Free vs Paid WP Themes: Difference and Comparison

WordPress is open-source. It is a content management system which means it helps in the creation and modification of digital content.

It is written in PHP, a scripting language used for web development. WordPress runs on operating systems like Linux, Windows, Unix etc.

It has captured 41.4% market, and almost 10 million websites globally use it. Two types of Themes are available on WordPress, i.e., Free and Paid themes.

Key Takeaways

  1. Free themes provide basic functionality and design, while paid themes offer advanced features and customization.
  2. Unlike free themes, paid themes come with dedicated support and frequent updates.
  3. Free themes may need unique designs, resulting in a more generic website appearance.

Free vs Paid WP Themes

The difference between Free and Paid WP Themes is that Free WP Themes are completely free of cost. It also goes through a strict review process until it is launched. So it doesn’t mean that free WP themes are not good. Paid WP Themes are not free, and you have to purchase them, but many themes are available under them. Even third-party themes are also available in Paid WP section.

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Free WP Themes are thousands in number. Sometimes free themes are so good that it is very difficult to find the best themes for your blogs or website.

Free themes are very easily customizable. They are also very reliable. Astra, Ocean WP, and Hestia are some of the most popular free WP themes because they are fully customizable.

It even includes starter sites, which are highly responsive and flexible. It comes with tons of colour options, plugins etc.

Paid WP Themes are numerous, and they have more features and more options for customization than Free themes. Paid WP also has third-party themes available in the marketplace and stores.

Because of the competition between companies, they always try to offer better themes at low prices. It also has regular updates and support.

Some of the popular Paid WP Themes are Divi, Newspaper, Kalium etc.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFree WP ThemesPaid WP Themes
SupportHas limited supportRegularity in support
FeaturesIt offers most of the featuresOffers extra features and options
UniqueNot UniqueMore Unique
ObligationHas no obligationHas obligation
Popular themesAstra, Ocean WP, Hestia etc.Divi, Newspaper, Kalium etc.

What is Free WP Themes?

Free WP Themes are very handy for bloggers who are trying to start their blogs because it lowers the barrier.

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As it is available for free, it is very much easier for amateurs to start their websites or blogs. Free Themes don’t mean that the quality of the themes is very low.

Instead, free WP provides high-quality standards. All the free themes which are available in the WordPress directory undergo the process of strict review.

Free WP themes are tested for WordPress features, quality HTML, standard-compliant code, support for standard and CSS, security, privacy etc.

Talented developers and theme makers are there in the review team to examine, test and get it approved by the WordPress directory. Free themes are given for free because it helps theme developers to sharpen and hone their skills, audit code and suggest improvisations.

It also reaches large numbers of users so they can get feedback.

Free themes offer support through forums, but it is very limited. They are also not obliged to reply to it.

It has very basic features and doesn’t include extra features. It also doesn’t have any warranty, so you are at your own risk if anything goes wrong.

Astra is one of the free WP themes which can be easily customised fully and includes starter sites that are suitable for portfolios, business blogs, personal blogs, and even eCommerce websites etc.

OceanWP, Hestia, Bento, Go, Blocks, Hemingway etc.

What is Paid WP Themes?

Paid/Premium WP Themes are not free because they are available for purchase. Lakhs of wallpaper of premium quality are available.

Even third-party themes are also available in the WordPress marketplace and store.

Paid Themes include some extra features like Blog, post-Navigation, Search, shop, Pricing Table, Portfolio, Contact Form, Button etc. 

Paid themes offer more features because there is always competition going on to provide better themes and features at a lower price among companies.

In Paid themes, users get a lot of options in themes like drag & drop builders, templates, shortcodes, multiple layouts, unlimited colour choices, and templates.

They also have regular updates in themes and 24*7 support because it is purchased one.

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Paid themes are also very unique. They are not perfect, but they are not bad also.

Paid themes are much better than free themes. But Paid WP themes also have some disadvantages like poor code, i.e. themes may not be compatible with all the plugins.

Unlike free WP themes, it doesn’t undergo a strict review process. Because of having so many features, you may not use all of them, and it would make your website slow.

Main Differences Between Free and Paid WP Themes

  1. Free WP Themes have very limited support. It also doesn’t have an update. Paid WP Themes have regular updates and 24*7 support from the team.
  2. Free WP Themes offer most of the features. Paid WP themes offer extra features like Search, shop, Pricing Table, Portfolio etc.
  3. Free WP Theme is not very unique because it is free, and everyone can use it. Paid WP themes are unique because they are purchased, and a lot of companies release different types of themes.
  4. In Free WP Themes, theme developers have no obligation as they are not bounded to help users, and they are at their own risk. In Paid WP Themes, theme developers must solve the problems of users as they purchase them.
  5. Popular Free WP Themes include Astra, Hestia, Bento, Neve, Hemingway etc. Popular Paid WP Themes include Newspaper, Kalium, Uncode, TheGem etc.

Last Updated : 28 July, 2023

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26 thoughts on “Free vs Paid WP Themes: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The in-depth explanation of the differences between free and paid WP themes is truly insightful. It has clarified the advantages of each type of theme, which is valuable for those considering which option to choose.

    • I completely agree. This article offers a well-researched comparison, providing clarity on the key aspects of free and paid WP themes, making it easier to understand the best fit for individual requirements.

  2. The article’s breakdown of the comparison between free and paid WP themes is informative and enlightening. It provides a clear perspective on the advantages and compromises of each theme category, aiding users in making well-informed choices.

    • Well put. The article’s detailed examination of both free and paid themes offers an invaluable resource for readers and website owners, allowing them to assess the most suitable theme based on their specific requirements.

    • I completely agree. The article’s exploration of free and paid WP themes offers an insightful analysis of the distinct features and the level of support for each theme category, guiding readers in selecting the most appropriate theme for their websites.

  3. This article’s detailed comparison of free and paid WP themes is enlightening. The article’s descriptive analysis of the unique aspects and support provided by each theme category effectively guides readers in selecting the optimal theme for their specific needs.

    • Absolutely. The article’s detailed examination of free and paid WP themes provides an informative resource for website owners, offering a clear understanding of the unique attributes and support level for each theme category.

    • Indeed. The article’s comprehensive overview of the features and support for free and paid WP themes offers valuable insights for readers, enabling them to evaluate the themes thoroughly and make informed decisions for their websites.

  4. The detailed comparison table and the clear distinction between free and paid WP themes are particularly helpful. This article effectively captures the essence of both categories, facilitating an informed decision-making process.

    • Absolutely, the comparison table simplifies the decision-making process by presenting a clear outline of the differences between free and paid WP themes, giving users a comprehensive understanding of what to expect from each.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The article’s analysis of free and paid WP themes is extremely informative and assists users in identifying the most suitable theme for their website based on the specific features and support they require.

  5. The article’s in-depth comparison of free and paid WP themes is highly informative and guides users in assessing the features of each theme category to determine the most suitable option for their websites.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The article’s detailed analysis of free and paid themes offers readers a comprehensive understanding of the features and unique aspects of each category, enabling them to make informed choices for their websites.

    • Absolutely. The article’s exploration of the differences and characteristics of free and paid WP themes provides a valuable resource for readers seeking to make well-informed decisions regarding the most suitable theme for their websites.

  6. I appreciate the extensive comparison between free and paid WP themes. The detailed explanation of each feature and the thorough analysis of the benefits of each category has certainly helped me in my decision-making process.

    • I agree, the importance of support, regularity, and features in both free and paid themes has been excellently highlighted. It’s great to have such a thorough resource.

    • Absolutely, the article provides a comprehensive overview of both free and paid WP themes, allowing readers to make informed choices based on their specific needs.

  7. The article provides an insightful comparison of free and paid WP themes, highlighting the distinct characteristics and support offered by each theme category. It equips readers with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions for their websites.

    • Absolutely. The article’s comparison of free and paid WP themes offers an impressive analysis of the unique aspects and level of support for each theme category, providing readers with a clear understanding of the benefits of each.

    • I appreciate the thorough analysis provided in this article, which comprehensively explores the features and support available for free and paid WP themes. It’s a valuable resource for readers considering the most suitable theme for their specific website needs.

  8. The article provides an extensive overview of WordPress themes, offering valuable insights into the benefits and considerations when choosing between free and paid themes. It serves as an exceptional resource for website owners in making well-informed decisions.

  9. The comprehensive explanation of free and paid WP themes presented in this article is highly beneficial. It provides readers with an in-depth understanding of the advantages and limitations of each theme type, enabling them to make informed decisions for their websites.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The article’s thorough analysis of free and paid WP themes equips readers with the knowledge necessary to evaluate the available options and determine the most suitable theme for their website.

  10. This article effectively outlines the benefits and limitations of free and paid WP themes, providing valuable insights into the characteristics of each type of theme. It’s a great resource for anyone considering the best theme for their website.

    • I completely agree. The delineation of unique features and support between free and paid themes facilitates a thorough analysis for users in determining the most suitable option for their websites.

    • Absolutely, the article’s distinction between free and paid WP themes offers a detailed understanding of the features and unique aspects of each theme category, enabling readers to make informed decisions regarding their website.


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