Scheduled vs Non-Scheduled Banks: Difference and Comparison

Scheduled banks are those financial institutions that are included in the Second Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. They are regulated under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, and adhere to the statutory liquidity ratio (SLR) and cash reserve ratio (CRR) requirements set by the Reserve Bank of India. Non-scheduled banks, on the other hand, do not fall under this schedule and hence are not subjected to the same regulatory requirements.

Key Takeaways

  1. Scheduled banks are included in the central bank’s (like the Reserve Bank of India) list, while non-scheduled banks are not part of this list.
  2. Scheduled banks must maintain a percentage of their demand and time liabilities as cash reserves with the central bank, a requirement not applicable to non-scheduled banks.
  3. Scheduled banks enjoy borrowing privileges from the central bank and have access to its services, while non-scheduled banks lack these benefits.

Scheduled Banks vs Non-Scheduled Banks

Scheduled banks can receive loans from the Reserve Bank of India at a concessional rate. Non-scheduled banks are not listed in the Second Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India and are also not eligible to receive loans at a concessional rate.

Scheduled Banks vs Non Scheduled Banks

Scheduled banks can be clearing house members, while non-scheduled banks cannot.

Comparison Table

FeatureScheduled BanksNon-Scheduled Banks
DefinitionBanking institutions included in the Second Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.Banking institutions not included in the Second Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.
RegulationSubject to strict regulations and oversight by the RBI.Not subject to the same level of regulations and oversight by the RBI.
Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)Required to maintain a minimum cash reserve with the RBI.Not required to maintain a minimum cash reserve with the RBI.
Borrowing from RBIPermitted to borrow money from the RBI at the repo rate for regular banking purposes.Not permitted to borrow money from the RBI for regular banking purposes.
Deposit InsuranceDeposits insured by the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC).Deposits not insured by the DICGC.
Membership in Clearing HouseEligible for membership in the clearing house, facilitating cheque clearance.Not eligible for membership in the clearing house.
Minimum Paid-Up CapitalMinimum paid-up capital of Rs. 5 Lakhs or more.No specific minimum paid-up capital requirement.
FocusPrimarily commercial banking activities.May focus on specific sectors or niche markets.
Security PerceptionGenerally considered more secure due to RBI regulations and deposit insurance.May be perceived as less secure due to less stringent regulations and lack of deposit insurance.
ExamplesState Bank of India, HDFC Bank, ICICI BankLocal co-operative banks, small finance banks (before conversion to scheduled banks)

What are Scheduled Banks?

Scheduled banks are a crucial component of the banking sector in India, playing a pivotal role in the country’s financial system. Understanding what constitutes a scheduled bank, its significance, and regulatory framework is essential for comprehending India’s banking landscape.

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  1. Inclusion in the Second Schedule: Scheduled banks are those financial institutions listed in the Second Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. This schedule outlines the banks that are eligible for various privileges and subject to specific regulatory requirements enforced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).


  1. Trust and Stability: Being listed as a scheduled bank instills trust and confidence among depositors and investors. This inclusion signifies that these banks adhere to stringent regulatory standards set by the RBI, ensuring stability and reliability in the banking sector.
  2. Access to Credit Facilities: Scheduled banks enjoy access to various credit facilities from the RBI, such as refinance facilities, loans, and advances. This access enhances their liquidity position and enables them to effectively manage their operations and meet the credit needs of various sectors of the economy.

Regulatory Framework

  1. Compliance Requirements: Scheduled banks are subject to regulatory oversight by the RBI under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. They must comply with prudential norms, capital adequacy requirements, asset classification, and provisioning norms prescribed by the RBI to maintain the stability and integrity of the banking system.
  2. Statutory Reserves: Scheduled banks are required to maintain statutory reserves, including the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR), as mandated by the RBI. These reserves ensure the liquidity and solvency of banks and contribute to the effective management of monetary policy objectives.
  3. Periodic Reporting: Scheduled banks are obligated to submit periodic reports and disclosures to the RBI, providing insights into their financial health, risk management practices, and compliance with regulatory norms. This transparency fosters accountability and helps in identifying and addressing any potential risks or vulnerabilities in the banking system.
scheduled banks

What are Non-Scheduled Banks?

Non-scheduled banks constitute another segment of the banking sector in India, distinct from scheduled banks. Understanding their characteristics, functions, and regulatory framework provides insights into the broader landscape of banking institutions operating in the country.


  1. Exclusion from Second Schedule: Non-scheduled banks are financial institutions that are not included in the Second Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. As such, they do not enjoy certain privileges and are not subject to specific regulatory requirements applicable to scheduled banks.

Characteristics and Functions

  1. Localized Operations: Non-scheduled banks operate on a smaller scale and focus primarily on catering to the banking needs of specific regions, communities, or niche markets. They may lack a nationwide presence and instead concentrate their activities within limited geographic areas.
  2. Specialized Services: These banks may offer specialized banking services tailored to the unique requirements of their target customer segments. Such services may include microfinance, cooperative banking, rural banking, or niche financial products and services.
  3. Flexible Operations: Compared to scheduled banks, non-scheduled banks operate with more flexibility in terms of their organizational structure, operational processes, and product offerings. This flexibility allows them to adapt quickly to local market dynamics and changing customer preferences.
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Regulatory Framework

  1. Less Stringent Regulations: Non-scheduled banks are subject to fewer regulatory requirements compared to scheduled banks. While they are still regulated by the Reserve Bank of India and other regulatory authorities, the extent and intensity of regulation may vary based on factors such as the size, nature, and scope of their operations.
  2. Risk Management: Despite facing less stringent regulatory oversight, non-scheduled banks are expected to implement robust risk management practices to safeguard the interests of their depositors, investors, and other stakeholders. Effective risk management helps mitigate various risks, including credit risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk.
  3. Limited Access to Central Bank Facilities: Unlike scheduled banks, non-scheduled banks may have limited or no access to certain credit facilities provided by the Reserve Bank of India, such as refinance facilities or liquidity support mechanisms. This limitation necessitates prudent liquidity management and reliance on alternative sources of funding.
non scheduled banks

Main Differences Between Scheduled and Non-Scheduled Banks

  • Inclusion in Regulatory Schedule:
    • Scheduled banks are listed in the Second Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.
    • Non-scheduled banks are not included in this schedule.
  • Regulatory Requirements:
    • Scheduled banks are subject to stringent regulatory requirements enforced by the Reserve Bank of India, including compliance with prudential norms, statutory reserves (CRR and SLR), and reporting obligations.
    • Non-scheduled banks face comparatively fewer regulatory requirements, although they are still regulated by the Reserve Bank of India and other relevant authorities.
  • Geographic Scope and Market Focus:
    • Scheduled banks have a nationwide presence and cater to diverse customer segments across the country.
    • Non-scheduled banks operate on a smaller scale and focus on specific regions, communities, or niche markets, offering specialized banking services tailored to local needs.
  • Access to Central Bank Facilities:
    • Scheduled banks enjoy access to various credit facilities provided by the Reserve Bank of India, such as refinance facilities and liquidity support mechanisms.
    • Non-scheduled banks may have limited or no access to these central bank facilities, necessitating alternative liquidity management strategies.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability:
    • Scheduled banks operate within a more structured regulatory framework and may have less flexibility in terms of organizational structure, operational processes, and product offerings.
    • Non-scheduled banks operate with greater flexibility, allowing them to adapt quickly to local market dynamics and changing customer preferences.
  • Risk Management Practices:
    • Scheduled banks are expected to implement robust risk management practices to mitigate various risks, including credit risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk.
    • Non-scheduled banks are also required to manage risks effectively but may face different risk profiles and challenges based on their size, nature, and scope of operations.
  • Market Perception and Trust:
    • Scheduled banks, being listed and regulated by the Reserve Bank of India, enjoy higher levels of trust and confidence among depositors and investors due to their adherence to stringent regulatory standards.
    • Non-scheduled banks may face perception challenges related to regulatory oversight and may need to establish trust through localized operations, specialized services, and effective risk management.

Last Updated : 04 March, 2024

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24 thoughts on “Scheduled vs Non-Scheduled Banks: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The detailed comparison between scheduled and non-scheduled banks provides valuable insights into the varying levels of regulatory oversight and their impact on banking operations.

    • Indeed, the distinction in the legal framework and deposit insurance significantly shapes the operational environment for scheduled banks compared to non-scheduled banks.

  2. I appreciate the explanation of the regulatory status and legal framework for scheduled banks. It’s evident that these institutions play a vital role in ensuring financial stability and customer trust.

    • Absolutely. The emphasis on deposit insurance and public trust highlights the importance of scheduled banks in safeguarding depositors’ funds and maintaining credibility.

    • The article effectively showcases the impact of central bank oversight on scheduled banks, shaping their role in the economy and their market presence.

  3. The article’s exploration of the broad range of banking services and products offered by scheduled banks truly illustrates their integral role in the financial landscape.

    • Absolutely, Eleanor. The market presence and customer base of scheduled banks significantly influence their ability to drive the economy.

  4. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the differences between scheduled and non-scheduled banks, shedding light on the regulatory, financial, and economic aspects. It’s an essential read for anyone interested in banking and finance.

    • I absolutely agree with you. Understanding the distinctions between scheduled and non-scheduled banks is crucial for anyone involved in the financial industry.

    • The detailed comparison table and key characteristics offer a clear understanding of the significant differences between these two types of banks. It’s insightful and informative.

  5. This discussion of the eligibility criteria and access to funds for scheduled banks is enlightening. It underscores the significance of regulatory recognition and its implications.

    • The article effectively outlines the broader role of scheduled banks in the economy, emphasizing their contribution to financial stability and economic development.

    • Indeed, the clear differentiation in risk perception and market impact between scheduled and non-scheduled banks demonstrates the value of regulatory oversight.

  6. The article effectively captures the significance of scheduled banks in maintaining financial stability and fostering public trust. It’s a well-crafted analysis of the banking landscape.

    • Absolutely, Carrie. The article eloquently conveys the essential role of scheduled banks in shaping the country’s financial system and economy.

  7. The article offers a detailed comparison of the services, market presence, and regulatory oversight between scheduled and non-scheduled banks, shedding light on their distinct operational environments.

    • Absolutely, Andy. The clear articulation of the eligibility criteria and central bank oversight provides valuable insights into the systemic differences between these banks.

    • It’s commendable how the article elucidates the various aspects shaping the operational landscape for scheduled and non-scheduled banks, contributing to a deeper understanding of their roles.

  8. The comprehensive comparison table effectively highlights the distinct features and implications of scheduled and non-scheduled banks, offering a holistic view of their operational dynamics.

    • Indeed, the article serves as an insightful resource for gaining a nuanced understanding of the regulatory, financial, and economic distinctions between these banking institutions.

  9. I’m disappointed that the article doesn’t delve into the challenges faced by non-scheduled banks and the potential areas where they can still make a positive impact in the financial sector.

    • I agree with you. While the comparison is thorough, a discussion on the opportunities for non-scheduled banks would provide a more balanced perspective.

  10. The article provides a thorough understanding of the differences in risk perception and market impact between scheduled and non-scheduled banks, underscoring the implications of regulatory recognition.

    • Indeed, the depiction of the broader economic impact of scheduled banks offers a comprehensive view of their pivotal role in the financial ecosystem.


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