Health Hazards vs Safety Hazards: Difference and Comparison

There are many hazardous factories and companies which daily deals with the manufacturing of large quantities of products and dangerous materials for making that product.

Therefore it is the responsibility of the company owner or the factory owner to make them aware of the danger or the accidents that may happen during working hours.

Safety hazards and Health hazards are the two categories that are prioritized while teaching employees or workers about a company or factory.

These safety measures are designed by human welfare organizations and are common for all the workers present in any country.

Key Takeaways

  1. Health hazards pose risks to an individual’s physical well-being, while safety hazards endanger their immediate environment or situation.
  2. Exposure to health hazards can lead to chronic or acute illnesses, whereas safety hazards can result in accidents, injuries, or even death.
  3. Identifying and mitigating both hazards contribute to a safer and healthier work environment.

Health Hazards vs Safety Hazards 

Health hazards are chemical, physical or biological factors in our environment that can have negative impacts on our short- or long-term health. Exposure can occur through touch, inhalation, and ingestion. Safety Hazards are the most common and will be present in most workplaces at one time or another. They include unsafe conditions that can cause injury, illness and death. 

Health Hazards vs Safety Hazards

Health hazards hit human beings’ health and create health-related issues. Therefore research teams have designed common issues list which is taught to people so that they can save themselves from any type of harm.

For example, if a man is working in a firecrackers factory, then he may develop issues related to lungs later or in the future.

Safety hazards generate prevention from accidents that may happen with a worker during his or her working hours in that particular factory.

These measures are very important for those people who work in construction areas, gas factories, etc.

Because it can even cost their lives.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonHealth HazardsSafety Hazards
DefinitionHealth hazards are those precautions which when not taken can result in an illness or poor health. Safety hazards are those precautions which if not considered can cause immediate or violent accidents.
CausesHealth hazards cause chronic health diseases such as lung cancer, asthma, etc. Safety hazards can result in broken bones, fatal accidents, spinal cord injuries, etc.
Caused byHealth hazards are caused by chemical exfoliations, the gaseous environments to which humans are exposed. Safety hazards are caused by poorly guarded or dangerous equipment and machinery. And also because of unskilled workers.
TargetHealth hazard targets the health of a specific person at a time and may include others too but not together. Safety hazards also target a specific person at a time but may also include other people too at the same time.
Nature A Health hazard is an obvious danger which means a person is known to the fact that he or she may fall into danger. A safety hazard is a hidden danger which means no one knows when it will happen.

What are Health Hazards?

Health hazards are signboards or set of lists that are hung to the area where the danger of getting health infections are more. These lists or signs are needed to be understood.

That is why several sessions or presentations are arranged for the employees before recruiting them in a hazardous factory.

Health hazards severity depends on the factories products. For example, if the product manufactured contains lots of chemicals, then during the manufacturing process, several gases will be released,

and the workers working the mainstream will be affected the most as they are directly exposed to this harmful gaseous environment.

Health hazards cause two types of effects in the human body one are temporary or acute and, another is the chronic or long-term effect. Acute effects include irritation, burning, sensitization, etc.

While, Chronic effects include carcinogenicity, lung cancer, skin corrosion, etc.

health hazards

What are Safety Hazards?

Safety hazard almost persists in every place as it is associated with accidents and, accidents can happen anywhere in the world.

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But the accidents which can be predicted as well as can be prevented are listed in these Safety hazards.

Several types of demonstrations are prepared for the workers, which help them to predict the fatalness of the unwanted incidents.

Safety hazards are unsafe environments, mostly seen in places where large machinery is present, extreme weather conditions are included and, the load is included.

These hazards can take away one’s life and are listed as one of the most dangerous in the category of hazards.

Safety hazards are divided into subcategories based on their medium or cause. And it includes chemical hazards, fire hazards, repetitive motion hazards, and electrical hazards.

safety hazards

Main Differences Between Health Hazards and Safety Hazards

  1. Health hazards are safeguard techniques which when not taken care of, can result in health disorders. On the other hand, Safety hazards are those life-saving techniques which if not considered, can cause immediate accidents or misfortunes.
  2. A safety hazard is an invisible or unknown risk which means no one knows when it will take place. Whereas a Health hazard is an obvious exposure which means a person is known to the fact that he or she may fall into danger.
  3. Safety hazards prey on a specific person at a time but may also include other people too at the same time. While Health hazards prey on the health of a specific person at a time and may include others too but not together.
  4. Safety hazards can result in broken bones, fatal accidents, spinal cord injuries, etc. Whereas, Health hazards cause lifelong health diseases such as lung cancer, asthma, etc.
  5. Health hazards are caused by chemical release, the gaseous environments to which humans are exposed. While Safety hazards are caused by poorly guarded or dangerous equipment and machinery. And also because of unskilled workers.
Difference Between Health Hazards and Safety Hazards

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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8 thoughts on “Health Hazards vs Safety Hazards: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Though it’s essential to educate workers and employers about these hazards, it’s disappointing that many workplaces still neglect safety measures, putting employees at risk.

    • Absolutely, workplace safety should be a top priority for all employers, and there should be stricter regulations in place to enforce it.

  2. It’s unfortunate that despite the knowledge and awareness of these hazards, many employers continue to compromise the safety and health of their workers for the sake of productivity and profit.

  3. This article highlights the critical importance of maintaining safe work environments and the potential consequences when health and safety hazards are not adequately addressed.

  4. This article offers valuable insights into health and safety hazards, emphasizing the need for proactive measures to prevent workplace accidents and protect workers’ well-being.

  5. The article provides a comprehensive overview of health and safety hazards in the workplace, outlining the key differences and the importance of mitigating these risks.

  6. A very informative article that makes important distinctions between health and safety hazards. It’s interesting how these hazards can affect workers in different ways.

    • Yes, it’s important to educate employers and workers about these hazards so they can prevent accidents and maintain a healthy work environment.


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