Frost vs Freeze Dutch Bros: Difference and Comparison

Dutch Bros Coffee is a United States-based private coffee chain that serves across the Western United States. They have drive-thru outlets in different locations in the United States.

Dutch Bros was founded by two brothers named Dane Boersma and Travis Boersma in Oregon. They serve a wide variety of coffee, milkshakes and smoothies.

Key Takeaways

  1. Frost occurs when the temperature drops below freezing, while freeze occurs when the temperature drops to or below 32°F.
  2. Frost is visible as ice crystals on surfaces, while freeze can cause water to turn into solid ice.
  3. Frost can occur on objects even when the air temperature is above freezing, while freeze only occurs when the air temperature is at or below freezing.

Frost vs Freeze Dutch Bros

The difference between frost and freeze that Dutch Bros serves is that Frost is a Dutch Bros milkshake, whereas a Dutch Freeze is an espresso that Dutch Bros serves. A Dutch Frost is a non-caffeinated drink. On the other hand, a Dutch Freeze is a caffeinated drink. Both the Dutch Frost and Dutch Freeze come in different flavours.

Frost vs Freeze Dutch Bros

Dutch Frost is basically a milkshake or a classic shake. They are non-caffeine drinks, meaning they do not contain any amount of coffee in them.

A milkshake is made from cold milk with any flavouring (ice creams, fruits, flavouring syrup etc.) and served with whipped cream on top.

They also serve different varieties of milkshakes that include Birthday cake, Ninja, Cotton candy, White chocolate, Strawberry and many more.  

A Dutch Freeze is a Dutch Bros’ espresso or blended coffee. They are caffeinated drinks. Dutch Bros are famous for their caffeinated drinks.

They are specialized in coffee drinks. Their Dutch classics, such as Annihilator iced coffee, golden eagle, caramelized, and Kicker, are some of their best coffee drinks that customers always prefer.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFrostFreeze Dutch Bros
MeaningA Dutch Frost is basically a milkshake or a classic shake.A Dutch Freeze is a Dutch Bros’ espresso or blended coffee.
Sizes offeredThey come in sizes 16 oz, 24 oz, 32 oz.They come in sizes 16 oz, 24 oz and 32 oz.
PriceThe freeze and frost of Dutch Bros shares almost the same pricing.Both Freeze and Frost share the same pricing.
Flavours offeredBirthday cake, cotton candy, White chocolate, Almond Bar, Aftershock and NinjaCocomo, Golden eagle, Caramelizer, Picture perfect and 9-1-1
BestsellersBirthday cake and ninja are some of the best-selling Dutch frosts.Golden Eagle and black forest freeze are some of their best sellers.

What is Frost?

A Dutch Frost is basically a milkshake or a classic shake offered at Dutch Bros. A milkshake is something that is made from a blend of cold milk with flavourings, syrup or ice cream, or fruits.

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They are non-caffeinated drinks, meaning they do not contain any coffee in them. A Dutch frost is a Dutch Bros kind of milkshake.

They offer a wide variety of milkshake flavours.

Some of them are Bubble gum frost, birthday cake, cotton candy, strawberry, aftershock, almond bar, aqua berry, astronaut, banana bread, ninja, white chocolate, cookie, coral reef, dinosaur egg, German chocolate and many more.

Apart from the mentioned flavours, Dutch Bros offer even more flavours that can be found on their website. As far as size is concerned, the Dutch Bros provides the Dutch frost in different sizes such as 16 oz, 24 oz and 32 oz (Small, medium and large).

With regard to nutritional facts, Dutch Bros has provided nutritional facts about every drink they offer clearly on their website.

If we take Birthday cake Dutch Frost, a small drink is loaded with 410 calories, 7 and 5 grams of total fat and saturated fat, 30 mg of cholesterol, 80 grams of total carbs, zero fibre content, 80 grams of sugar and 9 grams of protein.

If one needs nutritional information regarding Dutch frosts, one can visit their website to know more.

What is Freeze Dutch Bros?

Dutch Bros’ Dutch Freeze is the Dutch Bros blended coffee. It is a caffeinated drink, meaning it contains coffee in it. People get confused with the term Dutch Bros Dutch Freeze and Dutch Bros Dutch Frost.

As the terms may sound similar, they are completely different drinks. Frost is one of their best sellers as the Dutch Bros is specialized in serving coffee drinks to their customers. 

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Just like Dutch Frost, the Dutch Freeze also comes in three sizes, namely Small, medium and large (16 oz, 24 oz and 32oz). Dutch Bros are especially famous for their coffee drinks.

Some of their drinks include Golden Eagle, black forest freeze, picture-perfect, almond bar, annihilator, banana split, banana bread, cake batter, birthday cake, dream weaver, flapjack, double torture, double chocolate mocha, grasshopper and jelly doughnut.

Apart from the aforementioned Dutch freeze drinks, they serve a lot more varieties which can be found on their website. In terms of pricing, both the Dutch Freeze and the Dutch Frost share the same kind of pricing.

Overall, the Dutch Bros Dutch Freeze is a drink made from blended coffee. In addition to these, Dutch Bros offers plenty of flavours for their customers.

Main Differences Between Frost and Freeze Dutch Bros

  1. A Dutch Frost is a classic shake offered at the Dutch Bros. On the other hand, a Dutch Freeze is a blended coffee or Espresso offered at the Dutch Bros.
  2. Both the Dutch Freeze and Dutch Frost come in the sizes such as 16 oz, 24 oz and 32 oz.
  3. Some of the flavours offered in Dutch Frost are the birthday cake, ninja, almond bar, white chocolate, strawberry and aftershock, whereas the flavours offered in Dutch Freeze are cocomo, golden eagle and black forest.
  4. In terms of pricing, both the Dutch Freeze and Dutch Frost share the same kind of pricing. The prices are charged according to the sizes of the drink.
  5. Birthday Cake and Ninja are some of the best-sellers of Dutch Frost, while golden eagle and black forest are Dutch Freeze’s best sellers.

Last Updated : 17 August, 2023

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22 thoughts on “Frost vs Freeze Dutch Bros: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The explanation on the nutritional facts of Dutch Frost drinks is meticulous and informative. It shows that Dutch Bros values transparency and ensures customers are well-informed.

    • Indeed, providing detailed nutritional information is crucial for gaining customers’ trust and promoting a health-conscious approach to their beverage choices.

  2. The wide range of flavors offered by Dutch Bros for both Frost and Freeze drinks is noteworthy, and the clarity on the distinctions between the two is helpful for customers.

    • Agreed, the variety in flavors ensures there’s something for everyone, and the detailed comparison makes it easier for customers to choose their preferred drink.

  3. Dutch Bros Coffee seems to offer a variety of flavors and sizes for their milkshakes and espresso drinks. It is interesting to see how they distinguish between Frost and Freeze. It would be great if they also listed the nutritional information for the Dutch Freeze drinks.

    • I agree, it would be helpful to have detailed nutritional information for all their drinks. It shows their commitment to transparency and quality.

  4. The comparison table effectively lays out the distinctions between Dutch Frost and Dutch Freeze, offering a comprehensive guide for customers.

    • I agree, the detailed comparison is helpful for customers in understanding the differences between the options offered by Dutch Bros.

  5. The fact that Dutch Bros provides detailed nutritional information for their drinks, such as the caloric content, demonstrates their commitment to transparency and customer satisfaction.

    • I appreciate the transparency shown by Dutch Bros regarding the nutritional facts of their drinks. It reflects a customer-oriented approach.

    • Absolutely, giving customers access to such information establishes Dutch Bros as a brand that values honesty and consumer awareness.

  6. The comparison table provided gives a clear distinction between Frost and Freeze drinks at Dutch Bros. It’s interesting to see how they cater to both caffeinated and non-caffeinated preferences.

  7. The distinction between Dutch Frost and Dutch Freeze is well-explained, and the availability of various sizes for both types of drinks makes it convenient for customers.

    • I agree, the clear differentiations and options for sizing show Dutch Bros’ attentiveness to customer needs and preferences.

  8. The variety in sizes and flavors for Dutch Frost and Dutch Freeze indicates Dutch Bros’ attention to customer satisfaction and their dedication to providing diverse choices.

  9. This article provides detailed insights into Dutch Bros’ offerings of Frost and Freeze drinks, showcasing the breadth of their menu and their commitment to customer preference.

  10. The emphasis on nutritional facts and the dedication to provide diverse flavors indicates Dutch Bros’ commitment to customer satisfaction and wellbeing.

    • I appreciate how they offer such a range of flavors in both Frost and Freeze, catering to different taste preferences while considering health facts as well.

    • Absolutely, being transparent about the nutritional content of their drinks reflects Dutch Bros’ integrity and concern for their customers.


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