Nomad vs Ansible: Difference and Comparison

Exponential growth in IT fields asks for different tools and assets for help in their associated activities. Any task which becomes ordinary from rare is meant to be done with the help of tools so that new rare can be found and growth can be made possible.

Such tools are developed, and many are on the way to developing, making it easier for the human to perform tasks. 

Such applications are discussed here, which made the life of individuals easy and fast by contributing their part in their life. Sometimes, these applications perform similar functions and get confused the same. Nomad and Ansible are among them.

Their applications are listed below to compare well.

Key Takeaways

  1. Nomad is an open-source tool for scheduling and managing containerized applications, while Ansible is a configuration management and automation tool.
  2. Nomad is primarily used for container orchestration and management, while Ansible is used for configuration management and automation of IT infrastructure.
  3. Nomad provides a more lightweight and flexible solution for container management, while Ansible provides a more robust and powerful tool for IT automation.

Nomad vs Ansible

The difference between a nomad and an ansible is the goal they work on. Nomad focuses on satisfying all the constraints and providing utilization of resources which are further optimized by efficient packing, whereas Ansible’s motive is to achieve the ability to provide simplicity and ease of use.

Nomad vs Ansible

Nomad is an application to perform scheduling and manages the cluster. It is basically designed for the services which are long-term as well as short-living batches processing the workload.

Nomad focuses on satisfying all the constraints and providing utilization of resources that are further optimized by efficient packing.

Ansible is open-source software. It enables infrastructure as code. It provides configuration management and tools, classified as application deployment, which is used to enable infrastructure as code.

It can configure two operating system types: Unix-like and Microsoft Windows.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonNomadAnsible
FounderThe Founders were Mitchell Hashimoto and Armon DadgarFounded by Michael DeHaan
Year of publishFounded in 2012It was acquired by Red Hat in the year 2015
SupportUnder Harshi CorpIt works without an agent
DefinitionIt is an IT automation tool.It is a cluster manager and scheduler.
GoalsConstraints are satisfied, and resource utilization is optimized by efficient packing.Ansible motives in foremost to providing simplicity and maximize the ease in the use.

What is Nomad?

Nomad is an application to perform scheduling and manages the cluster. It is basically designed for the services which are long-term as well as short-living batches processing the workload.

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Nomad focuses on satisfying all the constraints and providing utilization of resources that are further optimized by efficient packing. The features it supports and enhances are:

  1. It is very simple to use.
  2. It minimizes the cloud with minimal overhead making it lightweight.
  3. It supports a flexible workload.
  4. It provides a modern legacy app without rewriting.
  5. It is a very easy federation if talked about in terms of scale.
  6. It deploys and does the scaling part very easily.
  7. Its native integrations are done with Terraform, Consul, and Vault.

It was founded in the year 2012. It is an automation IT tool. It supports maximum all the operating systems. Moreover, it also supports applications that are standalone, visualized, or containerized in nature.

It comes in the category of enterprise communication, notification and alerting, and cloud computing. It was developed by Mitchell Hashimoto and Armon Dadgar.

It makes any organization easily deploy and allows it to manage any containerized or legacy application using only a single word, i.e., unified workflow.

What is Ansible?

Ansible is open-source software. It enables infrastructure as code. It provides management of configuration and tools, which are classified as application deployment, which is used to enable infrastructure as code. 

It can configure two types of operating systems which include Unix-like and Microsoft Windows. It basically runs on Unix-like systems. Michael DeHaan was the one who wrote Ansible. Ansible was acquired by the well-known “Red Hat “in the year 2015.  

It works without agents and is temporarily connected with SSH and Windows Remote management, which allows PowerShell execution to it for performing the tasks.

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The term used to recognize the ansible “Ansible” was founded by Ursula K. Le Guin in one of her novels in the year 1966. It refers to communication systems that are fictional and instantaneous.

The novel was Rocannon’s World. Its company, known as Ansible, Inc., was founded by the founder in 2013, the same person who wrote Ansible, i.e., Michael DeHaan. Timothy Gerla and Said Ziouani were the commercial supporters and sponsors of Ansible.

 It is dependent on Python. It is software where both the controlling nodes and the machine which has to be targeted should have Python and its dependent packages installed in the system. 

Main Differences Between Nomad and Ansible

  1. Both Nomads and Ansible were founded by different people. While Nomads was founded by two persons, Mitchell Hashimoto and Amon Dadgar, Ansible was founded by only one person Michael DeHaan.
  2. Nomads were founded earlier than Ansible. Therefore, they are older than it. Nomads were founded in 2012, whereas Ansible was acquired in 2015 by Red Hat.
  3. Nomads work with the support of Hashi Corp, while Ansible does not require such support and work without any agent.
  4. Nomads is an IT automation tool. On the other hand, Ansible works as a cluster manager and scheduler.
  5. The main goal of Nomad is the satisfaction of Constraints and utilization of resources inefficient packing, whereas the main goal of Ansible is to make the use simple and easy. 

Last Updated : 09 July, 2023

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24 thoughts on “Nomad vs Ansible: Difference and Comparison”

  1. This article offers a comprehensive understanding of Nomad and Ansible and their specific purposes in IT infrastructure. It’s beneficial for professionals looking to leverage these tools efficiently.

    • Indeed, the functionalities mentioned in this article highlight the significance of understanding these tools for effective IT operations and management.

  2. Understanding the core differences between Nomad and Ansible is essential for making informed decisions regarding their practical applications in IT infrastructure and operations.

    • Absolutely, the detailed overview of both tools provides a comprehensive understanding of their capabilities and roles in IT management.

  3. The development of applications and tools in the field of IT is crucial for the growth of the industry and to streamline tasks.

    • I find it very interesting how applications like Nomad and Ansible cater to different aspects of IT resource management and automation. The goals of the tools are well defined by the article.

  4. The detailed explanation of Nomad and Ansible’s features provides invaluable insights for the effective application of these tools in IT infrastructure and management.

    • Completely agree. The comparison of goals and functionality highlights the significance of understanding the strengths of both tools for practical implementations.

    • Absolutely, the clarity provided in this article is beneficial for IT professionals in streamlining their operations with the right tools based on their specific needs.

  5. The detailed comparison between Nomad and Ansible provided in this article is valuable for understanding their specific functionalities and purposes.

  6. The article effectively highlights the unique functionalities of Nomad and Ansible, making it easier to discern their applications based on specific requirements and constraints.

    • Absolutely, the comparison table offers a clear distinction between Nomad and Ansible, making it easier for professionals to understand their respective strengths and applications.

    • Indeed, the specific goals and support of these tools play a vital role in determining their effectiveness in real-world IT scenarios.

  7. This detailed overview of Nomad and Ansible is helpful for professionals seeking to understand their unique features and the scope of their applications in IT.

    • Agreed, understanding the strengths of Nomad and Ansible is crucial for leveraging their capabilities effectively in IT infrastructure.

    • Indeed, the article provides a focused understanding of the applications and utility of these tools in diverse IT scenarios.

  8. The concepts presented in this article are quite enlightening, especially with the comparison table that provides a clear distinction between Nomad and Ansible.

    • Absolutely, the difference in the goals and focus of these tools can significantly impact their applications in IT management and automation.

  9. The unique features and focus of Nomad and Ansible are well-explained here. It’s interesting how Nomad emphasizes efficient packing while Ansible prioritizes simplicity and ease of use.

    • The practical applications of both Nomad and Ansible make them crucial in IT infrastructure. The detailed article provides a clear overview of their capabilities.

    • Agreed. Understanding these distinctions is essential for choosing the right tool based on specific requirements and objectives.

  10. The comparison between Nomad and Ansible in terms of their functionality, support, and goals is quite insightful. It provides valuable information for IT professionals and developers.

    • Absolutely, these tools seem to complement different aspects of IT management and automation, catering to diverse requirements in the industry.


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