Fedora vs OpenSUSE: Difference and Comparison

The Windows Subsystem for Linux got a tremendous update in Windows 10’s Fall Creators Update. It presently upholds different Linux conveyances, not simply Ubuntu.

Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server are accessible at dispatch, with Fedora and other Linux circulations set to show up later on.

Microsoft isn’t calling this product “Slam on Windows” any longer, by the same token. It’s presently authoritatively alluded to as “Ubuntu on Windows Subsystem for Linux,” “OpenSUSE on Windows Subsystem for Linux, etc., contingent upon which Linux dissemination you’re utilizing.

Key Takeaways

  1. Fedora is more cutting-edge and geared towards developers, while openSUSE is more stable and geared towards enterprise use.
  2. Fedora uses the RPM package manager, while openSUSE uses both RPM and its package manager, Zypper.
  3. Red Hat sponsors Fedora, while openSUSE is sponsored by SUSE.

Fedora vs OpenSUSE

The difference between Fedora and openSUSE is that Fedora is an open-source Linux Operating framework. It is supported by Red Hat. It is grown cooperatively with volunteers across the globe, even today, while openSUSE gives an out of box experience unequaled by other Linux work areas. When introduced, it furnishes a total work area arrangement with a strong programming choice, minimal post-design, and incredible solidness.

Fedora vs OpenSUSE

Fedora is an OpenSource Linux dissemination. It depends on RPM(Redhat Package Manager) Linux having two sorts (Deb/Rpm). This working framework is supported by Redhat Linux.

We have numerous decisions of rpm-based working frameworks like Centos 7, Suse, Scientific Linux, and some more. Fedora is an extremely better and stable working framework to utilize, and it’s better than Ubuntu Debian.

Fedora having a fedora project in this venture support numerous arising innovations on open source in this working framework, we have all apparatuses to tackle our job. It’s an extremely cool working framework.

OpenSUSE, then again, is a possible option in contrast to Red Hat and an open distro created by the local area-driven openSUSE Project and supported by SUSE Linux in several different organizations. openSUSE contains every one of the steady bundles with a delivery pattern of around eight months which is followed conventionally.

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It is practically identical to Fedora; however likely somewhat simpler than Fedora. Fedora isn’t pretty much as easy to understand as openSUSE.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFedoraOpenSUSE
DefinitionIt is a community-driven open-source project managed and maintained by Red Cat, Inc.It is a free and open-source working framework upheld by SUSE Linux and created by the openSUSE Project.
Platform DependencyIt makes use of Genome and its default work environment climate.KDE is openSUSE’s default work environment.
User FriendlyIt isn’t quite as simple to grasp as openSUSE.It is more user-friendly than Fedora.
SecurityIt’s a more secure option than openSUSE.It isn’t quite as safe as Fedora.
SupportIt gives you the most up-to-date information about the current state of your equipment.Its equipment support isn’t as strong as Fedora.

What is Fedora?

Fedora is mistakenly assumed to be an average desktop distribution. Fedora is the UPSTREAM of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Meaning Fedora is the development platform for a niche server operating system to keep the same clean.

Reading descriptions carefully, you will find that Fedora implements new technology very early, which is important for development but also comes with problems. However, the same is not a good idea for desktop use.

Based on that, the one or two reasons to use Fedora, depending on how you see it, are:

You are a developer for the Red Hat-based niche at the end.

If you are a kernel hacker, Gentoo or Linux From Scratch would be better, desktop Arch is pretty much the most recommended distro these days, which is also available on ARM, the easiest to install is likely Ubuntu and derivatives, the best mix between user-friendliness and performance are probably Manjaro, the most reasonable for smartphones is obviously Android.

Linux distributions are a tool for a job. And in the case of Fedora, the job is Red Hat developer. That’s the best use for Fedora.


What is OpenSUSE?

openSUSE has many great features and is technically very sound. For desktop use, you have two ways to go. Static and rolling. For many applications, I prefer the rolling release as it gives you stabilized but new software.

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All packages that are shipped out in openSUSE go through an automated quality assurance process (openQA). Another fantastic feature of openSUSE is the usage of BTRFS for the root file system.

Should a bad package somehow get through openQA, or if you fiddle with the system and break it, you can roll the system back to a working state?

This is baked right into the file system. Also, note any statements that BTRFS is a flawed file system are nonsense. All file systems have their flaws. OpenSUSE’s execution of BTRFS has yet to fail on me on the many machines and many years of usage.

The biggest reason we like openSUSE is the community. It is a really fantastic, friendly, and extremely helpful community.

openSUSE is a distribution that will work for you as the technology underneath is extremely robust, but it is also set up such that you can easily customize it to your specific needs.


Main Differences Between Fedora and OpenSUSE

  1. It(Fedora) is a community-driven open-source project managed and maintained by Red Cat, Inc, whereas it (openSUSE) is a free and open-source working framework upheld by SUSE Linux and created by the openSUSE Project.
  2. It(Fedora) makes use of Genome and its default work environment climate, whereas KDE is openSUSE’s default work environment.
  3. It(Fedora) isn’t quite as simple to grasp as openSUSE, whereas it (openSUSE) is more user-friendly than Fedora.
  4. It’s (Fedora) a more secure option than openSUSE, whereas it(openSUSE) isn’t quite as safe as Fedora.
  5. It(Fedora) gives you the most up-to-date information about the current state of your equipment, whereas its(openSUSE) equipment support isn’t as strong as Fedora.
Difference Between Fedora and OpenSUSE
  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=W5vItTVMLaYC&oi=fnd&pg=PT12&dq=fedora+and+openSUSE&ots=57fFn6niN7&sig=YE59hem0CmCepoMzb8PHRY-8Sgg
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Xji19w98VG8C&oi=fnd&pg=PA5&dq=fedora+and+openSUSE&ots=6wMhW6WISq&sig=VeyuI0Op0TZpTd_z5G7x-OLfrRQ

Last Updated : 25 July, 2023

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10 thoughts on “Fedora vs OpenSUSE: Difference and Comparison”

  1. openSUSE’s rolling release option provides new software with stability, along with using BTRFS for the root file system, demonstrating its technical soundness.

  2. openSUSE, sponsored by SUSE Linux, releases new versions every eight months, ensuring stable packages and providing a more user-friendly experience than Fedora.

  3. Fedora uses the RPM package manager, while openSUSE makes use of both RPM and its package manager, Zypper. These differences give insight into the contrasting approaches of the two Linux distributions.

  4. I find it interesting that Fedora and openSUSE have different focuses, with Fedora catering more towards developers and being on the cutting edge, while openSUSE prioritizes stability and enterprise use. It’s a good point of comparison.

  5. The Windows Subsystem for Linux has made significant strides and now supports multiple Linux distributions beyond Ubuntu. OpenSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server are available alongside Fedora.

  6. Fedora, as the upstream of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, serves as a development platform for Red Hat-based applications, making it the primary choice for Red Hat developers.

  7. OpenSUSE is backed by SUSE, offering a complete desktop solution with minimal post-configuration and strong stability. This makes it a viable alternative to other Linux desktops.

  8. Despite Fedora’s advanced technology, openSUSE is more user-friendly and offers great features, such as openQA, ensuring reliable package quality.

  9. Fedora is known for its strong support of emerging open-source technologies, providing a comprehensive set of tools, making it a stable and preferred choice for tasks.

  10. The features of openSUSE and Fedora provide unique technical benefits, with openSUSE focusing more on stability and user-friendliness, while Fedora serves as a niche server operating system development platform.


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