A college or a university has several people that are appointed to teach various subjects to their students. A single teacher can not teach all the subjects in the respective course, which is why every subject has a different person that teaches it to the students.
A college or a university appoints these people so that the students in their college understand the subjects from their courses. They either appoint lecturers or professors.
Key Takeaways
- A lecturer is a person who delivers lectures or teaches at the university level. In contrast, a professor is a senior faculty member who has earned the highest academic degree in a particular field.
- A lecturer teaches specific courses, while a professor researches and mentors students.
- A lecturer is not required to have a doctorate, whereas a professor must have a doctorate.
Lecturer vs Professor
A lecturer is an academic expert selected by a college or university to lecture undergraduate level. Lecturers are less experienced in their field of expertise and receive a low salary. A professor is a scholar with the highest academic rank in an educational institution. They teach undergraduates, postgraduates, and other professional courses. Professors receive high salary packages.
The lecturers that are appointed by the college or university are beginners in their profession. They get lesser salaries than professors, and they teach at the undergraduate level of the college.
Whenever a person wants to be a part of the teaching profession, being a lecturer is the beginning stage.
The professors are the experienced teachers that teach at a particular college or university. They get more salaries than lecturers, and they can teach at all levels, including graduate, undergraduate, and professional courses.
Professors have more experience than lecturers as they work for a longer time.
Comparison Table
Parameters of Comparison | Lecturer | Professor |
Experience | Less | More |
Tenure position | They either get or do not get tenure positions. | Most professors get tenure positions. |
Salary | Less | More |
Classes | Graduate-level | All the levels include graduate, undergraduate and professional courses. |
Type | Beginners | Professionals |
What is Lecturer?
The lecturer is a teacher who is at the beginning stage of their career. The term varies from location to location, but it is altogether considered a rank in the teaching profession.
Lecturers in some countries are allowed to conduct research in their colleges. They either work part-time or full time. Various countries have different interpretations of the term “lecturer.”
For instance, in Australia, the term is informally addressed as a person who conducts lectures, and formally, it is addressed as an academic rank in the teaching profession. Lecturers can also help students with research work, but it depends on the allowance.
A lecturer teaches a batch of students that opt for a specific we get in the college. A lecturer is different from a teacher as they teach in colleges and teachers teach in schools.
The level of difficulty of the subjects that teachers teach is comparatively lesser than the level of difficulty of the subjects that lecturers in college teach.
A lecturer also plans lectures that are to be conducted whenever they are supposed to teach a particular chapter from their respective subject.
They plan their lectures depending on the chapter they will teach. They also plan a timeline for better management. They prepare students for further studies and research work.
What is Professor?
A professor is a teacher that teaches classes of all levels. These classes include graduate and undergraduate, and they also teach the extra professional courses that colleges or other institutions offer.
The qualifications required for reaching the academic rank of professor differ from those required for reaching the academic rank of lecturer.
A professor is an expert on the subject that they teach in the college. They belong to the highest rank of teaching professionals. The term professor was derived from a Latin word that means “a person who professes.”
They help students with overall education, research work, and they also manage the administrative work.
Like lecturers, the term professors have different meanings in different countries. However, a professor needs to have a master’s degree as well as a doctorate degree.
The other meaning of the term professor is “the person who is an expert in a certain field and the one who teaches it.” The first usage of this term was done in the fourteenth century.
The academic rank of a professor is considered the highest rank in the teaching profession. It is one of the most honored and recognized ranks. In many European countries, there are different types of professors.
These two types include assistant professors and associate professors. A professor is an experts in the subject that they teach, and they have more experience than many other ranks.
Main Differences Between Lecturer and Professor
- Lecturers are the academic rank that is below the academic rank of professor.
- The educational qualifications that are required for both academic ranks are different.
- Lectures have comparatively less experience. On the other hand, professors have comparatively more experience.
- Since lecturers are new at their jobs and they have less experience, they get lower salaries. On the other hand, since professors are old at their jobs and they have more experience, they get more salaries.
- The lecturers teach at the undergraduate level. On the other hand, the professors teach at all levels, including graduate and undergraduate, and they also teach professional courses to students.
- The lecturers are not included in the tasks that are related to administration and management. On the other hand, the professors are included in the tasks that are related to administration and management.
- The lecturers either have tenure positions or do not have tenure positions. On the other hand, most of the professors do have tenure positions.
- The lecturer is the initial stage and the beginning rank in the teaching profession. On the other hand, the professor is the highest and the more experienced stage and ranks in the teaching profession.