Oberlo vs Spocket: Difference and Comparison

Oberlo is opposed to attaching vendor invoices that specify name, logo, and contact details. Spocket allows sellers to include all these particulars and a customized note to the customers.

This improves the chances of curating a distinctive brand image for the seller.

Key Takeaways

  1. Oberlo is a dropshipping platform that connects online stores with suppliers and automates the order fulfilment process.
  2. Spocket is a dropshipping platform that connects online stores with US and EU-based suppliers.
  3. Oberlo is ideal for beginners and small-scale businesses, while Spocket suits established businesses and those looking for high-quality products.

Oberlo vs Spocket

Oberlo and Spocket differ because Oberlo does not allow suppliers to attach customized invoices to their packages. In contrast, Spocket allows vendors to attach customized invoices to their packages. Branding is an important element of building a strong and loyal customer base. Spocket aids suppliers in creating such branding distinctions with custom invoices.

Oberlo vs Spocket

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonOberloSprocket
Custom InvoicesOberlo does not allow the vendor to send customized and branded invoices with the delivery.Spocket allows the vendor to send customized and branded invoices with the delivery.
Price of PlansOberlo’s basic paid plans are less affordable than the basic plans offered by Spocket.Spocket’s basic paid plans are more affordable than the elementary plans offered by Oberlo.
Supporting PlatformsOberlo only supports Shopify. It cannot be used with WooCommerce.Sprocket supports both WooCommerce and Shopify.
Delivery SpeedDeliveries are slower. Some packages may take 30 days to be delivered.Deliveries are much faster. The packages arrive within 2-5 of shipping.
Product SourcingMost products on Oberlo are sourced from China.Products are sourced from Europe and America.
Quality AssuranceThe quality of the products may be inferior to the ones sold on Spocket.Spocket assures superior quality as the vendors are thoroughly vetted.
Customer SupportGood customer support.Excellent customer support.

What is Oberlo?

Oberlo is a Louisiana-based company that was established in 2015. It was bought by Shopify in 2017 for $15 million. Oberlo is one of the leading names in the dropshipping business. It allows customers to import products from the Chinese retail giant, AliExpress.

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The shipping distance can be fairly extensive, especially for customers in Europe and North America, so the shipments take quite some time to deliver.

Oberlo has created a three-tier system to categorize its vendors- AliExpress Suppliers, Oberlo Suppliers, and Oberlo Verified Suppliers. The two latter tiers offer better quality products and also ensure on-time delivery.

However, a problem with Oberlo is that since it operates as an in-house platform for Shopify, it cannot be used with other e-commerce platforms like WooCommerce. Moreover, it does not allow custom invoices, thus, hampering the brand creation agenda of suppliers.


What is Spocket?

Established in 2017, the Vancouver-based company Spocket has gained much recognition among customers for its dropshipping facilities. Spocket caters to a global clientele by supporting operations on both Shopify and WooCommerce.

Spocket caters to an extensive list of clients comprising over 20,000 entrepreneurs dispersed across 5 continents.

Spocket is renowned for its quality products imported from Europe and America. All sellers are handpicked and thoroughly vetted before they can use the platform.

This is followed by a round of product testing, where the Spocket team orders products from the suppliers to test their quality. This ensures superior quality products at an effectively lucrative price point.

Spocket also offers convenient and swift shipping of products. Usually, Spocket packages are delivered within 2-5 days. An added benefit of the platform is that it allows suppliers to sell products closest to the customer’s location.

Moreover, the branding features available with Spocket are truly unmatched by its market competitors.

Main Differences Between Oberlo and Spocket

  1. The main difference between Oberlo and Spocket is that the latter offers better branding opportunities than the former. Spocket allows vendors to send branded invoices to customers, while Oberlo does not offer this feature. If a seller wants to create a distinctive brand image through custom invoices, Spocket is the most befitting option. For branding purposes, Oberlo is not the correct choice.
  2. Spocket offers more economical paid plans than Oberlo. Spocket’s plans start from the lower end of the pricing spectrum and are more affordable than the basic plans offered by Oberlo.
  3. Oberlo and Spocket also differ in terms of the platforms each supports. While Spocket can be operated on Shopify and WooCommerce, Oberlo can only operate on Shopify. Hence, an active Shopify account will be needed to use Oberlo, while you can use Spocket with either of the e-commerce platforms.
  4. The two also differ in terms of product sourcing. Oberlo sources most of its products from China, while Spocket sources most from Europe and America.
  5. Spocket is renowned for its fast delivery services. Oberlo is also a fast dropshipping option but comparatively slower than Sprocket.
  6. The quality of the products Spocket offers is superior to those offered by Oberlo. As all potential suppliers are thoroughly vetted before joining the platform as sellers, high-quality products are guaranteed by Spocket.
  7. The customer service Spocket provides is held in high esteem by customers. Oberlo also provides good customer service but falls slightly behind Spocket in this category.
  1. https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3271972.3271993
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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26 thoughts on “Oberlo vs Spocket: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The comparison table provided in the article is incredibly useful for evaluating the differences between Oberlo and Spocket. It’s clear that Spocket has the advantage in multiple areas, especially with delivery speed and product sourcing.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Robinson. The comparison table simplifies the decision-making process for businesses looking for a suitable dropshipping platform.

  2. It’s disappointing to see the limitations of Oberlo when it comes to branding and product quality. The article effectively highlights the benefits of using Spocket for businesses seeking superior branding and efficient shipping.

    • I think the comparison serves as a valuable resource for businesses in the decision-making process. The differences between Oberlo and Spocket are well-articulated, aiding businesses’ understanding of the available options.

    • I completely agree, Michael31. The information provided about Spocket’s product quality and delivery speed makes a strong case for its suitability for businesses.

  3. I disagree with the assertion that Oberlo is ideal for beginners. As an established business owner, I find Spocket more advantageous for my needs due to the quality of products and branding options. Oberlo seems to be lagging behind in that aspect.

    • I can see your point, Amelia. Spocket does seem to offer more benefits for established businesses. It’s important to consider the specific needs of your business when choosing a dropshipping platform.

    • I have to disagree with you, Amelia. I’ve had a great experience as a beginner using Oberlo. It’s been easy to get started, and the support has been helpful. I think it depends on the individual business owner’s preferences.

  4. The article presents compelling arguments for choosing Spocket over Oberlo, especially for businesses focusing on brand image and product quality. It’s clear that Spocket offers more comprehensive support for business needs.

    • I found the discussion on the supporting platforms to be particularly valuable. It’s important for businesses to choose a dropshipping platform compatible with their existing e-commerce setup.

    • The detailed overview of the differences between Oberlo and Spocket is eye-opening. It’s evident that Spocket outshines Oberlo in several key areas, making it a top choice for businesses aiming for quality and efficiency.

  5. The detailed breakdown of the differences and features of Oberlo and Spocket is highly informative. It’s evident that Spocket prioritizes quality and efficient shipping, making it a compelling choice for businesses.

    • It’s refreshing to see such a comprehensive comparison. The article effectively highlights the key distinctions between Oberlo and Spocket, making it easier for businesses to make an informed decision.

    • Yes, the information on the product sourcing and quality assurance is particularly noteworthy. It’s essential for businesses to prioritize product quality in the dropshipping process.

  6. This is a great comparison of Oberlo and Spocket. It clearly outlines the differences between the two platforms and their suitability for different types of businesses. Very informative!

    • Yes, I found the information on the custom invoices and branding opportunities to be especially useful. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I’m disappointed to learn that Oberlo doesn’t support custom invoices and branding options. As a business owner focused on brand identity, this is a significant drawback for me.

    • I agree, Ifox. It’s essential for businesses to have the flexibility to create their own brand identity through customized features. Spocket seems to offer a better solution in this regard.

    • I understand your frustration, Ifox. The lack of branding features with Oberlo is a notable limitation for businesses aiming to establish a distinct brand image.

  8. The comparison of Oberlo and Spocket clearly demonstrates the unique advantages offered by each platform. The emphasis on branding and product quality with Spocket is particularly noteworthy.

    • I appreciate the detailed analysis of the delivery speed and product sourcing differences. It’s essential for businesses to consider these factors when selecting a dropshipping platform.

  9. The humor and sarcasm used to highlight the limitations of Oberlo are quite entertaining. It adds an engaging element to the comparison while effectively communicating the differences between the two platforms.

    • I agree, Becky Wright. The tone of the article makes the comparison more engaging and relatable for readers, while delivering essential information about Oberlo and Spocket.

    • The witty approach certainly makes the comparison more enjoyable to read. It’s a clever way to present the differences between Oberlo and Spocket while maintaining reader interest.

  10. The detailed comparison of Oberlo and Spocket is very insightful. It’s clear that Spocket has an edge when it comes to branding and product quality. This information will be valuable for businesses considering a dropshipping platform.

    • Absolutely, Rharrison. I appreciate how the article breaks down the differences in features and benefits offered by each platform. It’s a helpful resource for decision-making.


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