Steel vs Graphite Shafts: Difference and Comparison

The steel and graphite shafts have their advantage and disadvantages.

The people who have started or at an un-professional level will benefit from the graphite shaft due to the weight and easy handling, whereas the professional people prefer the steel shaft where they need proper handling.

Key Takeaways

  1. Steel shafts are heavier and more durable than graphite shafts, which are lighter and more flexible.
  2. Steel shafts provide more accuracy and control, while graphite shafts provide more distance and speed.
  3. Steel shafts are more affordable than graphite shafts, which are more expensive but preferred by many professional golfers.

Steel vs Graphite Shafts 

The difference between the steel and graphite shafts is that the steel shaft is used by professionals because of its vibrations which are felt by the golfers and they like it and the steel shaft is used by amateurs because of its weight which gives more swing and distance. 

Steel vs Graphite Shafts

Steel shafts are a very important part of the golfers because of the feel it gives due to having higher feedback. Generally, people prefer steel shafts as they are more durable and heavy.

The cost of the product is also less which enables more people to buy, and the preference also depends on style. 

Graphite shafts are expensive due to their weight, which provides the swing to the players who play at slow swing tempos.

It also enables the players who have kind of injuries to play because it absorbs the vibrations at the mid-shift making the hits less painful and attaining speed and swing.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSteel ShaftsGraphite Shafts
Weight of the shaft The steel shaft is comparatively heavy and weighs in the range of 100-120gms.They are lighter due to being made from graphite and weigh approximately 60-70gms. 
Torque of the shaftThe torque is quite low which gives more control but decreases the comfort. It is around 1-3oDue to having higher torque, it is more comfortable but the control is less. It is in the range of 1-8o.
FlexIt has lower flex which means it gives less power to shot but has a higher accuracy rate.It has more flex and tends to give more power and is preferred by people with injuries or amateurs.  
DurabilityThey are durable because of having more weight and less flex.They easily break because of the weight and higher flex. 
Feels While playing it gives higher feedback and therefore feels more solid on the vibration part.While playing it is easier to handle and can be easily used by anyone due to less feedback and feels smooth. 
DisadvantagesThey are rigid and cause injuries due to the vibration easily when the shot is mishit.They are more expensive and can cause people to miss more shots due to less control. 

What is Steel Shaft?

The steel shaft is a piece of golfing equipment used for taking shots and feels more rigid and solid. It is more used by professionals due to the feels it gives because of the vibrations.

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The vibrations are caused due to high feedback, and the mid-shift does not absorb it. The vibrations make the professional golfer feel alive and full of energy.

The benefit of using a steel shaft is that it provides more accuracy when doing a shot due to having more weight. They also provide lower torques, which enable the user to do more accurate swing shots.

They also have less flex, which also enhances the property of accuracy and is less expensive and can be easily used by golfers who have high swing speed as it matches their tempo.

Most of the people who swing too fast also prefer this shaft. 

A coin has two sides, and so does a steel shaft, which has disadvantages. Due to having less torque that is around 1-3o it decreases the comfort of the golfer, and it is not suited for people with slow swing tempo as it can decrease the distance by a few yards.

The less flex also adds the property of less power to the shot and causes injuries. 

steel shafts

What is Graphite Shaft?

A graphite shaft is used in the golfing industry to take shots and is more appropriate for users who have any injuries or are amateurs.

This is because it provides more comfort and lessens the vibrations, which may cause injuries by the use of mid-shift. The mid-shift absorbs such effects and gives smoother gameplay. 

A graphite shaft has its benefits. They are lightweight and can easily be handled and increase the distance by giving the shot more power.

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They have a higher torque, which gives the golfer comfort and a feeling of easiness while playing.

The shafts also have higher flex, which increases the property of giving power to the shots as well as reduces the amount of injury that can be done during a mishit.

They are preferred people with slow swing speed as it matches their tempo and also increases the distance by a few yards.

The disadvantages of using this shaft also come with its benefits. They are less durable because they are lightweight and have a higher flex.

The torque is in the range 1-8o, which also decreases the accuracy of the shot, and the proper hit can become a bad shot.

People with high speed do not prefer this because they might miss the shot due to the property that it provides more power. 

graphite shafts

Main Differences Between Steel and Graphite Shafts

  1. The steel shaft is more rigid and weighs around 100-120gms, whereas the graphite shaft weighs quite less and is in the range of 60-70gms. 
  2. The steel shaft is quite durable due to being heavyweight, whereas the graphite shafts easily break due to having less weight and more flex.
  3. The steel shafts have less torque, which is in the range of 1-3°, and it provides the shaft more control and lessens comfort, but for graphite shafts, it is quite the opposite. It is more comfortable due to more torque, which is in the range of 1-8°. 
  4. The flex for the steel shaft is quite low and enables it to have more accuracy and less power and is preferred by people having a high-speed tempo. On the other hand, graphite shafts have high flex, which reduces their accuracy but increases their power and is therefore preferred by people who have a slow speed tempo. 
  5. Steel shafts are less expensive and have more feels due to having high feedback and can also cause injuries due to a mishit, whereas graphite shafts have less feedback, which makes the shot smoother and can be used by people with hand or arm injuries. 
Difference Between Steel and Graphite Shafts

Last Updated : 01 September, 2023

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8 thoughts on “Steel vs Graphite Shafts: Difference and Comparison”

  1. I’m not convinced that steel shafts are more durable than graphite shafts, given that graphite shafts easily break due to less weight and higher flex. I disagree with the comparison.

  2. Ironic. Graphite shafts are described as less durable due to their lightweight and higher flex, yet they are mentioned as lightweight, easy to handle, and increasing distance. Contradictory attributes.

  3. Sarcastically humorous. It’s amusing how the post presents the steel shaft as providing higher feedback and making the professional golfer ‘feel alive and full of energy.’ Truly priceless.

  4. This is a great comparison indeed. The post has successfully explained the benefits and drawbacks of each shaft in a concise manner. Thank you!

  5. The benefits and drawbacks of steel and graphite shafts are well-presented in this post, providing a nuanced understanding of the two types. Well-done!

  6. The comparison table provided is excellent and gives a clear overview of the differences between steel and graphite shafts. Impressive work!


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