Nomad vs OpenShift: Difference and Comparison

People have begun to employ the gadgets and tools of the twenty-first century to manage their business schedules as the world continues to modernise.

Different organisations offer different sorts of management solutions, such as Nomad and OpenShift. They’re both among the top tiers of orchestration platforms.

Both platforms are in direct competition with one another. People can choose one of these as an alternative if they so desire. They have certain similarities in terms of scaling and delivering applications, but they differ in other ways.

Before selecting the best solution for one’s firm, it’s critical to understand the program’s functions.

Key Takeaways

  1. Nomad is a container orchestration platform that allows for efficient deployment and management of applications across multiple hosts and clouds. At the same time, Openshift is a container application platform that provides a complete development and deployment environment.
  2. Nomad has a simpler architecture and is more lightweight than Openshift, which offers more advanced features and integrations.
  3. Nomad is open-source and can be used for free, while Openshift has a commercial license and requires a subscription for full access to its features.

Nomad vs OpenShift

The difference between Nomad and OpenShift is that, For the creation of applications and data management, Nomad emphasises delivering both interactive batch environments. However, On the contrary, OpenShift is a Kubernetes distributor that focuses on providing security to apps and a developer experience that is platform neutral. Nomad is ranked third among Docker orchestration technologies because it offers more stable functionality than OpenShift, which is ranked 8th.

Nomad vs OpenShift

Nomad has a strong emphasis on delivering both batch and interactive environments for the development of applications and data management. Nomad has been around since September 2015.

Nomad Hashicorp is an alternate name for Nomad that can be accepted. HashiCorp, a well-known software business, invented Nomad.

Nomad is placed third in the Docker orchestration tools because it has more stable functionality than OpenShift.

OpenShift is a software company that assists its clients in developing and deploying applications. Since May 2011, OpenShift has been offering its services to users.

The open-source version is known as OKD, although it is also known as OpenShift Origin. Red Hat is the only company that runs and develops OpenShift.

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People dislike OpenShift, which is ranked eighth among Docker orchestration technologies.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonNomadOpenShift
DefinitionIt provides both batch environments, which are interactive in characteristic for the development of application and management of data.A distributor from Kubernetes focuses on providing security to the applications, experience on developer who are agnostic platforms, helps its customers in developing and deploying applications.
Date of release September 2015 May 2011
Alternative nameAlternative name or another name is Nomad Hashicorp.The name of the version that is open source is OKD, also called as OpenShift Origin.
Created by HashiCorp Red Hat
Functions and operationsProvides more stable features in comparison to OpenShift, ranked in the Docker orchestration tools at 3rd place.Less preferred by users in comparison to Nomad, ranks 8th in the Docker orchestration tools.

What is Nomad?

Nomad is a technology that acts as a container for web-based applications. People will feel more at ease if they can make their judgments and manage what clusters they want to connect.

The platform’s updates are simple, and it also provides a guide for up-gradation to show users how to proceed in a situation of upgradation.

For the sake of a better understanding of the users and customers, the company’s architecture is divided into three segments. The Nomad admins assist in the operation of the Nomad servers and provide support to Nomad users.

Certain countries can attend a Nomad Workshop where they can learn more about the Nomad’s engineers and their systems.

It’s simple to navigate and operate. Medium and small businesses, additionally, my software companies, are the most common users of the system. Customers can use a free version of the site provided by the company.

The platform is light and secure because it does not employ third-party storage firms. The programme is used by companies such as Trivago, Citadel, and others for the management of their websites.

What is OpenShift?

OpenShift is a Kubernetes distributor that focuses on giving developers a platform-agnostic experience while still offering security for their applications.

This company assists its clients with application development and deployment. Since May 2011, OpenShift has started offering its advantages to users.

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OpenShift Origin is the popular name for the open-source version, which is named OKD. Red Hat is the sole company that runs and develops OpenShift. OpenShift is a less popular Docker orchestration tool, ranking eighth.

This company belongs to a family of software items or products that are containerized, and the whole development procedure is taken up by Red Hat.

The flagship product offered by the parent firm is the OpenShift Container Platform. This OpenShift is a platform based on services on-premises, which is built for the orchestration of Docker containers.

All the management functions and decisions are taken by Kubernetes. However, the foundation stone is led by Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Main Differences Between Nomad and OpenShift

  1. Nomad emphasizes providing both batch environments, which are interactive in characteristic for developing applications and managing data. On the other hand, OpenShift is a distributor from Kubernetes, which focuses on providing security to the applications and experience of the developer, which are agnostic platforms. This firm helps its customers in developing and deploying applications.
  2. Nomad has been in existence since September 2015. On the other hand, OpenShift has been providing users with its benefits since May 2011.
  3. Nomad Hashicorp can be accepted as another alternative name for Nomad. On the other hand, the version that is open source is called OKD, but also popular as OpenShift Origin.
  4. Nomad was created by a popular software company named HashiCorp. On the other hand, OpenShift is run and developed solely by the firm Red Hat.
  5. Nomad provides more stable features compared to OpenShift, ranked 3rd in the Docker orchestration tools. On the other hand, OpenShift is less preferred by people and ranks 8th in the Docker orchestration tools.

Last Updated : 09 July, 2023

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24 thoughts on “Nomad vs OpenShift: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Nomad and OpenShift have distinct functionalities and characteristics. Businesses need to consider their specific requirements to determine which platform is best suited for their needs.

  2. Both platforms, Nomad and OpenShift, offer different orchestration solutions. While Nomad has a simpler architecture and is open-source, OpenShift provides more advanced features and is created by Red Hat. Understanding the functions of each program is crucial before choosing one for a firm.

    • Yes, it’s important to analyze the specific needs of a business in order to choose the most suitable platform for orchestration.

  3. Nomad and OpenShift have their unique characteristics, and understanding how they differ is crucial for businesses. Nomad is a more lightweight and open-source option, while OpenShift provides advanced features.

  4. Nomad and OpenShift have different focuses and advantages. Nomad emphasizes delivering batch and interactive environments, while OpenShift provides security for apps and a platform-neutral developer experience.

  5. The differences between Nomad and OpenShift are significant, and businesses should carefully evaluate their unique needs to choose the right platform for orchestration.

  6. Understanding the functionalities and differences between Nomad and OpenShift is crucial for businesses to make an informed decision. Each platform has its own strengths that need to be considered.

    • Definitely. A comprehensive analysis of the specific needs of a business is essential for selecting the most suitable orchestration platform.

  7. The differences between Nomad and OpenShift are notable. Understanding the nuances of each platform’s strengths is essential for businesses to make an informed decision.

  8. Nomad is open-source and more lightweight, while OpenShift offers more advanced features and integrations. Both have their own strengths, and understanding the differences is crucial for businesses.

    • Definitely. The specific needs of a business should guide the decision-making process when choosing an orchestration platform.

  9. Nomad and OpenShift provide different solutions and have unique characteristics. Businesses should carefully assess their requirements to determine which platform aligns with their needs.

  10. Nomad and OpenShift serve different functions and have distinct characteristics. Nomad has been around since 2015 and is more stable, while OpenShift provides a secure app development and deployment environment.


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