Hamas vs Hezbollah: Difference and Comparison

Terrorism or intentional violence to achieve political interests are a threat to every country. There are various ways by which every country safeguards itself from such threats.

There are numerous terrorist organizations all over the world with different objectives and targeting different parts of the world. The two common organizations are Hamas and Hezbollah.

Key Takeaways

  1. Hamas and Hezbollah are militant groups with similar goals of eliminating Israel.
  2. Hamas is mainly active in Gaza, while Hezbollah is active in Lebanon and Syria.
  3. Hezbollah is more politically active than Hamas and has ties to Iran.

Hamas vs Hezbollah

The difference between Hamas and Hezbollah is that Hamas Is a Sunni organization and follows Muslim Brotherhood in political and social terms, while Hezbollah focuses on the concept of “wilayat al-faqih”, which is the guardianship of the Jurist to act as a supreme political leader and absolute authority.

Hamas vs Hezbollah

Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni- Islamic militant, fundamentalist, and nationalist organization. The organization was founded in 1987.

Even before its establishment, Hamas had a broad network in the Palestinian area. The ideology followed by Hamas is Sunni Islamism.

On the other hand, Hezbollah is a Lebanese Shia Islamic political party and militant group. The organization was founded in 1985.

The ideology followed by Hezbollah is Shia Islamism. The organization maintains independent armed status and adjusts to the changing environments rapidly.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonHamasHezbollah
Year of foundation 10th December 19871985
FounderSheikh Ahmed Yassin, Mohammed Zahar, Abdel Fattah Dukhan, Mohammed Hasan, Ibrahim Fares Al-Yazouri, and several others Syed Abbas Al- Musawi
Headquarters Gaza, Gaza Strip Beirut, Lebanon
ObjectiveTo liberate Palestinians from the occupation of Israel and completely transform the country into an Islamic state To revolt against American and Israeli imperialism, liberate people from Israeli occupation and gather all Muslims under “ummah.”
Funding and finances Most of the funds are provided by Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Syria Most of the funds are provided by Iran and Syria

What is Hamas?

Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni- Islamic militant, fundamentalist, and nationalist organization. The name Hamas signifies the Islamic resistance movement in Arabic.

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Hamas acts as a social service wing and also as a military wing. It won the election of the Palestinian legislative in 2006 and later became the governing authority of the Gaza Strip.

The organization holds a majority in the Palestinian national authority parliament.

The spokesperson of the organization is Fawzi Barhoum, while the chief of the Political Bureau is Ismail Haniyeh. The organization was founded on 10th December 1987. The headquarters of the organization is in Gaza.

It was founded by a group of individuals, among whom the most popular and renowned are Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Mohammed Zahar, Abdel Fattah Dukhan, Mohammed Hasan, Ibrahim Fares Al-Yazouri, and several others.

The organization follows a strict ideology of Islamism, Palestinian nationalism, anti-zionism, religious nationalism, and anti-Semitism. The organization follows the colour green. It has a national affiliation with the Alliance of Palestinian forces.

The main religion followed by the organization is Sunni Islam.

Many countries like Israel, Canada, Japan, European Union, and the United States have declared Hamas a terrorist organization while some still refer only to the military wing as the terrorist organization.

The main objective of Hamas is to liberate Palestinians from the occupation of Israel and completely transform the country into an Islamic state.

What is Hezbollah?

Hezbollah is a Lebanese Shia Islamic political party and militant group. The name Hezbollah signifies “party of Allah” or “party of God” in Arabic.

Hasan Nasrallah led the group in 1992. It was formed as a paramilitary wing of the Jihad Council and a political wing in the Lebanese parliament.

The organization was designated as a terrorist organization by many countries. Some countries like Russia consider Hezbollah as a “legitimate sociopolitical force”.

The founder of the organization is Syed Abbas Al- Musawi. It was founded in the year 1985. The headquarters of Hezbollah is in Beirut, which is in Lebanon.

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It follows the religion of Shia Islam. The two main colours followed by the organization are yellow and green.

The main language of the organization is Arabic. Hezbollah follows the strict ideology of Islamic nationalism, Anti-imperialism, pan-Islamism, Shia jihad, anti-Zionism, Khomeinism, anti-west, and even anti-semitism.

The size of the organization is over 100000. Hezbollah has been part of several battles and wars like the Lebanese civil war, the Iran-Iraq war, the Syrian civil war, the South Lebanon conflict, the Bosnian war, and several other such wars.

Hezbollah maintains strong support among Lebanese Shia Muslims. During March 14 Alliance, it has even helped some Christian areas of Lebanon.

Most of the military training, financial support, and weapons are provided by Iran and Syria. Hezbollah actively participates in Lebanese politics, protests, and clashes.


Main Differences Between Hamas and Hezbollah

  1. The religion followed by Hamas is Sunni Islam, while the religion followed by Hezbollah is Shia Islam.
  2. The national affiliation of Hamas is from the Alliance of Palestinian forces, while the national affiliation of Hezbollah is from March 8 Alliance.
  3. The colour followed by Hamas is green, while the colour followed by Hezbollah is yellow and green.
  4. The slogan of Hamas is “Islam is the solution”, while the slogan of Hezbollah is “Verily the Party of God are they that shall be triumphant”.
  5. Hamas was founded in the year 1987, while Hezbollah was founded in the year 1985.
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  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=lang_en&id=PIHmSazFx_0C&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=hamas+and+hezbollah&ots=9xbRSps11H&sig=oJsMmG8eDJ_8HF1Gbrq76q-QrF8
  2. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0163660X.2012.725018

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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12 thoughts on “Hamas vs Hezbollah: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Understanding the core values and objectives of Hamas and Hezbollah provides deeper insights into their influence.

  2. The role of Iran and Syria in supporting these organizations must be carefully considered in international diplomacy.

  3. The comparisons between Hamas and Hezbollah reveal significant religious and political distinctions with far-reaching consequences.


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