India vs Japan: Difference and Comparison

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India and Japan are two independent and geographical countries that are majorly different from each other.

Although India and Japan might seem to have many similarities in certain aspects, they have entirely different cultures, religions, and living styles. There are several factors by which these countries are distinguished apart.

Key Takeaways

  1. India is a vast South Asian country with diverse cultures and languages, while Japan is an East Asian island known for its technological advancements and strong cultural identity.
  2. India has a federal parliamentary democratic system of government, whereas Japan has a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary government.
  3. India’s economy is based on agriculture, manufacturing, and services, while Japan’s is predominantly driven by industry, technology, and services.

India vs Japan

India is located in South Asia and is bordered by Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. India has a population of over 1.3 billion people. Japan is located in East Asia and is an archipelago consisting of four main islands and many smaller ones. Japan has a population of around 126 million people.

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India is a country with a rich culture which is located in the southern part of Asia. It has many cultural heritage symbolizing different events from the past.

It is the seventh-largest country by land area. It has a vast history which includes many events and stories. India has one of the seven wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal.

Japan is an island country, also known as the Archipelago which is located on the Eastern side of the Asian continent.

It is a leading and powerful country that has the best technological advancements.

It is an independent country with a rich culture. It is known to be the fourth-largest trading nation in the world.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonIndiaJapan
RegionSouth AsiaEast Asia
Type of countryPart of a large subcontinent.Archipelago.
Type of communityComprises of multiple races.Comprises of single race.
Caste systemExists and is very prevalent.Does not exists.
HistoryHas a long year history of foreign invasion.Does not have any history of any foreign invasion.
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What is India?

India is a country that is part of the Asian continent and is situated on the southern side of Asia.

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It is the seventh-largest country in the context of land area, and on the population scale, it is the second most populated country in the world.

This country is bounded by three main water bodies which namely the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea, and the Bay of Bengal on three sides.

It has a diverse community of people that reside and follow different cultures, religions, and rituals. In total, India has 28 states and 8 union territories.

It had a very riotous past as the Britishers invaded the country and gradually conquered the power of ruling in the states of the country.

There were many freedom fighters that fought for the freedom of the country and lost their lives during the war. It has now become a democratic country which earlier in the past was a monarchial type.

Apart from these, the country has a high rate of biological diversity, which means it contains a wide variety of animals and birds, both indigenous and endemic.

Regarding culture, India has a rich culture that has been evolving over the past years and still going on, and other cultures have been influenced many times.

india 2

What is Japan?

Japan is a cluster or group of small islands scattered over the eastern Pacific Ocean and located on the eastern part of the Asian continent.

Japan comes eleventh on the list of most populated countries. Its capital is Tokyo.

Japan is a very economically stable and highly advanced country in terms of technology. It has some of the world’s best universities.

It has a very ancient type of culture which is full of traditions to honour families and solemn ceremonies.

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Japan holds a lot of power as it is a member of many international organizations, such as the United Nations, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the Group of Seven.

It has one of the strongest-ranking self-defence mechanisms and forces in the world.

It has a vast history full of events, one of which is very popular is the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombing incident, where the United States dropped bombs over the two cities and killed a large mass of people whose effect lingered for a long span of time.

This country is known to be a global leader in the field of automotive and electronics as it has numerous contributions to science and technology.

It has influenced the whole world with its exclusive anime culture.


Main Differences Between India and Japan

  1. India is a country that lies on the South Asia side of the globe, whereas Japan is a small country that lies on the East Asia side of the globe.
  2. India comes under the Asian subcontinent, which is a very large continent itself, whereas on the other hand, Japan is categorized as an Archipelago, which means a collection of small islands or chains of islands scattered over the ocean.
  3. India is a diverse country that consists of a large population that follows different religion and, thus, belong to different races, whereas in Japan, all the people belong to a single race.
  4. In India, the caste system is strictly followed and has a very big impact on the overall population as it is quite prevalent, whereas on the other hand, in Japan, there is no caste system that is followed.
  5. India has a long year history of foreign invasion as it was under the rule of the Britishers for a long period of time in the past, whereas Japan never had any foreign invasion history in the past.
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.