market in 2007, whereas Honeywell was initially introduced into the market in 1906.
  2. Thermostats, smart digital cameras, and doors and windows sensors are the products produced by Ecobee, and it has a wide range of products, including home and building controls, aerospace, and safety and productivity solutions.
  3. Ecobee thermostats come with an in-made microphone and speaker that function like an Amazon Echo, conversely, Honeywell thermostats are barely Alexa-compatible and need a separate echo, therefore, they do not come with an in-made microphone and speaker.
  4. In the need for a C-wire for their functionality not all Ecobee products need it, for they are automatic and have in-made sensors, while most Honeywell products need a C-wire to enable their functionality, for they are manual devices.
  5. Ecobee has its own occupancy sensors that adjust room temperatures based on occupancy levels, while Honeywell has no occupancy sensors, therefore, it needs to be manually programmed.

Last Updated : 19 November, 2023

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