Electronic vs Written Communication: Difference and Comparison

Communication is an essential part of our daily life to survive in this social world. Communication is the meaningful exchange of information, feelings, ideas, and opinions using or without words.

It brings people together. Electronic Communication and Written Communication are two different methods of communication.

Key Takeaways

  1. Electronic communication involves transmitting information using electronic devices, while written communication refers to any written message conveyed through written language.
  2. Electronic communication is quicker, more efficient and less expensive than written communication, which is more formal and permanent.
  3. Electronic communication is less reliable than written communication as it can be lost or misinterpreted due to non-standardized language or technical issues.

Electronic Communication vs Written Communication

The difference between Electronic Communication and Written Communication is that Electronic Communication is very fast than Written Communication.

Electronic Communication offers visual, audio, and text communication together. On the other hand, Written Communication is the process in which we can use only written words.

Electronic Communication vs Written Communication

Electronic Communication is the fastest way to exchange our thoughts and ideas. It’s the easiest way of Communication, and the feedback exchange process is very speedy.

This type of Communication is comparatively cheaper than the other modes of Communication. Electronic Communication is mainly preferred by people who live away from their family and friends.

Written Communication means the sending and receiving of messages through written words. Written Communication is the most formal type of Communication.

Letters, circulars, telegrams, bulletins, and emails are examples of Written Communication. It is mainly used for documentation and the circulation of information.

Written Communication is a less flexible way of Communication and is sometimes expensive.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonElectronic CommunicationWritten Communication
Meaning  Communication happens using electronic media.  Written Communication is a process of interchanging ideas through written words.  
Communication TypeNot so formal.  The most formal type of communication.  
Feedback  One can get immediate feedback.  Feedback is not immediate. It’s a lengthy process.  
Medium of Communication  Electromagnetic waves.  Written words.  
Personal Presence  Personal presence is required.  Personal presence is not essential.  
Literacy  Compatible for both literate and illiterate people.  Only for educated people.  
Advantage  It’s an easy way to communicate. Skills are not essential.  Excellent skills in vocabulary and language are essential.  

What is Electronic Communication?

Electronic Communication is a mode of Communication that uses electronic media to transmit information using the computer, mobile phone, telephone, email, video calling etc.

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This type of communication is speedy and reliable for conveying messages. Electronic Communication is a meaningful exchange of information through electromagnetic waves or electrical signals.

This type of Communication saves time and money. It is an essential tool for business purposes as it provides quick communication.

To increase productivity and customer satisfaction, Electronic Communication is very beneficial. It has become prevalent means to communicate worldwide.

By using electronic media, Communication becomes easy and cheaper. Electronic media like email, fax, radio broadcast, video conferencing, and texting allow instant message exchange.

It allows people in different locations to communicate through sounds, text, and video. It also enables people to work from home.

The information of Electronic Communication may be stored on a disk or a computer hard drive. It can be easily retrievable, but there are also many risks in using electronic media.

Network failure can happen. Electronic messages can be easily copied and not secure.

Computer hacking or virus is harmful to our device. That is why security is a significant concern in Electronic Communication.

electronic communication

What is Written Communication?

Written Communication is a method of interacting through written words. It is the most formal method of communication.

A well-written communication is very helpful in creating better understanding between people. In Written Communication, the message is carefully drafted and structured in written form.

Written Communication is very helpful in every aspect of the business. Building trust and integrity between the reader and the writer can be very helpful. We can edit and revise the message before sending it.

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It’s the most reliable mode of communication. Structure, style, and content are the three main elements of Written Communication. Letters, mail, telegram, faxes, and postcards are examples of this type of communication.

The documents of Written Communication can be easily preserved, and we can collect preserved documents when needed.

The information of Written Communication is considered more legal and valid than spoken words. Written Communication is a lengthy process.

The feedback is not immediate. The sender does not get quick feedback.

It takes more time to compose the message.

Written Communication is compatible with literate people, not with illiterates. Effective Written Communication requires great skills in language and vocabulary.

written communication

Main Differences Between Electronic Communication and Written Communication

  1. Electronic Communication is faster than Written Communication. The sending and receiving process are speedy in Electronic Communication. Written Communication is a lengthy process.
  2. Electronic Communication uses electronic media to transmit information. On the other hand, in Written Communication, we use written words to exchange our thoughts.
  3. Electronic Communication is not so expensive, but Written Communication is sometimes more expensive than Electronic Communication.
  4. Written Communication is a very formal type of communication, whereas Electronic Communication is not so formal in form.
  5. In Electronic Communication, personal presence is essential. In Written Communication, personal presence is not crucial.
  6. Electronic Communication is compatible with both literate and illiterate people. Written Communication is valid only for educated people.
Difference Between Electronic Communication and Written Communication
  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=m9-B8xKJo6IC&oi=fnd&pg=PR11&dq=written+communication&ots=bZn456kW_9&sig=f8pK4cIdsPBOgRO7hARYhMIM108
  2. https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/orsc.6.4.423

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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26 thoughts on “Electronic vs Written Communication: Difference and Comparison”

  1. A well-written and informative article! It perfectly explains the key differences between electronic communication and written communication and the advantages of each.

  2. While electronic communication is faster and more cost-effective, the importance and formality of written communication should not be overlooked. This post emphasizes both methods beautifully.

  3. The article delivers a thorough examination of electronic and written communication, offering valuable insights into their individual characteristics and implications. An exceptional piece of writing!

  4. The comparison table is especially helpful. It neatly summarizes the differences between electronic communication and written communication, making it easier to understand.

  5. This article presents a comprehensive analysis of electronic and written communications, providing readers with valuable insights into their differences and applications.

  6. The author provides a comprehensive and in-depth comparison of electronic and written communication. The post is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand these concepts better.

  7. The article effectively communicates the importance and relevance of electronic communication, while also acknowledging the significance of written communication. Very well-written and thought-provoking.

  8. The detailed comparison of electronic and written communication is intriguing and enlightening. This article is a testament to the author’s extensive research and understanding of the subject.

  9. The post’s detailed comparison and explanation of both electronic and written communication is praiseworthy. It’s certainly an enlightening read.

  10. While electronic communication is highly efficient, the permanence and formality of written communication should not be underestimated. This article effectively communicates the importance of both methods.


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