Split AC vs Window AC: Difference and Comparison

There are two major sorts of air-conditioning units to choose from when it comes to cooling a room: window and split. The packaging is the distinction between the two. A window type is a small unit with all of the components inside.

It only has to be correctly placed and plugged into the work. On the other hand, a split-type air conditioner comes in two separate packages, one for the hot side and one for the cold side. Tubes link the two sides and transport the fluids. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Split AC systems consist of indoor and outdoor units connected by pipes.
  2. Window ACs are compact, self-contained units installed in a window or wall opening.
  3. Split ACs are more energy-efficient and quieter, while window ACs are easier to install and more affordable.

Split AC vs Window AC 

Split AC units are mounted on a wall and have separate indoor and outdoor units, and they are more energy-efficient and quieter. Window AC units are self-contained and installed through a window or wall opening, and they are easier to install.

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Split air conditioners are installed on the wall and are generally utilized in large rooms due to their high cooling capacity. They come with a condenser and a compressor and do not require windows for installation.

The outdoor unit houses the compressor, while the indoor unit houses the evaporator, which cools the space. 

A window air conditioner is a single-piece compact portable box that houses all of the components, including the condenser, compressor, expansion valve or coil, evaporator, cooling coil, and so on.

Because of its lightweight design, window air conditioners are ideal for portable applications. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Split AC Window AC 
Design It is split into 2 components. It is made up of one component. 
Space It requires more space. It requires less space. 
Installation Difficult. (Professional help) Easy. 
Capacity 0.8 to 3 ton 0.75 to 2 ton. 
Components The external unit has a compressor, and condenser and the indoor AHU has an evaporative coil. The single unit has a compressor, condenser, expansion valve, and all other components. 
Cost More expensive. More economical. 
Noise Minimal noise of 35 decibels. More noise of 50 decibels. 
Maintenance It requires technical help for any troubleshooting. The servicing and maintenance are easier. 
Position Mounted on walls. Mounted on a window frame. 
Cooling Efficiency More efficient Less efficient 
Power Consumption Consumes less power. Consumes more power. 

What is Split AC? 

It’s a ductless air conditioner that’s mounted on the wall and has two distinct units: interior and outdoor. The indoor unit is placed within the room, while the outdoor unit is positioned outside the room, depending on the area.

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Copper air pipes connect the two units, transferring air from outdoor to indoor units. Because of their huge cooling capacity, these air conditioners are typically utilized in large rooms. 

It has a number of advantages. Some of these advantages include the fact that there is little air leakage and they are quite simple to maintain.

The air conditioner has washable filters that may be removed, washed, and replaced as needed. They are relatively quiet and have a low running cost. 

On the other hand, a split air conditioner has some drawbacks, such as being more expensive and difficult to relocate. 

All essential cooling components – compressor and condenser – are installed outdoors in a split air conditioner. The indoor unit draws in room air and cools it before sending it to the outdoor unit.

A copper air tube connects the inside and outdoor units and transports cool air. 

In comparison to Window AC, Split AC is employed in vast areas such as workplaces and larger rooms with aesthetical/low noise requirements. 

Split air conditioners have two separate units that are installed internally and externally. The indoor unit is placed within the target room and operates by drawing warm air in and releasing cold air as the output.  

The outdoor unit, also known as the compressor, is located outside the target room and is linked to the inside unit via drain pipes and electrical connections. The warm sort of air is blown out by the exterior unit. 

split ac

What is Window AC? 

A window air conditioner is one that is meant to fit into a window. These single-unit air conditioners are best suited for compact spaces. They can be moved due to their small size and ease of installation. 

When compared to other air-conditioning systems, one of the advantages of a window air conditioner is that it is inexpensive. They’re also simple to set up and require little upkeep. 

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A window air conditioner’s disadvantages include the presence of condensers within the main unit and the fact that they are noisy when in use. The buyer is also given a limited number of options from which to pick. 

The room temperature warms the air passing through the evaporator and filter in the window AC with the help of a fan. The warm air is then routed to heat exchangers, coils, and compressors.

The temperature of the air conditioner dictates the cooling process. The cold air is then blown out of the room by blowers. Hot air is emitted from the backside of the air conditioner, which is located outside the window. 

Window AC is fashioned like a window and comprises a single unit. These are installed inside windowsills. A single Window AC unit contains all of the required components housed in a single box.

These air conditioners are simple to install at home, making them a better alternative for small-room air conditioning. 

window ac

Main Differences Between Split AC and Window AC 

  1. A split AC is split into 2 main components, whereas a window AC comprises one component. 
  2. A split AC require more space than a window AC. 
  3. A split AC is difficult to install and may even require professional help, whereas a window AC is easy to install. 
  4. The capacity of a split AC is from 0.8 to 3 tons, and of a window AC is 0.75 to 2 tons. 
  5. A split AC has an external unit consisting of a compressor and a condenser along with an internal unit consisting of an evaporative coil. A window AC comprises one unit with a compressor, condenser, expansion valve, etc. 
  6. A split AC is more expensive comparatively. 
  7. A split AC has minimal levels of noise up to 35 decibels, whereas window AC is noisier up to 50 decibels. 
  8. A split AC is mounted on walls, and a window AC is mounted on a window frame.  
  9. A split AC consumes lesser power compared to a window AC. 
Difference Between Split AC and Window AC


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140700715001413 
  2. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/23744731.2019.1569458 

Last Updated : 24 June, 2023

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9 thoughts on “Split AC vs Window AC: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article certainly provided comprehensive insight into the world of air conditioning. I now have a better understanding of which type of air conditioner to use for different spaces.

    • I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the pros and cons of both types of air conditioning units. This article is valuable for anyone looking to purchase an air conditioner.

  2. This is very useful. I appreciate the detailed comparison, and now I can make an informed decision about which type of air conditioner is best for different situations.

  3. I didn’t realize split and window air conditioners had such distinct differences. This has broadened my knowledge on the topic.

  4. It’s great to have this level of detail about air conditioning systems. The ability to understand these differences is certainly beneficial for people.


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