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To live a life of abundance, you must always maintain a healthy lifestyle. As you grow older, your body may lose important nutrients, necessitating supplementation. Of course, a well-balanced diet and nutrient-dense foods can aid to some extent. However, a few collagen supplement firms can help you improve your health and well-being. People keep an eye out for brands like Vital Proteins and Primal Kitchen Collagen.

Key Takeaways

  1. Vital Proteins and Primal Kitchen Collagen are both brands of collagen supplements.
  2. Vital Proteins offers a wider range of collagen supplements than Primal Kitchen Collagen.
  3. Primal Kitchen Collagen uses grass-fed cows as the source of collagen, while Vital Proteins uses a variety of sources, including cows, fish, and chickens.

Vital Proteins vs Primal Kitchen Collagen

Vital Protein is a brand that offers a range of collagen-based nutritional supplements, including powders and capsules. Primal Kitchen Collagen is a line of collagen-based dietary supplements produced by Primal Kitchen, a company that specializes in creating natural and healthy food products.

Vital Proteins vs Primal Kitchen Collagen

Collagen, proteins, and amino acids are just a few supplement elements in Vital Proteins. Both type 1 and type 2 collagen can be found in most Vital proteins Collagen powder products. Bovine hides are known to be used in the production of vital proteins. Because the powder does not dissolve uniformly, the Vital Proteins Collagen powder may create digestive troubles in the body. The Vital Proteins Collagen powder has “whey” as one of the key constituents.

Only collagen powder is available as a supplement from Primal Kitchen. Collagen type 1 and three bovine peptides make up Primal Kitchen Collagen. The monk fruit extract is commonly used in the production of Primal Kitchen Collagen. Konjac Root is found in Primal Kitchen Collagen, which impacts gut health and can cause stomach aches and other problems. Primal Kitchen Collagen powder does not contain whey.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonVital ProteinsPrimal Kitchen Collagen
Supplements ProducedCollagen, proteins and amino acidsCollagen powder
Collagen types presentType 1 and type 2 collagenType 1 collagen and 3 bovine peptides.
Key ingredientBovine HidesMonk fruit extract
Health issues causedCause digestive issues in the body.Cause stomach pain and horrible gastric issues.
WheyWhey is presentWhey is absent

What is Vital Proteins?

Collagen, proteins, and amino acids are just a few of the supplements available at Vital Proteins. Both type 1 and type 2 collagen can be found in the majority of Vital proteins Collagen powder products. Bovine hides are known to contain vital proteins. 

Because the powder does not dissolve evenly, the Collagen powder by Vital Proteins may create digestive problems in the body. The major ingredient of Vital Proteins Collagen powder is “whey.”

Your skin will become healthier as a result of using these items. Consuming this regularly will have marked improvements in nails and hair. Your joint tissues will recover, allowing you to be as flexible as you once were.

The supplements from Vital Proteins can also help you regenerate your hair if you’ve lost it. Yes, it aids those who are afflicted with baldness. Not only that, but it’s entirely safe for both men and women to gain weight. Please see your doctor if you are pregnant and want to take these supplements.

vital proteins

What is Primal Kitchen Collagen?

Only collagen powder is available from Primal Kitchen as a supplement. Primal Kitchen Collagen is made up of type 1 collagen and three bovine collagen peptides. The monk fruit extract is known to be used in the manufacture of Primal Kitchen Collagen. Konjac Root is found in Primal Kitchen Collagen, which impacts gut health and causes stomach pain and terrible gastric troubles. In the case of Primal Kitchen Collagen powder, whey is not present.

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Coconut milk is the key source of healthy fat in Collagen Fuel, which helps to stave off hunger for hours. Only the cleanest components are used in their recipes. There are no fillers, preservatives and free from artificial additives. Collagen Fuel is a sugar-free and low-carb protein drink. It contains monk fruit extract as a sweetener. Collagen Fuel protein shakes are ideal for supporting healthy hair, nails and skin. While it also enhances the body’s natural ability to mend tendons, muscles and joints.

primal kitchen collagen

Main Differences Between Vital Proteins and Primal Kitchen Collagen

  1. Vital proteins provide various supplement ingredients such as collagen, proteins and amino acids. On the other hand, Primal Kitchen provides supplements in the form of collagen powder only.
  2. In most of the products of Vital Proteins Collagen powder, both type 1 and type 2 collagen is present. However, Primal Kitchen Collagen consists of type 1 collagen and 3 bovine peptides of collagen.
  3. Both types of collagen powders, Vital Proteins and Primal Kitchen Collagen Powder, are great for those people who are on a keto diet. However, it is paleo-friendly as well.
  4. Vital proteins are known to make use of Bovine Hides. On the other hand, Primal Kitchen Collagen is known to use monk fruit extract in the preparation.
  5. The Collagen powder by the Vital proteins may cause digestive issues in the body, as the powder does not get dissolved evenly. On the other hand, in the case of Primal Kitchen Collagen, Konjac Root is present, which affects gut health leading to stomach pain and horrible gastric issues.
  6. “Whey” is one of the main ingredients that are present in the Vital Proteins Collagen powder. However, it is absent in the case of Primal Kitchen Collagen powder.
Difference Between Vital Proteins and Primal Kitchen Collagen

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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.