Objects vs Classes: Difference and Comparison

Object-oriented programming languages have two different essential concepts, namely objects and classes. An object is an instantiation of a class.

Key Takeaways

  1. Objects are instances of classes, representing individual entities with specific attributes and behaviors.
  2. Classes serve as blueprints for creating objects and defining their properties and methods.
  3. Objects interact with one another, while classes structure those interactions.

Objects vs Classes

An object is a variable under object-oriented programming, and it serves as one of the many instances of a class that can be manipulated. Classes are blueprints or templates that are used to create instances like objects and also describe object behavior as well, but they cannot be manipulated.

Objects vs Classes

It mainly consists of data (also known as a state) and code (also known as behaviour). Each object is responsible for carrying out its own tasks in programming.

On the other hand, a class acts as a blueprint for an object. It is a form of concept that can be used in object-oriented programming languages.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonObjectsClasses
ConceptIt is one of the instances of class.It is a blueprint which can be used to create various instances.
MemoryAllocated memory.No allocated memory
ExistencePhysical existenceLogical existence
DeclarationIt can be declared multiple timesIt can only be declared once.
ManipulatedIt can be manipulated.It cannot be manipulated.
KeywordsDeveloped in C++ with a class name and new keywords in Java.Declared with class keywords.
Associated ValueHas associated values.It has no values that can be associated.

What are Objects?

An object is a physical entity that contains methods and properties that allow the use of data. It assists you in determining the class’s conduct. 

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An object is a collection of characteristics and methods used to make a specific type of data value. In addition to polymorphism and inheritance, an object is an extension of an abstract data type.

Methods also enable the concealment and standardization of task execution for specific operations on various sorts of objects. Methods are used to access a class’s objects.

Objects can be declared several times with the help of class names developed in C++ and the new keywords available in Java.

What are Classes?

A class is a logical entity that dictates the behaviour of an object and what it will contain, hence acting as a blueprint. It gives all the initial values for member functions or methods and member variables.

Its data type is essentially user-defined and comes with its own set of data members and member functions. This can be accessed and used by establishing a class instance.

Classes are an essential part of OOP. With the use of classes, variables and methods can be isolated in specific objects instead of being available to all elements of the program.

Classes can only be declared once and by using a class keyword like class student {}. It also doesn’t allocate any memory after its creation. Since they aren’t in the memory, it means that they cannot be manipulated.

Main Differences Between Objects and Classes

  1. Objects are created in C++ with new keywords available in Java and a class name, whereas classes can be declared with class keywords.
  2. An object has values that are associated with it. A class does not have any values that can be associated.
  1. https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/1932682.1869489
  2. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/BFb0053572
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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8 thoughts on “Objects vs Classes: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The key takeaways succinctly summarize the main points about objects and classes. I appreciate the clarification regarding the manipulation of objects and the non-allocation of memory for classes.

  2. The main differences between objects and classes are well-delineated, further facilitating comprehension of their roles in object-oriented programming. The information provided is presented in an accessible manner, catering to the needs of readers at varying levels of familiarity with the subject.

  3. The article offers an in-depth exploration of objects and classes, making it an excellent resource for individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of object-oriented programming. The significance of objects as physical entities and classes as logical entities is effectively communicated.

  4. The article effectively highlights the significant differences between objects and classes through the comparison table. It’s crucial to understand the distinction between these fundamental components of object-oriented programming.

  5. The descriptions of what objects are and the purpose of classes are well-articulated. Furthermore, the references provided add credibility to the content of the article, making it a valuable resource for readers.

  6. The discussion on objects and classes provides a clear and concise overview. The details regarding methods, properties, and behaviors of objects, as well as the blueprint nature of classes, are explained thoroughly.

  7. The explanations of objects and classes are insightful, and the distinctions between the two are elucidated clearly. I found the details regarding the declaration, manipulation, and associated values of objects and classes particularly enlightening.

  8. The article provides a comprehensive and detailed explanation of object-oriented programming concepts, specifically objects and classes. The comparison table is particularly useful for understanding the differences between the two.


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