Cold vs Sinus Infection: Difference and Comparison

Cold and sinus infections are very common in winter. They are caused by viruses or bacteria which affect the respiratory tract.

Viral infections cause minor colds, while bacterial infections can develop into more severe conditions.

Fluid intake also plays an important role in relieving the symptoms of cold and sinus infections.

Key Takeaways

  1. Colds are viral infections causing symptoms like sore throat, cough, and congestion, while sinus infections result from bacterial, viral, or fungal infections of the sinuses.
  2. Sinus infections present with facial pain, pressure, and discolored nasal discharge, which are not common cold symptoms.
  3. Colds resolve within 7-10 days, whereas sinus infections may require antibiotics for treatment and can last longer.

Cold vs Sinus Infection

The difference between a Cold and Sinus Infection is Cold does not give headaches, but Sinus gives headaches. The cold keeps the nose stuffy, but a Sinus infection does not keep the nose stuffy. Sinus can last for nearly 14 days, but Cold stays for nearly 10 days. Cold brings cough, but Sinus does not bring cough.

Cold vs Sinus Infection

Colds are very common and may be seasonal because it’s easier for a virus to spread in winter or summer.

The worst part of it all is that no matter how much you try to get rid of it with medicine or home remedies, it always comes back.

Sinusitis can be acute or chronic, depending upon its duration and severity. Sinus infection is known to cause pain in the facial area, fever with chills, fatigue, and a general feeling of discomfort.

These symptoms cause difficulty in breathing as well as sleeping. It’s easier for a virus to spread in winter or summer.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonColdSinus
Facial PressureRegularRare
Bad breadthNoYes
Days10 days14 days
Stuffy noseYesNo

What is Cold Infection?

Cold infections are caused by a virus that enters the body from the outside. These cold viruses spread from person to person when people with cold symptoms cough, sneeze, speak or smile.

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A cold infection can make a person feel below par for a week or two. The symptoms include headache, fever, runny nose, sore throat, and body aches.

Cold can also lead to complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia in some cases.

The cold is one of the most common ailments that people suffer from, and it causes an enormous amount of suffering.

It causes painful headaches, sore throats, runny noses, stuffy heads, coughing, sneezing, and the list goes on.

Colds and flu spread quickly through offices, schools, and households every winter. They are the bane of people’s existence, but there is a silver lining in all of this misery.

You can turn your seasonal misery into something great by creating your viral content. The average cold lasts 7-10 days, meaning that for nearly two weeks, your nose could run like a faucet, and you’ll still have to go to work every day.

Some tea tree essential oil on your chest or on the place where you feel more pain. Tea tree oil is an excellent natural remedy for colds.

Another tip is to drink lemon juice mixed with honey and warm water in the morning before going to bed. It will improve your immune system during this period when it’s very easy to catch a cold.

You can also try garlic soup if you want a delicious recipe that will help you avoid a common cold.

cold infection

What is Sinus Infection?

Sinus infections are a common reason for people to go to the doctor. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses.

Allergies, viruses, or bacteria can cause this. It’s accompanied by congestion, facial pressure, and pain when inhaling air through the nose.

The symptoms vary in severity and duration depending on its cause and stage of development: viral, bacterial, or allergic sinusitis.

The most common complication is when a sinus infection spreads to other parts of the body, such as your ears, eyes, or brain; this can threaten your health.

Everyone has experienced a sinus infection at some point or the other.

It is a common problem caused by several factors, including bacteria, viruses, allergic reactions, fungi, and environmental factors.

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Sinus infections can also lead to more serious complications like death if not treated on time. Sinus infections are a pain, but they aren’t always serious.

Two-thirds of the population has had at least one sinus infection in their lifetime.

The resulting pain can be awful, though! If you’re suffering from sinus pain, this article will give you some tips for getting relief without going to your doctor for antibiotics.

If you need medical treatment, it will also give you a good idea of what to expect.

sinus infection 1

Main Differences Between Cold and Sinus Infection

  1. The facial pressure or pain is regular in sinus infections but rarely in cold infections.
  2. Bad breath may occur in the sinus but not in the cold.
  3. Sinus happens for nearly 14 days, but Cold happens for less than 10 days.
  4. Sinus doe not includes any coughing, but Cold includes coughing.
  5. The cold keeps the nose stuffy, but Sinus does not keep the nose stuffy.
  6. Medicines vary in colds but proper medication in a Sinus infection.
Difference Between Cold and Sinus Infection

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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8 thoughts on “Cold vs Sinus Infection: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The content is very informative and allows readers to better understand the difference between a cold and a sinus infection.

  2. The article is very informative, and it is great to see such a detailed comparison between cold and sinus infection.


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