Miracle Whip vs Mayo: Difference and Comparison

Miracle Whip and mayonnaise dip are used to add flavour to various recipes like sandwiches, eggs, chicken salads, pasta salads, vegetable salads, and sushi. Miracle Whip offers a cheaper substitute for mayo, although they differ in ingredients and taste.

They are used as an added flavour to enhance the taste. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Miracle Whip has a tangy, sweet taste, while Mayo has a creamier taste.
  2. Mayo is made only from oil, egg yolks, vinegar, or lemon juice, while Miracle Whip has additional ingredients like sugar, spices, and cornstarch.
  3. Miracle Whip has a lower fat content compared to Mayo.

Miracle Whip vs Mayo

The difference between miracle whip and mayo lies in their texture, taste, and ingredients. One may be used as a replacement for another. Miracle Whip contains half the calories of mayo and has a lesser proportion of vegetable oil. Mayo is greasy, thick, and less sweet than miracle whip. 

Miracle Whip vs Mayo

Miracle Whip came into existence in 1933. It contains sugar, oil, vinegar, spices, and eggs. The miracle whip is offered at a lower price. It is healthy as it contains a lesser quantity of oil and a low-fat proportion.

If you want the taste of mayo and counting on fewer calories, then miracle whip is your go-to choice.

Mayonnaise or mayo is a thick, greasy dressing comprising ingredients like oil, vinegar, eggs, herbs, and lemon juice. It came into existence in 1756. Vegan mayo consists of proteins such as soy and pea protein.

It is found in grocery marts and is offered as an alternative to classic mayo for the vegan public.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonMiracle whipMayo
Vegetable oilMiracle whip contains less than 65% of vegetable oil.Mayo contains 80% of vegetable oil. According to the FDA guidelines, mayo must contain at least 65% of vegetable oil.
CaloriesIt contains almost half of the calories as mayo. Diet-conscious people opt for it. 1 tablespoon contains 50 calories.It contains almost double the calories of miracle whip.1 tablespoon contains around 95 calories.
NatureIt is cooked.It is uncooked.
Sugar contentIt contains added sugar with HFCS(high-fructose corn syrup).It is less sweetened than a miracle whip.
Health benefitIt is considered healthy as it contains less fat and is low-calorie.It is unhealthy as it is highly processed containing high-calorie.
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What is a Miracle Whip? 

Miracle Whip was manufactured in 1933 in Chicago. It is sold across Canada and the United States. It was developed to serve as a cheaper alternative to mayo. It duplicates the texture and consistency of mayo.

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It is a low-fat, low-calorie alternative and is offered at a cheaper price. It is used as a spread over sandwiches, salads, and desserts. The miracle whip is rich in sodium. It is known for its added sugar content and richness in spices. 

The Miracle Whip is known to consist of water, eggs, salt, vinegar, spices, paprika, HFCS, cornstarch, soybean oil, mustard powder etc. Though each and every ingredient is not publicly disclosed.

Miracle Whip offers several health benefits, such as

  • It is rich in vitamin K
  • Intake of miracle whip helps to carry calcium to the bones
  • It prevents blood clotting
  • Helps fight Alzheimer

The high quantity of sodium found in miracle whip has its repercussions, some of which are

  • Heart and kidney diseases
  • Hypertension
  • Heart strokes
  • Liver damage

The presence of HFCS(high-fructose corn syrup) in miracle whip leads to degenerating health. The sugar gets stored in the liver as fat and causes damage and deterioration of metabolic health.

A good amount of intake is beneficial and provides many health benefits. But be aware of its serious health-related issues before its consumption.

miracle whip

What is Mayo?

Mayonnaise is a delicious and fascinating condiment. It is a thick white spread having a rich flavour and amazing taste. Mayo is made by binding the mixture of vinegar and oil with egg yolk. It uses an emulsion process, i.e., made by combining two mixtures that cannot be dissolved.

Mayo is made by mixing the two non-dissolvable liquids rapidly and eliminating any bubbles or drops formed in the process. Egg yolk, a fat emulsifier, serves as the binding agent.

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FDA, Food and Drug Administration, has set guidelines to be followed by companies in the production of mayo. Mayo must contain at least 65% of vegetable oil by weight.

Egg yolk, lemon juice, vegetable oil, and spices are the main ingredients of mayo. FDA also states that egg should be the only ingredient to be used as an emulsifier.

Mayo is also used as a key ingredient in sauces like tartar sauce. Homemade mayo is considered the healthiest option to go for. It is low-fat and less processed, containing a rich quantity of vitamins and minerals that provides several health benefits, such as

  • Promotes muscle growth 
  • Serves as an appetizer
  • Boost immune system  

But at the same time, overconsumption of mayo may lead to obesity, high cholesterol, heart problems, and thus harming one’s health.


Main Differences Between A Miracle Whip And Mayo

  1. Miracle whip is commonly used as a salad spread, whereas mayo is used in dressings, sauces, burgers, cakes etc.
  2. Miracle Whip ingredients sell with a trademark restricted to kraft foods, while Mayo is not a trademark-restricted brand.
  3. Miracle Whip is sweeter and spicier. On the other hand, mayo is sweeter and spicier.
  4. Ingredients of miracle whip are not widely known, which makes it difficult to replicate at home, whereas mayo ingredients and recipes are widely available, making it easier for various companies to produce and sell it.
  5. Miracle Whip is deemed to be the healthy version of mayo.
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Sandeep Bhandari
Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. I appreciate the breakdown of ingredients and the process of making both Miracle Whip and mayo. Understanding the components is enlightening.

    • Absolutely, it’s amazing how such simple ingredients can yield two very different products. The science behind food production is fascinating.

  2. This article provided a great historical background on Miracle Whip and mayo. It’s fascinating how these condiments have evolved over the years.

    • I completely agree, it’s always interesting to learn about the origins and development of well-known food products.

  3. Great article! I’ve always loved adding Miracle Whip or mayonnaise to my sandwiches and salads, but it’s interesting to learn more about the differences and health benefits of each.

    • I agree, I found this article very informative and it helped clear up some confusion I had about the differences between Miracle Whip and mayo.

    • I never knew that Miracle Whip had a lower fat content compared to mayo. Definitely learned something new today. Thanks for sharing!

  4. The article presented a comprehensive overview of Miracle Whip and mayo. I appreciate the detailed comparison and the historical context provided.

    • I found the historical aspects particularly engaging. It’s great to gain a broader understanding of these familiar products.

  5. The health considerations raised by the article are thought-provoking. It’s important to weigh the nutritional impact of our food choices.

    • Agreed, the health aspects are definitely a significant aspect to consider. This article delivered a lot of valuable insights.

  6. The comparison table is very helpful for understanding the differences between Miracle Whip and mayo. I appreciate the clear breakdown of each parameter.

    • Absolutely, the details in the article made it easy to see which option aligns more with my dietary preferences. Great information!

    • I agree, the calorie and nature differences are especially eye-opening. Definitely something to consider when making food choices.

  7. Learning about the health benefits and risks associated with Miracle Whip and mayo is essential. It’s important to make informed choices about what we eat.

    • I couldn’t agree more. It’s always valuable to understand the potential impacts of the foods we consume. Thank you for sharing this information.

  8. The comparison table was extremely helpful in seeing the differences between Miracle Whip and mayo at a glance. Thanks for the informative content.

    • Absolutely, the concise breakdown made it easy to grasp the distinctions between these two popular condiments. Very useful information.

  9. The health benefits and potential issues associated with Miracle Whip and mayo are very interesting. It’s important to be aware of the impact on overall health when consuming these condiments.

    • I found the information about the health repercussions particularly eye-opening. It’s always good to be informed about what we eat.

    • This article really makes me rethink my condiment choices. The health considerations are definitely a factor to consider.

  10. I found the article both enlightening and engaging. The detailed information about Miracle Whip and mayo broadened my understanding of these condiments.

    • Definitely, this article provided a wealth of knowledge about two food products that are overlooked. It’s great to gain this perspective.

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