Teak Wood vs Sheesham Wood: Difference and Comparison

Woods in furniture manufacturing has a very long history. Woods have always been used to manufacture furniture of different types depending on what kind of wood is being utilized.

Some woods are sturdy while some are not. Teak wood and Sheesham wood are also two types of woods used worldwide to make various types of stuff.

Key Takeaways

  1. Teak wood is a highly durable and weather-resistant hardwood, making it ideal for outdoor furniture, decking, and boat construction.
  2. Sheesham wood, also known as Indian Rosewood, has a distinct grain pattern and rich color, making it a popular choice for indoor furniture and decorative items.
  3. While both kinds of wood are termite-resistant and strong, teak wood is more expensive and requires less maintenance than Sheesham wood.

Teak Wood vs Sheesham Wood

Teak wood is a robust and long-lasting tropical hardwood that resists deterioration and insects, making it perfect for outdoor furniture. Sheesham wood, also known as Indian rosewood, is a durable and long-lasting hardwood with a characteristic grain pattern that is commonly used in furniture production.

Teak Wood vs Sheesham Wood

Teak wood is acquired from the tree found in tropical areas that belongs to the family known as Lamiaceae. Teak wood is a hardwood and becomes available to be harvested almost in twenty years.

That is one of the major reasons why Teak wood is so expensive. It is used to manufacture many types of furniture and other stuff.

Sheesham wood is acquired from a native tree in India and southern Iraq. This tree is known as Indian rosewood and grows quite rapidly.

The size of the Sheesham tree can vary depending on many factors. It can be found at any place in India. Also, Sheesham wood is used a lot in furniture.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonTeak WoodSheesham Wood
SourceTeak woods are branches and trunks of the Teak tree from the Lamiaceae family. Sheesham woods are branches and trunks of Sheesham tree from the Fabaceae family.
WeightTeak wood is heavier and that’s why they are used to make big pieces of furniture. Sheesham wood is lighter than Teak and is used to make small objects with different shapes.
DurabilityTeak wood has enough amount of natural oil that makes it less prone to moisture and rot. Sheesham woods contain a high amount of water already inside of them and that’s why they are less durable than Teak.
CostTeak woods provide all the features of Sheesham with advanced level and that’s it is quite expensive. Sheesham wood is a cheaper option if a person does not want to spend extra bucks on furniture.
ColourBy taking a closer look, it is observed that Teak woods have a golden and honey brown color. Sheesham woods comes in golden, brown, and reddish-brown colors that look beautiful.

What is Teak Wood?

Teak wood is the product of the Teak tree which is also known as Tectona grandis. Tectona grandis is a native tree in southeast Asia.

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Teak wood is compact and close-grained wood that becomes more desirable to the making of different types of furniture. The color of teak wood is golden with a smooth texture.

Apart from being beneficial in furniture manufacturing, Teak wood is a very rich and firm source of oil and rubber. And because it contains natural oil and rubber, it becomes very durable and strong.

Teak wood can be impermeable in conditions of extreme weather, it is water-resistant and does not rot easily.

Also, Teakwood does not require frequent maintenance since it is already a very long-lasting type of wood. The teak tree can grow up to 50 meters and has a lifespan of about 100 years long.

This tall tree is deciduous and is resistant to any type of cracking, fungus, splitting, weathering, termites, etc.

It takes around 20 years for a teak tree to become a proper tree from a plant. Looking at its durability and density, the Teak tree is considered to be one of the fastest-growing trees. The furniture made of Teak wood appears very nice.

teak wood

What is Sheesham Wood?

Sheesham wood is one of the most preferred wood for furniture. It is very pliable and durable. Sheesham wood can be molded into any form.

Due to its durability, Sheesham wood furniture is long-lasting and gives a very classical look. Most of the beds are made from Sheesham wood.

This wood comes in the category of hardwoods and by hardwood, one can understand the fact that is obtained from dicot trees. Sheesham wood comes in a brown and reddish color, it can be golden as well.

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There are visible dark streaks on the Sheesham wood that are known as wood marking.

The interlocked grain structure of the Sheesham wood makes it sturdy and durable. Sheesham Woods have always been in high demand because it has multiple uses.

It is used worldwide for carvings due to its pliability feature since it becomes easier to make a different beautiful shape on Sheesham wood.

One of the major specifications of Sheesham wood is that it is termite-resistance that can be useful if a person is intending to keep the furniture for a long period.

Termites are a huge disease for wood furniture. Yet it is suggested that the Sheesham wood furniture should not be exposed to excessive temperature.

sheesham wood

Main Differences Between Teak Wood and Sheesham Wood

  1. The uses of Teak woods are making outdoor furniture, boats, veneers, decks, etc. While the uses of Sheesham wood are making indoor furniture, small objects, beds, etc.
  2. The other names Teak woods are known as is Tectona grandis and Shagwan woods. While Sheesham woods are also known as rosewood and Dalbergia sissoo.
  3. Teak wood has order known as Lamiales and belongs to the Lamiaceae family. On the other hand, Sheesham wood has Fabales order and belongs to Fabaceae.
  4. It takes around 20 years for Teak to become a full-grown tree. On the other hand, Sheesham three takes about five to ten years to become a tree.
  5. Teak wood takes a longer time to grow and has additional features, that’s why they’re expensive. While Sheesham woods are cheaper compared to Teak.
Difference Between Teak Wood and Sheesham Wood
  1. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10086-010-1164-8
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359836818327136

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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