Shortpixel vs Kraken: Difference and Comparison

Photographs change how pursuers connect with the posts. Those progressions increase the value of every one of their encounters.

Its evidence proves that the old 1,000-word maximum about a photograph’s worth once exposed some facts, hence it infers that pictures even talk.

They add volume and thickness to the webpage and to blog posts. Optimizing great quality pictures will accelerate your website and offer your crowd a chance to sift through a greater amount of your substance quicker than expected.

Key Takeaways

  1. ShortPixel and Kraken are image optimization tools that reduce the size of images without compromising quality.
  2. ShortPixel offers a free plan with a limit of 100 images per month, while Kraken offers a free trial with a limit of 50 MB.
  3. ShortPixel offers wider image optimization options, while Kraken has a faster image compression process.

Shortpixel vs Kraken

The difference between Shortpixel and Kraken is that the picture quality/weight proportion after compression differs in both. Shortpixel offers three compression techniques, Lossy, Glossy, and Lossless. Kraken upholds Lossy, Lossless, and Custom compression choices. Kraken additionally offers Magento augmentation and distributed storage.

Shortpixel vs Kraken

Shortpixel is a picture pressure and enhancement device. Short Pixel utilizes progressed pressure innovation that lessens picture size with no previous/after distinction in quality, subsequently making your pages load quicker.

All pictures will be consequently prepared. The complementary plan gets 100 picture streamlining credits, which is equivalent to 500MB of CDN traffic or roughly 500 visits.

Kraken is a vigorous, super quick picture analyzer and blower with top-tier calculations. They’ll save the transmission capacity and extra room and will significantly further develop a site’s heap times.

They improve the pictures and speed up the sites. They are additionally the just module to send a subsequent email asking if they had inquiries or criticism alongside giving some valuable assets.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonShortpixelKraken
CompressionAvailable compression incorporates both lossless and lossy and both are accessible with the free form.Both Lossy and Lossless Compression.
Picture SizesAll thumbnail picture sizes can likewise be compacted yet everyone tallies towards the month.The capacity to enhance or quit improving the fundamental picture and explicit picture sizes.
EXIF DataOne can select to eliminate all EXIF information yet not singular components. The EXIF information to be saved can be chosen.
Resize ImagesAll transferred pictures can be resized to a most extreme width or stature.The image requires a maximum width or height
Image formatOptimizable picture designs incorporate PNG, JPG, GIF, and PDF. Optimizable picture designs incorporate PNG, JPEG.

What is Shortpixel?

Shortpixel is a picture compression service. Shortpixel module introduces straightforwardly into the WordPress dashboard, where we can use it without much of a stretch deal with the picture decrease measure.

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All pictures will be naturally created. The administrations can, as of now, be gotten through a few instruments and APIs.

ShortPixel Command Line Tool can advance picture organizers from the order line, so it tends to be designed as a Cron work.

ShortPixel offers a free online picture compression device where we can pack JPG, PNG, GIF, and PDF records of up to 10 MB. For WordPress clients, ShortPixel offers a module.

With this module, WP clients can pack up to 100 pictures per month free of charge. For small sites and sites, it is more than enough.

This is an easier and more lightweight choice, which is incredible on the off chance that we simply need to enhance the pictures rapidly and without an excessive amount of fuss.

Simultaneously, it offers a considerable lot of customization as far as how the pictures are packed.

The ShortPixel Adaptive Images module appropriately measures and improves pictures with brilliant editing that consequently recognizes the subject of a picture and afterwards harvests to underscore that subject.

What is Kraken?

Kraken is a strong, super quick picture analyzer and blower with top-tier calculations. Kraken tends to decrease the record size of the pictures on your WordPress site with practically zero effect on picture quality.

That saves data transfer capacity and extra room and can work on the speed at which your site loads.

Also, that, thusly, can make Google cheerful and further develop search rankings, and it fulfils your webpage’s guests to have a quick stacking site.

Kraken API’s default picture compression mode is lossless. Lossless improvement implies that your pictures will get compacted somewhat without changing their educational worth in any capacity at all.

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Utilizing Kraken, one can chop those costs down to the greater part.

The pictures will consume about half-space overall (frequently less). The data transfer capacity reserve funds could be a flat-out knockout depending on the number of page impressions we get.

Kraken’s optimization pipeline offers tremendous savings, with results that rise to shut inspection every time. All optimization is carried out by powerful servers, freeing us from having to utilize our own.

The cutting-edge infrastructure has been designed from the ground up with a single purpose in mind – to optimize the images blazingly fast.

Main Differences Between Shortpixel and Kraken

  1. Shortpixel doesn’t have any file limit in the free plan, whereas Kraken has a limit of a maximum of 1 Mb in the free plan.
  2. CMYK to RGB conversion is possible in Shortpixel, but this conversion is not possible in Kraken.
  3. Shortpixel has better-paid plans, and also free plans provide many features when compared to Kraken, which has limited features even in paid plans.
  4. Shortpixel does not permit to choice of numerous records in the Media Library and streamlines them, whereas Kraken has this feature.
  5. Shortpixel offers a considerable measure of customization as far as how your pictures are packed. Kraken offers different degrees of compression, so you can accomplish a strong harmony among execution and quality.

Last Updated : 15 August, 2023

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26 thoughts on “Shortpixel vs Kraken: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The description of Kraken’s robust image compression capabilities and the impact on website speed is insightful. The ability to save bandwidth and improve load times is certainly beneficial for website performance.

    • The emphasis on Kraken’s impact on site speed and search rankings provides a compelling case for using the tool for image optimization. Great information!

    • Absolutely, understanding how Kraken enhances website performance through image optimization is crucial for web developers and site owners.

  2. The details about the difference in compression techniques and image formats supported by ShortPixel and Kraken are quite informative. It’s valuable information for website owners and bloggers.

    • Absolutely, understanding the nuances of compression and image format options helps in making an informed decision about which tool to use for image optimization.

    • I found the comparison of EXIF data and image resizing capabilities of the two tools very insightful. It’s great to have such detailed information for consideration.

  3. The comparison between ShortPixel and Kraken is enlightening. It’s helpful to know the different compression techniques and features offered by each tool.

    • I found the comparison table particularly useful in understanding the specific parameters for comparison between ShortPixel and Kraken. Great information!

    • Absolutely, the detailed breakdown of the differences is very informative and provides valuable insights for anyone looking to optimize their website images.

  4. The explanation of ShortPixel’s features, including the Command Line Tool and the free online compression tool, is highly informative. It’s impressive to see the range of options available for image optimization.

    • I completely agree. The versatility offered by ShortPixel for optimizing images on different platforms is truly valuable for content creators and developers.

  5. The detailed comparison table provides a clear understanding of the features and capabilities of ShortPixel and Kraken. It’s a valuable resource for anyone looking to optimize images on their websites.

    • Absolutely, the detailed comparison table offers a comprehensive overview of the image optimization tools, making it easier for users to determine the best fit for their needs.

    • The comparison table is a great addition to the article, as it provides a structured comparison of the key parameters for image optimization tools. Very informative!

  6. The detailed explanation of ShortPixel’s features, including the Command Line Tool and the free online compression tool, is highly informative. It’s impressive to see the range of options available for image optimization.

    • I found the explanation of ShortPixel’s free online compression tool particularly helpful. The article provides valuable information for website owners and developers.

    • Absolutely, ShortPixel’s range of features and the plugin for WordPress users offer a comprehensive solution for image optimization. Great insights in the article!

  7. The in-depth explanation of ShortPixel and Kraken’s features and functionalities is impressive. It’s clear that both tools have their unique advantages for image optimization.

    • I agree, the article provides a comprehensive analysis of these image optimization tools and their respective capabilities.

  8. The comparison of ShortPixel and Kraken’s compression options and the details about their impact on image quality offer valuable insights into the capabilities of these tools. Informative article!

    • I completely agree, the article provides a comprehensive understanding of the compression modes and quality considerations for both ShortPixel and Kraken.

    • The detailed comparison presented in the article is incredibly useful for anyone looking to choose an image optimization tool. Well researched and informative!

  9. The article provides detailed information about the benefits of using images to enhance website and blog content. What an interesting insight into the importance of photographs in digital media!

  10. The comparison of ShortPixel and Kraken provides valuable insights into the image optimization process and the different features offered by each tool. It’s a great reference for understanding the options available in the market.

    • I completely agree, the article offers a comprehensive comparison of the image optimization tools, making it easy for readers to understand the differences and make an informed choice.


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