FTPS vs SFTP: Difference and Comparison

There are some rules that a system follows while transferring files and data from one system to another that are known as protocols. These are sometimes predefined, but most of the time, these are defined by authorities for the systems. These are fixed and cannot be changed by anyone.

Protocols are important for every type of communication system as they decide rules, patterns, and time periods for conveying information. They also define recovery methods if any error occurs during the transmission of information or data from one system to another.

FTPS and SFTP are examples of protocols used to serve these purposes.

Key Takeaways

  1. FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS) is a standard FTP protocol that uses SSL/TLS encryption for secure data transfer.
  2. SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a secure file transfer protocol that uses SSH to transfer files.
  3. FTPS requires a separate SSL/TLS certificate, while SFTP uses SSH keys for authentication.


The difference between FTPS and SFTP is that FTPS does not provide a secure connection or transmission, and there are two mediums in FTPS for easy transfer of data over communication. In contrast, SFTP provides secure transmission and uses a single channel for speeding up communication.


FTPS (file transfer protocol with support)is a developed version of the file transfer protocol that supports transport layer security. FTPS adds up security measures to make the transmission more secure.

In the early days, this transfer protocol was not very secure, but when it gets attached to SSH protocol, it became a secure protocol for transferring important data and files.

SFTP provides you with secure communication or transmission over any channel. It uses a single channel for boosting communication.

Secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) provides facilities like file accessing, transferring files, and managing files over any trustable data channel. It is a better version of the secure shell protocol, which facilitates file transfer.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFTPSSFTP
Definition FTPS (file transfer protocol with support)is a developed version of file transfer protocol that supports transport layer security.SFTP is a better version of the secure shell protocol, which provides ease in file transferring.
No. of channelsTwo channels are used for transferring files and data during communication.Only a single channel is used for the transmission of data or information.
ExtensionFTP (File Transfer Protocol).SSH (Secure Shell Protocol).
Message formatA normal format is used which can be easily understood by humans.Format of 0’s and 1’s are used that is machine language which can be understood by machines.
Security connectionSecurity connection is through a secure socket layer or transport security layer.Security connection is through secure shell protocol.
AlgorithmsIt uses asymmetric, symmetric, and key exchange algorithms.It also uses symmetric, asymmetric, and key exchange algorithms.

What is FTPS?

FTPS is a protocol for the transmission of files, and it is a better version of file transfer protocol with more security methods that helps secure connection during the transmission of a file from one location to another. It is a commonly used protocol for day-to-day tasks.

FTPS uses lots of port numbers when it comes to its connection over other networks, due to which it is less secure than SFTP protocol. The data is not encrypted in FTP protocol, but when it gets connected or attached to SSH, the data gets encrypted.

FTPS provides certificates to its authenticated client or user.

When there is a need for transmission, the authenticated user should provide the certificate or copy of the certificate to the server to which they are trying to connect. This certificate illustrates that a user is authentic and is very important while connecting to other servers.

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What is SFTP?

SFTP is already a secure protocol with the help of which you can access your files, manage the data, and transfer the file with proper security. A binary method is used for file encryption in SFTP protocol, making it more secure than the FTPS file transferring method.

SFTP does not provide as much speed as FTPS does, but it provides a more secure connection as compared to FTPS.

Modern devices and software use the SFTP method for the transmission of data. SFTP organizes the data with uniformity, and it also follows documented standards while doing file transmission.

SFTP (secure file transfer program)uses a single channel for transferring files, making it easier to use, and also only needs a single port number if someone wants to open it through the firewall. It does not support any certificate as FTPS does.

Main Differences Between FTPS and SFTP

  1. In FTPS, two channels are used for transferring files and data during communication. In contrast, SFTP uses only a single channel for the transmission of data or information.
  2. FTPS is a developed file transfer protocol version supporting transport layer security. In contrast, SFTP supports the SSH method for transferring files with a secure line of communication.
  3. In FTPS, a secure connection is provided through a secure socket layer or transport security layer. On the other hand, the secure connection of SFTP is provided through a secure shell protocol.
  4. SFTP supports uniformity and documented standards while operating with files. But there is no uniformity and organized structure in FTPS transmission method.
  5. SFTP is more preferred when it comes to delicate information transmission because it is more secure. While day-to-day files can be transmitted using FTPS.
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022309307013968
  2. https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-papers/content/2005-01-1755/

Last Updated : 22 June, 2023

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22 thoughts on “FTPS vs SFTP: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The comparison table and detailed descriptions of FTPS and SFTP have greatly contributed to a better understanding of these protocols’ functionalities. This article effectively elucidates the key differences and features of secure file transfer methods.

  2. The in-depth comparison between FTPS and SFTP alongside their distinct features provides a comprehensive understanding of these essential protocols. This article effectively expounds on the significance of secure file transfer methods.

    • Well stated, Bpatel. The article’s detailed explanations and comparison of FTPS and SFTP enrich the readers’ knowledge of secure file transfer protocols, highlighting their key functionalities and security measures.

  3. The informative content related to FTPS and SFTP, along with their respective certificates and security connections, enhances the readers’ knowledge of secure file transfer methods. This article serves as a valuable source of information on these essential protocols.

    • Well articulated, Craig. The article effectively conveys the significance of certificates and security standards in FTPS and SFTP, providing readers with an in-depth understanding of secure file transmission.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Craig. The emphasis on security measures and authentication processes in FTPS and SFTP is truly insightful, enhancing the readers’ comprehension of these protocols’ operational aspects.

  4. The detailed comparison and descriptions of FTPS and SFTP establish a clear understanding of their functionalities. This article offers valuable insights into the essential aspects of secure file transfer protocols.

    • Indeed, Krobertson. The comprehensive analysis of FTPS and SFTP in this article provides readers with a deeper understanding of the protocols’ security measures and operational differences.

  5. The explanations about FTPS and SFTP are highly informative, providing a comprehensive overview of their features and security measures. This article is a valuable resource for understanding secure file transfer protocols.

    • Well stated, Yadams. The emphasis on security connections and encryption methods in FTPS and SFTP enhances the readers’ comprehension of these essential protocols.

  6. The comparison table is an excellent visual aid for understanding the differences between FTPS and SFTP. This article effectively conveys the key features and distinctions between the two protocols.

    • Absolutely, Ella. The detailed comparison enhances the readers’ knowledge about FTPS and SFTP, making it easier to comprehend the benefits of each protocol.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Ella. The in-depth analysis of FTPS and SFTP facilitates a better understanding of their unique characteristics and functionalities.

  7. Thank you for explaining the concepts of FTPS and SFTP and highlighting their importance. The article provides valuable insights into these protocols and their functionalities.

  8. The comprehensive explanation of FTPS and SFTP, coupled with the comparison table, offers valuable insights into the security measures and operational distinctions of these protocols. This article is an essential guide to understanding secure file transfer methods.

    • Absolutely, Charles. The article’s detailed analysis of FTPS and SFTP enhances readers’ comprehension of the essential features and differences between the two protocols, ensuring a deeper insight into secure file transfer operations.

  9. Excellent article! FTPS and SFTP are vital protocols for secure file transmission. The comparison table provided a clear understanding of the parameters of comparison between the two protocols.

    • The detailed description of FTPS and SFTP is really helpful. It’s great to learn about their differences and understand their significance in secure file transfer.

  10. The comparison between FTPS and SFTP, along with their distinct benefits and security measures, is presented in a well-structured manner. This article serves as an insightful guide to understanding secure file transfer protocols.

    • I completely agree, Melissa. The article effectively clarifies the key features and functionalities of FTPS and SFTP, aiding readers in comprehending their role in ensuring secure data transmission.

    • Absolutely, Melissa. The discussion about the security measures and key differences in FTPS and SFTP provides a comprehensive understanding of these protocols’ significance in secure file transfer operations.


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