LED Light vs Tube Light: Difference and Comparison

The discovery of light has revolutionized the world in many ways. After Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, it helped in bringing light even after sunset.

Key Takeaways

  1. LED lights are more energy-efficient and have a longer lifespan than tube lights, which consume more energy and have a shorter lifespan.
  2. LED lights are eco-friendly and do not contain any harmful chemicals, while tube lights contain small amounts of mercury, which can be harmful if not disposed of properly.
  3. LED lights emit directional light, while tube lights emit omnidirectional light.

LED Light vs Tube Light 

An LED light is the acronym for light-emitting diode. They are designed in a compact size for convenience and portability. LED lights have a lifespan of 60000 hours and have a low power consumption of 10 watts. Tube light is produced by fluorescent phosphors inside the cylindrical tube. They have a lifespan of 10000 hours and have a high power consumption of 43 watts.

LED Light vs Tube Light

LED light is a compressed form of Light Emitting Diodes. The efforts of Nick Holonyak Jr. in 1962 led to the invention of LED light, a visible red light.

Tube light is quite similar to a fluorescent lamp which was discovered by Thomas Edison in 1806. The tube light was though invented by Peter Cooper Hewitt in the year 1903.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonLED LightTube Light
Size Compact sizeQuite large in size
Life Span 60000 Hours10000 Hours
Power Consumption 5 times less compared to tube light5 times more compared to LED light
Efficiency Great efficiencyLess efficient
Uses Flashlight, vehicle headlight, desk lamps, and electronic devicesIn a large warehouse, in one big room  

What is LED Light?

LED light is the compressed form of light-emitting diodes. These were invented in 1962 by Nick Holonyak Jr., also known as the ‘Father of Light Emitting Diode.’

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The LED light source, with time, does not burn out of fail compared to other light bulbs. Instead, the light source of the LED reduces with time, and the visible light which emits out starts getting dim.

Nowadays, there are many options available in the market, but still, it is recommended to customers to purchase light bulbs with energy star ratings.

led light

What is Tube Light?

Tube light is similar to that of fluorescent lamps, which Thomas Edison invented. The tube light was invented in the year 1903 by Peter Cooper Hewitt.

The components of the tube light which are used to manufacture it are – Glass stem, end cap, mercury drop, filament coils as an electrode, phosphor-coated glass bulb, inert gas (i.e., argon), and electron shield.

Violet rays (or UV rays) into the visible light spectrum with the help of phosphor coating present inside the glass tube, which then emits the visible light and the tube is illuminated.

tube light

Main Differences Between LED Light and Tube Light

  1. The efficiency of the LED Light is quite great, while the efficiency of the tube light is less compared to that of LED Light.
  2. LED Light can be used for various purposes, such as in flashlights, vehicle headlights, desk lamps, and electronic devices, while on the other hand, tube lights are used in large rooms with less light requirements, and also used in large warehouses. 
Difference Between LED Light and Tube Light


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3544129/
  2. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-011-1856-9_33
  3. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13312-010-0020-7
  4. https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=AnbsCAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA326&dq=difference+between+led+light+and+tube+light&ots=1cBRpDAGg3&sig=aR7EqmEUjwJ99sr05Keh1f-vsT8&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=difference%20between%20led%20light%20and%20tube%20light&f=false

Last Updated : 05 July, 2023

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25 thoughts on “LED Light vs Tube Light: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The advancements in LED lighting technology present a compelling case for the transition towards more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly lighting solutions.

    • The comparative analysis of LED and tube lights signifies the importance of embracing sustainable and eco-friendly lighting technologies for a brighter future.

    • The adoption of LED lights offers tangible benefits in terms of energy conservation and reduced environmental impact compared to traditional tube lights.

  2. The comparison between LED and tube lights accentuates the substantial benefits of LED lights in terms of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness, driving the need for sustainable lighting solutions.

    • The evolution of LED lighting technology represents a significant step towards environmental sustainability and energy conservation, aligning with global efforts to minimize ecological impact.

    • The transition towards LED lights underscores the imperative of embracing energy-efficient and eco-friendly lighting solutions to address environmental concerns and promote sustainable practices.

  3. The comparative analysis of LED and tube lights emphasizes the advantages of LED lights in terms of energy efficiency, extended lifespan, and reduced environmental impact, signifying a pivotal shift in lighting technology.

    • The emergence of LED lights as a viable alternative to traditional tube lights reflects a milestone in sustainable lighting solutions, fostering energy conservation and ecological preservation.

    • The progression towards LED lights signifies a proactive approach towards energy-efficient and eco-friendly lighting, contributing to environmental conservation and sustainable practices.

  4. The differences between LED and tube lights underscore the importance of transitioning to more energy-efficient and eco-friendly lighting options to mitigate environmental impact.

    • The shift towards LED lights reflects a positive and sustainable approach to lighting technology, contributing to reduced energy consumption and environmental benefits.

    • The comparison between LED and tube lights emphasizes the significance of embracing greener and more efficient lighting solutions for a sustainable future.

  5. LED lights are the result of significant advancements in lighting technology, offering a compelling alternative to traditional tube lights in terms of energy efficiency and environmental impact.

    • The transition from tube lights to LED lights signifies a positive shift towards sustainable and energy-efficient lighting solutions, contributing to environmental conservation efforts.

  6. The technological advancements in LED lighting have positioned it as a superior choice over traditional tube lights, offering enhanced energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

    • The transformative impact of LED lights on energy conservation and environmental preservation underscores the importance of adopting innovative and sustainable lighting solutions.

  7. LED lights are much more efficient than tube lights due to their longer lifespan and lower power consumption. LED lights also have the advantage of being more environmentally friendly. Tube lights, by contrast, have a shorter lifespan and higher energy consumption.

    • The invention of light has marked a significant milestone in the history of humanity. The difference between LED and tube light is quite striking, with LED lights being much more efficient and eco-friendly.

  8. The invention of LED lights has paved the way for more sustainable and environmentally friendly lighting solutions. The comparison clearly demonstrates the advantages of LED lights over tube lights.

    • LED lights represent a significant technological advancement that aligns with the global push for energy efficiency and environmental conservation.

  9. The discovery of light has indeed revolutionized the world. The difference in energy efficiency and environmental impact between LED and tube lights is substantial, with LED lights leading in both aspects.

    • The technological advancements in lighting, particularly the development of LED lights, have had a profound impact on energy conservation and environmental sustainability.

    • The comparison of LED and tube lights highlights the importance of utilizing energy-efficient and eco-friendly lighting solutions to address environmental concerns.

  10. The lifespan of LED lights is approximately 60000 hours, which is six times longer than the lifespan of tube lights. Additionally, LED lights have a much lower power consumption of 10 watts, compared to the 43 watts of tube lights.

    • The comparison between LED and tube lights is quite revealing in terms of their differences. It is evident that LED lights are more energy-efficient and have a much longer lifespan, making them the superior choice.


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