T20 vs ODI: Difference and Comparison

T20 and ODI are the two events in cricket.

T20 is the most recent arrangement of cricket that launched a decade ago, while the ODI cricket design is an old variant. T20 cricket matches have just 20 overs altogether, while the ODI matches have 50 overs.

Key Takeaways

  1. T20 (Twenty20) and ODI (One Day International) are formats of limited-overs cricket, with T20 matches consisting of 20 overs per side and ODIs having 50 overs per side.
  2. T20 matches are shorter and more fast-paced than ODIs, emphasizing aggressive batting and quick scoring.
  3. T20 and ODI cricket formats have gained popularity for their exciting gameplay and spectator-friendly nature compared to traditional Test cricket.

T20 vs ODI

T20 is a faster-paced game, with each team trying to score as many runs as possible in a short while. ODI is a more strategic game, with teams balancing the need to score runs with preserving wickets. T20 requires a more aggressive approach, while ODI allows for more strategic play.

T20 vs ODI

T20 is called the short game format in cricket, which was introduced by the England Cricket Board in the year 2003. In this format, the two teams have solitary innings to play, which goes on for 20 overs.

The typical T20 match can keep going for three to four hours. This arrangement is a lot more limited than the ODI and different configurations of cricket.

ODI represents the “One Day International” is played among the teams at the International level.

The two groups have a proper measure of overs which is 50 over the ordinary ODI match can take up to nine to ten hours. ICC 50-50 world cup, is after every four years is played in this format.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonT20 ODI
Total OversThe match is played for a total of 20 overs.The match is played for a total of 50 overs.
Format It is the latest format in cricket that was introduced in the year 2003.It is the older format in cricket that was introduced in the year the 1970s.
No of overs (per baller) Each baller gets 4 overs in total.Each baller gets a total of 10 overs.
PowerPlayThere is a single Powerplay.There is three Powerplay.
Total Time for MatchIt takes three to four hours to complete the match.It takes nine to ten hours to complete the match.

What is T20?

T20 is called a Twenty-20 match where the two groups play innings for an aggregate of 20 overs. This type of format was introduced by the England Cricket Board in the year 2003.

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It is also called the shorter format in cricket compared to another format like ODI Test Series.

At present, Twenty-20 matches are played on the International level. However, some coordinates are played in the homegrown additionally with a similar arrangement.

For instance, the IPL (Indian Premier League), played in India, depends on the T20 design.

A typical T20 match can require as long as four hours to finish the match. Each innings can last up to 90 minutes, depending on the conditions of the match.

This sort of format comprises a single PowerPlay played from first over to the sixth over. The bowlers in the T20 match get just four overs to bowl.

Additionally, in a T20 match, there is a condition for the fielding team. If the 20th over is not thrown within seventy-five minutes, then the batting team gets extra six runs.  

On the off chance if the T20 match gets tied, because of some reason, both the groups get a super over, the group that makes the most runs in the super over is declared as the winner.

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What is ODI?

ODI stands for the “One Day International”. It is one of the older formats in cricket which is still being played among the teams.

The ODI matches have total innings of 50 overs, in which both the teams bat and bowl for 50 overs. ODI match is completed in around 8-9 hours.

This type of format in cricket; was first introduced in the year; the 1970s. ICC cricket world cup that holds after every four years is being played, in ODI format.

In ODI format, the baller gets ten overs to bowl, and there are a total of three PowerPlay that takes place in the ODI format.

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The 1st PowerPlay is for ten overs, then the 2nd and 3rd PowerPlay is played for 5-5 overs each. Over here, the batting and balling team have the option to choose PowerPlay.

In an ODI match, if the match gets tied due to any reason, then both team gets 1-1 points, as there is no super over.

During the first ten overs, the fielding team has to keep the two fielders outside the 30 yards circle, then for the next 40 over, the four fielders need to be outside the 30 yards circle, and in the final ten overs, a total of 5 fielders need to be kept outside the 30 yards circle.


Main Differences Between T20 and ODI

  1. T20 is the most recent configuration in cricket, which was introduced by the England Cricket Board in the year 2003, while the ODI is the more seasoned alliance in cricket that was introduced in the year the 1970s.
  2. In T20 format, the total innings are 20 overs, while in the ODI format, the total innings are 50 overs.
  3. The T20 format has only one PowerPlay, i.e. P1, whereas the ODI format has a total of three PowerPlay, i.e. P1, P2, and P3.
  4. In T20 format, a bowler gets a total of 4 overs to bowl, while in the ODI format, a bowler gets a total of 10 overs to bowl.
  5. If the match; gets tied due to some reason in the T20 format, then the super over decides which team will win, whereas in the ODI format both, the team gets 1-1 point each.
  6. T20 format takes less time, while the ODI series takes a long time to complete the innings.
Difference Between T20 and ODI
  1. https://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/events/MLSA16/slides/06_Madan_Gopal.pdf
  2. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/1065/1/012040/meta

Last Updated : 18 July, 2023

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