Slow-Pitch vs Fast-Pitch Softball: Difference and Comparison

Slow-pitch softball mandates pitchers throw the ball in a high arch within the 6-12 feet range. The pitcher has to step forward and toss the ball underarm. The windmill technique is absent from such a pitching strategy.

The windmill pitching technique requires fast-pitch softball players to throw the ball after winding their arm by spinning it around before releasing it.

This technique is known to conceal the actual throw of the player and hence adds a deceptive element as well as augments the speed of the ball.  This seminal dissimilarity references several other differences between the two base softball formats.

Key Takeaways

  1. Slow-pitch softball involves pitching the ball at a slower speed, making it easier to hit and catch, while fast-pitch softball involves pitching the ball at a faster speed, making it more challenging to hit and catch.
  2. Slow-pitch softball has a more relaxed pace and is played for recreational purposes, while fast-pitch softball is a more competitive sport at higher levels.
  3. Slow-pitch softball has different rules, such as the arc of the pitch and the number of players on the field, compared to fast-pitch softball, which has stricter regulations on pitch speed, pitch type, and field dimensions.

Slow-Pitch vs Fast-Pitch Softball

The difference between a slow-pitch and fast-pitch softball match is that the players in the former do not use the formidable windmill pitching technique. In contrast, those in a fast-pitch softball match invariably use the windmill pitching technique.

Slow Pitch vs Fast Pitch Softball

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSlow-pitch SoftballFast-pitch Softball
Pitching techniqueThe classic windmill technique of pitching the ball is absent in a slow-pitch softball match.The windmill technique of pitching is indispensable in a fast-pitch softball event.
Speed of the BallThe speed of the ball is slower than a fast-pitched one.The fast-pitched softball travels at an average speed higher than 50-60 mph, much higher than a slow-pitched ball’s speed.
Total Number of PlayersThe total number of players permitted in a slow-pitch softball match is 10.The total number of players permitted in a fast-pitch softball match is 9.
Total Number of InningsThe total number of innings permitted in a slow-pitch softball match is 7.The total number of innings permitted in a fast-pitch softball match is 9.
BuntingBunting is not allowed in a slow-pitch softball match.Bunting is an important element of all fast-pitch softball matches.
Stealing a BaseIn a slow-pitch softball match, players must wait until the ball has made contact with the batter’s bat to steal a base.Fast-pitch softball allows the player to run when the ball has left the pitcher’s hand.
FoulsA third-strike foul ball indicates an out.Batters can have endless foul balls after 2 strikes.
Pressure for Securing a WinThe pressure to secure a victory in the game is placed upon the defence team.The pressure to win the game is placed upon the offensive team.

What is Slow-Pitch Softball?

There are several varying formats for playing a softball game. Slow-pitch softball is one of the game’s easiest and most well-known versions. From the 1950s onwards, slow-pitch softball began gaining momentum in the United States.

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This version of the game requires the pitchers to deliver the ball at a low average speed underhandedly. A slow-pitch arch must range from at least 6 ft. to 12 ft. The umpire can declare the pitch illegal if the requisite arch height is not maintained.

The match is centred around the batter hitting the ball. Thus, a significant amount of pressure is maintained on the defence team. The rules of slow-pitch softball disqualify the bunting strategy.

Bunting is an offensive strategy used in fast-pitch softball. Bunting is irrelevant, as the teams that secure the fastest outs win a slow-pitch match.

slow pitch softball 1

What is Fast-Pitch Softball?

Fast-pitch softball is another well-known variant of the same popular sport. In the context of the fast-pitch softball match, the onus of securing a win lies with the offensive team. The pitching technique used in fast-pitch softball games differs from slow-pitch ones.

The windmill motion, which aids in building momentum, is used in a fast-pitch softball match. The pitcher must wind his or her arm by spinning it around and releasing the ball underarm.

The speed of the ball is enhanced. It is dispatched at an upward angle at speed greater than 50-60 mph.

Bunting is a common strategy the batting team uses to secure a win. It involves the practice of deliberately restricting swing and contact with the pitch.

This allows the players to hold the bat in the strike zone so that the ball hits it, however, without needing the player to swing the bat effectively. This strategy is a ‘sacrifice play’ as it allows players to advance from one base to another at the cost of an out.  

fast pitch softball

Main Differences Between Slow-Pitch and Fast-Pitch Softball

  1. The main difference between slow-pitch and fast-pitch softball is the pitching technique used by the players in each format. In the former game variant, the pitcher does not use a windmill motion when throwing the ball. This distinctively characteristic windmill motion is indispensable in a fast-pitch softball match.
  2. In fast-pitch softball, the pitch speed is quite high. The ball is thrown at a speed greater than 50-60 mph. While in a slow-pitch match, the speed of the ball is much lesser. 
  3. There are 9 players involved in playing a fast-pitch softball match, while the total number of players allowed to play in a slow-pitch match is 10.
  4. The number of innings under each format is also different. In a fast-pitch softball match, the total number of innings is 9, while that in a slow-pitch match is 7.
  5. Different teams bear the pressure of securing a win in the different variants of the game. In the slow-pitch version, the onus lies with the defence team, while in the fast-pitch version, the offensive team is responsible for securing a win.
  6. The rules for stealing bases under each are also different. While fast-pitch softball allows the player to run as soon as the ball has left the pitcher’s hand, this is not allowed under slow-pitch matches. In the latter event, players must wait until the ball has made contact with the batter’s bat.
  7. Bunting is a striking process commonly used in fast-pitch softball matches. Bunting is not allowed in slow-pitch softball matches.
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Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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10 thoughts on “Slow-Pitch vs Fast-Pitch Softball: Difference and Comparison”

  1. While this article provides an informative overview of the two formats, it would be interesting to see some statistics or real-life examples of games played in each format to further illustrate the differences.

  2. This article provides a comprehensive comparison between slow-pitch and fast-pitch softball. It’s a great resource for anyone looking to understand the differences between the two versions of the game.

  3. The article does a good job of highlighting the key takeaways of each softball format. It’s helpful for those new to the sport who may not be familiar with these differences.

  4. The pressure points for securing a win in both formats are an interesting comparison to consider. It shows how the dynamics of the game differ between the two.

  5. The content is laid out in a clear and organized manner, making it easy to follow the comparison between slow-pitch and fast-pitch softball. Well done!

  6. I disagree with the assertion that slow-pitch softball is only played for recreational purposes. There are competitive slow-pitch leagues with skilled players and intense games.

  7. This article could benefit from some quotes or insights from players and coaches of both slow-pitch and fast-pitch softball to provide a more personal perspective on the game.

  8. The article is informative, but some discussion on the history and evolution of slow-pitch and fast-pitch softball would add depth to the content.

  9. The description of the windmill pitching technique and its impact on fast-pitch softball is enlightening. It’s fascinating to learn about the mechanics that influence the game.


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