Medicine vs Medication: Difference and Comparison

A person has undergone an illness at once in his life or disease, which can be as mild to more severe influenza or asthma as cold or mild diarrhea. Some diseases may be treated such that they only vanish after treatment, while some need medicine to cure the human being.

The body is fitted with an immune response and natural disease control mechanism.

The human body can prevent infections, such as the body’s white blood cells, that combat any bacteria, viruses, or parasites present in the body.

Key Takeaways

  1. Medicine refers to treating or preventing diseases through drugs, while medication refers to the actual drug or substance used to treat or prevent diseases.
  2. Medicine can also refer to the overall healthcare profession, while the medication is specifically related to the administration of drugs.
  3. Medicine can involve non-drug treatments, such as surgery or therapy, while the medication is only related to the use of drugs.

Medicine vs Medication

The study of the diagnosis and treatment of diseases is called medicine. Drugs that are taken to cure the disease are also called medicines. There is no proper dose of medicine. Medicine has no defined delivery type. Medication is the process of treating diseases. It is important to follow the prescription in the medication process. 

Medicine vs Medication

The term “medicine” means the study of healing or surgical treatment of diseases. In Latin, it is not in the English language, two words which refer to medicine, “medication,” meaning “medical care,” and “medication,” meaning “medicine or drogue.”

Medicine has been studied since ancient times, most of which were art (a field of science and skill) connected with the local religious and philosophical views.

First, in the 1600s, the term “drug” was used. It comes from the French word “medication,” meaning “healing,” and is derived from the Latin word “Medius” or “physician.”

This is the Latin word “medication.”

One of the main distinctions is the degree of supervision between prescribed medicines (which are dispensed only by a medical practitioner, medical assistant, or trained nursing staff) and off-the-counter medicinal products (those that consumers can order for themselves).

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMedicineMedication
DefineThe term “medicine” means the study of healing or surgical treatment of diseases.Medication is known as the treatment of a medicinal disease.
MeaningMedicine is a chemical that changes the metabolic mechanism when acting on the live body and is used to prevent, diagnose, regulate and cure diseases.Medications are developed as a dose- and dosage-definite medicine used for preventing, diagnosing, monitoring, and treating diseases.
Active pharmaceutical ingredientThe only prescription ingredient active is medicine (API).Medication is formulated with excipients or without excipients as an active medicinal ingredient (API).
CharacterThe dosage and dose of the medicine are not adequate.The medication has a suitable dosage shape and dose.
FeatureMedicine is not used for therapy until the appropriate drug type and the dose is to be drawn up.Medication is used directly for therapy.

What is Medicine?

The term “medicine” means the study of healing or surgical treatment of diseases. It includes diagnosing, treating, and preventing illnesses that can affect the mind as well as the body.

The word “medicine” implies “physicist.” Medicine has been studied since ancient times, most of which were art (a field of science and skill) connected with the local religious and philosophical views.

In Latin, it is not in the English language, two words which refer to medicine, “medication,” meaning “medical care,” and “medication,” meaning “medicine or drogue.”

Medicine is the study and application of health care and diagnosis, forecasting, detection, recovery, or palliation. Medicine includes a number of medical procedures that have been developed to preserve and restore health by preventing and treating disease.

For example, a medicine person used spices and said healing prayers or an old philosopher and physician used bloodletting in keeping with humor theories.

Most medicine has been a fusion of art and science in the last few decades since the rise of scientific science (both basic and applied, under the umbrella of medical science).


What is Medication?

Medication is known as the treatment of a medicinal disease. It refers to the management or use of medication for the treatment of diseases or injuries.

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They can also refer to a compound that has a pharmacological influence on the body, whether natural or synthetic. First, in the 1600s, the term “drug” was used.

It comes from the French word “medication,” meaning “healing.” This is the Latin word “medication.”

A prescription for diagnosing, curing, treating, or preventing illness is medicine. Pharmaceutical treatment is an integral aspect of the medical profession that uses pharmaceutical research to advance and administer pharmacy.

Drugs are, in several respects, categorized. It derives from the Latin word.

That is the word ‘medicine’ in Latin.

One of the biggest differences is the degree of control between the prescribed (only dispensed by a physician, health care professional, or qualified staff) and off-the-counter pharmaceuticals (those that consumers can order for themselves).


Main Differences Between Medicine and Medication

  1. Medicine is a drug that modifies the metabolism in the act of the living body and uses it to prevent, detect, regulate, and cure diseases, whereas medication is the mixture used in a definite dose and prescription for preventing, diagnosing, monitoring, and treating diseases.
  2. Prescription medicine is the only active ingredient (API), whereas the API formulation, with or without a prescription, is a medication.
  3. Medicine is not used specifically for therapy, so the appropriate delivery type and concentration have to be devised, whereas medication product is directly used for therapy.
  4. The medicine source is a plant, animal, microorganism, mineral, synthetic, semi-synthetic, recombinant DNA, whereas medication and prescription are the medicine source.
  5. Any prescription is medicine, whereas all prescriptions are not medication.
  6. The medicine has no proper dose and delivery type, whereas the medication has a prescription, and the level of medicine is sufficient.
Difference Between Medicine and Medication

Last Updated : 18 June, 2023

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10 thoughts on “Medicine vs Medication: Difference and Comparison”

  1. I find the comparison table very helpful in understanding the distinctions between medicine and medication. The historical perspective provided is also very insightful.

  2. The distinction between medicine and medication is clearly outlined in the article. It’s fascinating to learn about the historical aspects of the terms.

  3. The article effectively defines medicine and medication, highlighting the study of healing and disease treatment. The historical context provided is also fascinating.

  4. I appreciate the detailed explanation of the terms medicine and medication, along with the comparison table. The historical background brings further depth to the topic.

  5. The article offers a comprehensive understanding of medicine and medication, including the historical significance of the terms. The explanation of the pharmacological influence is particularly interesting.

  6. The information provided in the article is enlightening, particularly in distinguishing between medicine and medication. The detail about the origin of the terms is quite interesting.

  7. This article provides a thorough explanation of the difference between medicine and medication, including the study and application of health care. I also find the historical background very interesting.

  8. The article does an excellent job of distinguishing between medicine and medication. It’s important to consider the difference in the overall healthcare profession and the administration of drugs.

  9. The article elaborates on the difference between medicine and medication very well, including the meaning and characteristics of both. The historical information provided is also intriguing.

  10. The distinction between medicine and medication is well articulated, and the historical relevance of these terms adds depth to the discussion. The information on the study and application of health care is quite compelling.


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